Huo Wenyao didn't force it. He turned to face the crowd and began to speak, saying:"Everyone, you all know why I did what I did some time ago. Many of you even want to get rid of me with your own hands.

" Deng Tianfu's expression changed, and he suddenly felt like sitting on pins and needles. He immediately wanted to stand up and apologize to Huo Wenyao.

There are many people like him.

But Huo Wenyao's next words reassured them a lot.

Just listen to Huo Wenyao continue:"But it's understandable, because you didn't know what I was going to do at that time, and thought that I really wanted to kill you all. If I were you, I would definitely think so, so this A piece of cake"

"The matter is over, I will not pursue anyone again, please rest assured. There is not much meaning in enmity and revenge. In doing business, peace is still the most important thing."

"Okay, let’s get down to business."

"Jimi, how do associations like ours work? For example, newspaper and magazine distribution associations."

Zhan Mi quickly explained the operation methods of the distribution association, including the obligations and responsibilities of the distribution association, and how to make money is the top priority.

Huo Wenyao's A goods association is actually the same as the distribution association. They are both monopolies. Formulate industry rules and make crazy money from them.

The distribution association is mainly divided into two parts, one is the more than 20,000 newsstand men in Hong Kong, and the other is the main body of the distribution association.

Their main job is to distribute magazines.

After each magazine is launched , will pass through their hands and be delivered to more than 20,000 newsstand workers. The current general director Hu Youwei is one of the founders of the Distribution Association and owns nearly 25% of the shares of the Distribution Association. Previously,

Zhan Mi said that transportation is This stuff doesn't make money, even the general director of the distribution association only makes millions every year.

This is wrong.

Take"Feng Yue" as an example, each copy sells for 10 yuan, and the newsstand guy gets it for 9.5, and he can earn 5 per copy. However, the distribution association got it for RMB 9.1, which means that they only need to run errands to earn RMB 4 from each copy.

《"Feng Yue" has a monthly circulation of 700,000 copies, that's 280,000!

Of these 280,000, the person who was in charge of running the errands could keep a small change, but most of it was eaten up by the distribution association, and this was just a magazine. Of course, dozens of other magazines did not have the terrifying sales volume of"Feng Yue", but they were better than The numbers are terrifying.

Assuming that the average monthly sales volume of 60 magazines is 100,000 copies, the monthly sales volume is 6 million copies. The profit difference earned by the distribution association for each volume is calculated as 2.5 cents. The other 60 magazines also have 1.5 million copies.

Adding in"Feng Yue", it's 1.78 million.

In fact, the Distribution Association extracts at least 2 million per month and at least 50 million per year. Hu Youwei can only get a few million per year from the Distribution Association alone. It is not that this thing is not profitable, but that his shareholding is small.

50 million per year is not a small cake, he just doesn't have the ability to eat more.

3A Business Company is the Distribution Association. Although Huo Wenyao currently holds 80% of the shares, when the pie gets bigger and bigger, there will definitely be people who want to enter the market, and he also needs people with backgrounds to enter the market.

This is both a compromise and a win-win situation, and it is also a stepping stone for Huo Wenyao to step into the upper class and build a network of contacts.

By then, Huo Wenyao's shareholding will definitely decline.

Need to plan ahead.

Don't put your eggs in one basket.

3A business needs more people to participate, but for Express Express, Huo Wenyao has no plans to let other people participate for the time being. When it develops in the future and needs funds, capital will be allowed to enter the market.

After listening to Zhan Mi, Huo Wenyao asked:"Zhan Mi, how much of the profit distributed by the distribution association from the magazine accounts for the magazine's net profit?"

Zhan Mi said:"8% to 12%%!"

Huo Wenyao smiled and said:"If it's not too exaggerated, then our A Cargo Association will take the median and set it at 10%. Of this 10%, 70% will be classified as Instant Express and 30% will be classified as 3A Business , calculated as a single item"

"For example, for a merchant that produces product A, the ex-factory price of a single product is 250 yuan, and the minimum selling price is 350 yuan. Calculated according to the minimum standard, the price difference is 100 yuan, and 10% is 10 yuan. Of these 10 yuan, 7 yuan is the instant delivery. The transportation fee, 3 yuan is the management fee of 3A business"

"We have set the lowest selling price in accordance with product standards, and we will calculate it based on the lowest selling price. If you can sell something with a minimum price of 350 yuan for 400 yuan, that is your skill. Not only will I not charge you a penny more, but I will also say congratulations."

