"I'm going to kill you all!!"

Watching his two brothers being killed, Tony's eyes were bloodshot and he roared angrily.

Tian Yangsheng and Tony were fighting each other.

The two of them struck fast and hard, and every move was a desperate move. Tian Yangsheng didn't spare any effort. But Tony is not a vegetarian either. Now he has gone all out and unleashed all his potential.

Even Tian Yangsheng would not have been able to take him down in a short time.

However, Tian Yangsheng’s skills exceeded Huo Wenyao’s expectations. If it weren’t for Tony Adopting a life-threatening fighting style of exchanging injuries for injuries, there is no way he can be Tian Yangsheng's opponent.

Tian Yangsheng is very strong!

Compared with the skill of beating the three protagonists shown in the original plot, the difference is that at that time His moves are more skillful and agile, and now he is full of youthful enthusiasm, and every move is done with all his strength.

His fighting style is extremely fierce, not only cruel to his opponents, but also to himself!

Tony is trapped in In a desperate situation, he was forced to flee, but Tian Yangsheng fought for his life instinctively. His skills were on par with Luo Tianhong's, but his ruthlessness was something Luo Tianhong didn't have. Huo Wenyao, Zhan Mi, and Luo Tianhong were speechless.

"That rascal……"

Luo Tianhong frowned and said,"Brother Yao, his style of fighting is too harmful to the body. It will be fine in a short period of time. He is young and can handle it, but if he fights until he is fifty, his body will have a big problem." Lots of mistakes"

"Um. Huo

Wenyao also saw it and explained:"Tianhong, their experience is different from yours. You found a famous teacher and practiced step by step, but they are different." From birth, they learn killing skills"

"If it weren't for this, let alone fight until they were fifty, they wouldn't even be able to live until they were twenty. They live in a world where either kill or be killed, there is no third option."

Luo Tianhong was silent.

He was born in a housing estate and his family was not in a good situation. But by chance, he met a master of swordsmanship, who was his master. Seeing that he had excellent bones and a strong will, he took him away from Hong Kong Island. Teach him martial arts.

Originally, he thought that his life experience was miserable enough, but compared with these people in front of him, it seemed to be nothing at all. It was a miserable competition, and they won.

As for this, Luo Tianhong felt mixed, and he was quite confused about whether to laugh or cry.

Huo Wenyao said :"Tony’s lose-lose style of play may seriously injure Tian Yangsheng. Tianhong, take action"


Luo Tianhong responded.

Huo Wenyao has never had any idea of ​​​​Tian Yangsheng. Tony fights alone and does not allow others to participate. He has seen the skills of the God-given Seven Sons and they are very sharp. Since the goal has been achieved, it is best not to let anything happen again. Accident.

Tony is about to become a dead person, because it is not cost-effective for a dead person to have an accident.

However, the accident happened anyway.

Huo Wenyao gave the order, and Luo Tianhong immediately took action. Tian Yangsheng and Tony, who were fighting, realized that Luo Tianhong He is about to intervene.

Tony is desperate.

He can hardly bear this guy Tian Yangsheng. If Luo Tianhong takes action again, he will definitely die.

Tian Yangsheng feels ashamed, and his face becomes more and more ferocious!

If Huo Wenyao's people really take action, he feels ashamed Shang Wuguang didn't say anything to prohibit Luo Tianhong from taking action, but he just hit harder with a three-pointer.

Bang bang bang!!

The shadows of the fists and legs of the two people intersected. In the blink of an eye, countless moves were passed, and there was almost no defense. In the crazy fight, but now, Tian Yangsheng has the upper hand. He is completely suppressing Tony.


But with a muffled sound, Tian Yangsheng beat Tony back steadily, and kicked out, hitting Tony in the chest!

Tony hit the wall hard!

Tian Yangsheng didn't give Tony any chance. When the latter hit the wall, he immediately Flying towards each other, Tony's reaction was as fast as lightning. He saw Tian Yangsheng flying towards him and immediately counterattacked.

The two of them crossed each other leg to leg, fist to fist, and froze temporarily. No one could do anything to the other.

Tony was wrong.

Huo Wenyao, Luo Tianhong, and Zhan Mi also all thought wrong.

At the moment of the stalemate, Tian Yangsheng bit Tony's neck without hesitation, and wow! He used his own teeth to tear off a piece of meat from Tony's neck, ruthlessly Spit out on the ground.

Blood splattered and flowed out in large streams.


Tony's eyes widened in disbelief, and he let out an extremely miserable scream.

Tian Yangsheng's mouth was full of blood, and he slowly backed away.

There was deathly silence all around.

Tian Yangyi, Tian Yangzhi, Tian Yangen and others seemed to have been used to it for a long time. , there was no trace of surprise on his face, but the others were different. The others also included Huo Wenyao.

Luo Tianhong had just stepped out. When he saw this scene, he immediately forgot to put it down. He just hung in the air, looking at Tian Yangsheng in shock, and said to himself: This isn't fucking fighting for his life at all, this is treating himself like a beast.

At this moment, he suddenly understood Huo Wenyao's words more deeply.

He practices martial arts to pursue a higher realm, and he only needs to defeat his opponent, but in front of him This group of people is different. They are both humans and beasts. Everything they do is just to survive!

Zhan Mi was also amazed.

Killing people is nothing. Although he doesn’t like it, it’s not like he has never seen it before. I have never seen someone who would turn himself into a beast in order to kill his opponent.

He doesn’t know much about kung fu, but he knows it very well.

All Tian Yangsheng’s previous moves were feints, all paving the way for the shocking bite. This was not a flash of inspiration, but he had planned it like this from the beginning.

Huo Wenyao looked at Tian Yangsheng and fell silent.

Tian Yangsheng used such shocking methods to deal with Tony, but he acted like a normal person and made sure that Tony died. He turned around and walked up to Huo Wenyao and said calmly:"Brother Yao, if we can fulfill your request, can we follow you?"

"Yes, of course."

Huo Wenyao took out a handkerchief from his arms and handed it to Tian Yangsheng, then patted his shoulder and said softly:"Ah Sheng, thank you for your hard work. It doesn’t have to be this way in the future. From now on, you seven heaven-given sons will follow me"

"There is no need to say anything, not for me and neither for you. Who am I? You will know later if you read more and think more. I will also know who you are in the future."

"Come on, follow me back to East Tsim Sha Tsui."

Tian Yangsheng's eyes flashed with surprise. He thought that he still needed to show his loyalty, or that Huo Wenyao had to promise something to them, but he didn't expect that Huo Wenyao would react like this.

This is good.

Wait until you sit down in the white van. At that moment, Tian Yangsheng thought about these things, and suddenly smiled.

Don't worry about the three Tony brothers. They are just immigrants. If they die, no one will care. The only one who cares may be the five-year-old Xinji. Wang Bao, the head of the tiger.

He is waiting patiently for 'Mad Dog' Tony to pass.



Everyone took the bus back to East Tsim Sha Tsui. in the car.

Huo Wenyao knew the character of Tiansheng Seventh Son, so he chose to treat each other sincerely. The seventh brother and sister Tianyangsheng and Tianyangyi also felt his sincerity. Although they had just met for the first time, they quickly developed a liking for him.

Of course, it's not that simple to get them to completely trust you. It has nothing to do with Huo Wenyao. This is the environment in which they grew up, and no one can do it.

Huo Wenyao also knows, but he is not in a hurry. He still has plenty of time, so just take his time.

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