Lu Qichang glared and said:"Ayao, you are definitely joking, right? You have finally managed to achieve the same goal in East Tsim Sha Tsui for Tianci, and now you want to let other prefixes enter?"

Huo Wenyao sneered:"It's just that you think Tianci is the word Head, I never recognized it. I didn’t put other prefixes into the market, I just handed over Huang and Gambling... That’s not right. If it is divided according to the territory of Jianghu, this counts as putting other prefixes into East Tsim Sha Tsui. It doesn’t matter. Because I don't care. Again, God's gift is never the prefix"

"As for why I did this, the reason is very simple. In this era, Hong Kong Island is full of gold. I don’t have enough energy to do the right thing, so why do I want to take advantage of it?"

Lu Qichang was speechless. There was only one thought in his mind: What he said makes sense!

In terms of Huo Wenyao's ability, doing the right thing not only makes more money than fishing for side jobs, but it's also safer. You don't have to worry about having people sweep the place. Then Why does he still want to take advantage of others?

But for him, Lu Qichang, this is definitely not a good thing.

In East Tsim Sha Tsui, Huo Wenyao does everything, and because of his God-given discipline that far exceeds other prefixes, plus he does not touch drugs, loan sharking, kidnapping, Blackmail, whether it is public security or anything else, is unprecedentedly good!

It is precisely for this reason that Lu Qichang wishes that the entire Tsim Sha Tsui had the surname Huo.

But now, things have changed.

Huo Wenyao looked at Lu Qichang jokingly and continued:"I won't do it. You guys should be happy, why are you so surprised? It seems a little uncomfortable"

"Could it be that they are worried that the introduction of other prefixes will cause them a lot of trouble?"

"Don't worry, I can tell you responsibly... it will definitely happen. But that's your business and has nothing to do with me. It's your choice."

"So, you want to sweep the floor?

Huo Wenyao glanced at Huang Zhicheng and said,"Whatever!" No matter how big the trouble is, it has nothing to do with me. Although I have no obligation to help you identify yourself, for the sake of Sir Lu, I still help you. You are really a 24K pure gold idiot!"

Have said that.

Huo Wenyao didn't even look at Huang Zhicheng, whose cheeks were flushed, and turned around to leave.

Lu Qichang's lips moved, as if he was hesitant to speak.

He wanted to call out Huo Wenyao, but he didn't say it after all. Even if he called out Huo Wenyao, So what, tell him, Ayao, you did a good job, Tsim Sha Tsui Tianci Qingzi is also very good, can help us save a lot of trouble?

They threatened others with taking advantage of others, but in the end, they had no intention of taking advantage of others.

Now it’s interesting. No one else is doing it. Could it be that now Lu Qichang wants to tell Huo Wenyao that you should do these businesses better?


The current situation is actually very easy to understand.

Huo Wenyao’s situation is similar to that of"Dragon City" Zhan Mi in"Years and Years" is more like Zhan Mi. Zhan Mi has brains, can do business, makes money and is soft-handed. He doesn't want to do any nonsense and bother others, but all forces force him to do it. Wait for Zhan

Mi to have a book in his left hand and a book in his right hand. Butcher's knife, chopping up melons and vegetables to eliminate all competitors, and successfully take over and win the league.

What then?

He naively thought that he only needed to do it for two years, and then he would clear his name. His son would become a doctor and his daughter would become a lawyer, but he could no longer quit. , because He Liansheng cannot be defeated, but there are too many uncertainties in choosing a speaker every two years.

For the sake of stability, the best solution is to pass it down from father to son, and from son to grandson, like Xinji did, forever. Keep doing it as far as possible.

The difference between the two is that Zhan Mi has no choice at all, but Lu Qichang does not have that much energy. Huo Wenyao's fate is always in his own hands. no

…… office.

Five minutes after Huo Wenyao left, Lu Qichang and Huang Zhicheng still didn't say a word.

Both of them fell into silence.

Lu Qichang smoked three cigarettes in a row, then looked at Huang Zhicheng and said with a hint of sarcasm:"I have told you many times that Ayao is different from other big guys. Godsend can only be counted as half a word if he can survive. You still don't believe it. , what do you think now?"

Huang Zhicheng smiled bitterly:"What else can I think? I will be very busy in the future."

"Ah Huang, you are so stubborn!"

Lu Qichang had a straight face and reprimanded unceremoniously:"I know you hate evil, but you have to see the situation clearly! Face is given to each other. If we don’t give face to others, why should others give us face?"

"From now on, you have to think twice when doing things and speaking! Don't feel embarrassed that you were stepped on by Ah Yao, let alone think about revenge. You are no match for Ah Yao."

"I used to watch from the other side of the river and saw him scheming against Ni Kun, and I was very happy. But when he showed his fangs to me, I realized how Ni Kun felt. He knew Luo Ji's identity, but he kept it secret, just waiting for today. situation"

"If you want to take revenge, you won't be able to react if you are killed by him openly and openly! Huang

Zhicheng frowned and said:"Lao Lu, didn't you say that to deal with such people, if they are cruel, we should be more cruel than him?" Just like Lian Haolong"

"Holy shit!! Lu

Qichang was almost mad at Huang Zhicheng and shouted:"I'm really going to be mad at you. That's why I said you are too stubborn and can't see the situation clearly!" Can Lian Haolong compete with Fok Wenyao? He has become a fan of Lian Haolong and has done all sorts of evil things! Where is Huo Wenyao? Now he doesn't do any business with the prefix"Tsim Sha Tsui". He just wanted to protect himself. Tsim Sha Tsui is so safe in his hands. I wish the whole of Tsim Sha Tsui was his."

"Tell me, how does Lian Haolong compare?"

"Don’t you understand yet? He just wants to do business without any interference. This should have been our responsibility, but we didn’t do it. Is it wrong for others to protect themselves? We should be ashamed!!"

"Do you think they are too arrogant? We treated our brothers like that and they came to seek justice, so what if we were a little arrogant?"

"People are arrogant and have a sense of proportion. They only slapped you in the face, not me, the chief inspector. This is already someone else's face. It shows that he didn't want to get things done. What else do you want?"

Huang Zhicheng didn't think about anything. He just said in his heart,"Lao Lu, you can't hit your face in public, but I, Huang Zhicheng, can rub my face on the ground casually. Even I have to praise him for doing things to the best of his ability. It's really Know your sense of proportion.


"OK. Lu Qichang was in a irritable mood and was too lazy to say anything more. He waved his hand and said,"Aji has been an undercover agent for so many years. It's time for him to retire after his success. He will prepare his complaint materials, transfer him back to the police station, and promote him."

Huang Zhicheng said in surprise:"Old Lu, there's no need." We have agreed to Huo Wenyao's request, and he should not reveal Luo Ji's identity. Lu

Qichang glared at Huang Zhicheng fiercely, gritted his teeth and said:"Whether I can tame Aji or not, what does it have to do with Huo Wenyao?" His associate has been exposed, why should he still take chances and gamble on Huo Wenyao's character?"

"When did we become so mean when sending people to do things?"

As he spoke, Lu Qichang reached out and tapped Huang Zhicheng's chest hard,"As a human being, you must have a conscience! Huang

Zhicheng shuddered, knowing that Lu Qichang was already furious, so he nodded and did not dare to say more.

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