"This is what I want to talk about. What do you think?"


As soon as Huo Wenyao's proposal came out, everyone was shocked.

Being able to monopolize an industry, just like a distribution association, definitely means making money. They were also mentally prepared, but no one expected that Huo Wenyao would do this. Play.

They are still thinking about making contributions or injecting capital in the future, so that they can hold a certain share in 3A Business and get a piece of the cake. What Huo Wenyao is doing now is to get a share of the cake before they are qualified enough. Cut off a big piece. A single piece of clothing is pulled from the factory to the store warehouse. It is a big cart. How dare you charge 7 yuan for a single piece?

Is your transport truck studded with diamonds?

Zhan Mi and Yao Keke also They looked at Huo Wenyao in shock.

Only then did the two of them suddenly realize that Huo Wenyao's intention of splitting logistics and transportation from the A Cargo Association was that logistics and transportation were just one of them. This was obviously to prepare for a rainy day and get the biggest piece first. Cake!

Lu Qichang and Huang Zhicheng also looked at Huo Wenyao in confusion.

After a moment,

Huang Zhicheng sighed softly:"Old Lu, this guy has such a big appetite, isn't he afraid of dying? Lu

Qichang shook his head and said:"Don't ask me, and don't worry that he will die. This is not the first time this has happened. If he died, he would have died long ago.""

"Also, Ah Yao has come so far, but he has risked his wealth and life. If it is not to make money, is it for charity? Just want to help these guys? Don't be stupid, it's impossible to imagine everything with your toes."

Huang Zhicheng was silent, indeed.

Huo Wenyao looked at everyone calmly and asked again,"Everyone, do you have any opinions?

Deng Tianfu responded loudly and said:"No!""

"If it weren't for Mr. Huo, there would be no Association of A-level products, let alone this conference! Mr. Huo’s request is reasonable and reasonable, and I absolutely agree! I believe no one with a bad heart would object!!"

The corners of other people's mouths twitched.

You are paralyzed!

"agree!"Just do as Mr. Huo said!"""I agree!"

After Deng Tianfu took the lead, the others no longer hesitated and expressed their opinions one after another.

Huo Wenyao had no reaction and just said calmly:"Okay, let's do it. Jimi, you continue"

"Okay, Brother Yao."Zhan Mi said.

Huo Wenyao stood up and left.

When he walked through the red carpet and came to the last row, when he saw Lu Qichang and Huang Zhicheng, his expressions became very strange.

How free do you two guys have?

Damn! Still! Isn’t it all your fault?

Lu Qichang stared at Huo Wenyao, with nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine thoughts in his heart.

The two met their eyes and communicated silently.

After the exchange, Lu Qichang and Huang Zhicheng also stood up and left with Huo Wenyao.

On the way,

Lu Qichang vented a lot, and then got down to business and said with a chuckle:"Ayao, congratulations, you are now not only the King of Salty and Shit and the King of Tsim Sha Tsui East, but also the King of A-grade goods. Although it surprises me that you can carry it through, I am very happy.

Huo Wenyao had no reaction and said casually:"Thank you." Lu

Qichang's mouth twitched and he said:"Hey, you have three titles of 'King' now. Why don't you be so calm and give me some reaction?""

Huo Wenyao didn't answer.

Lu Qichang no longer asked for trouble. Before leaving, he looked at Huo Wenyao sincerely and said,"Ayao, let me ask you something, okay?

Huo Wenyao asked curiously:"What's the matter?" Lu

Qichang said speechlessly:"What else could it be? The Chinese New Year will be celebrated in three months. Can you not just make such a shocking battle casually?""

"I'm worried that if you keep playing like this, I'll really have a heart attack from you."

"Besides, now that your business is so big, wouldn’t it be nice to stay out of the political and political affairs and concentrate on your business from now on?

Huo Wenyao smiled and said,"Okay!""

Having said that, Huo Wenyao turned around and bent down to get into his car.

In fact, there was no need for Lu Qichang to say that Huo Wenyao thought the same way.

During this period, he was too popular, and he should indeed be more low-key. In addition, he integrated A-grade clothing and sports In the shoe market, the existing industry must be stabilized.

The right way is to relax and expand.

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