
Gentleman Sheng suddenly calmed down and said with a frustrated look on his face:"You don't recognize what Huo Wenyao said, but he is actually right in saying that the knife should not be hidden in the heart, but should be held in the hand. You know who I am, Gentleman Sheng, If you want to challenge me, I will definitely agree"

"It's obviously a very simple thing, you don't need to make it so complicated"

"Forget it, there is no point in talking about these things now... Now that we have talked about it, there is nothing we brothers have to do. I'll give you a chance to take revenge, right here, you and I, duel, no one can interfere."

A cold light flashed in Zhou David's eyes, and he said:"Okay! I want to seek revenge from you. This has nothing to do with Bixian and Heizi. They don’t know anything. Gentleman

Sheng nodded, indicating that he understood and would not implicate other people.

Taibaoqiu shouted:"Are you crazy? We are all brothers. You want to kill each other?"! David, this is what happens in Jianghu. Fighting and killing are inevitable. When you enter the gate of Hongle, you should forget what happened in the past.……"

David Zhou ignored him and had already drawn his sword.

The same goes for gentlemen.

Wang Bao was stunned. The previous situation had exceeded his expectations, and what happened now was beyond his imagination.

Shuanghuahongguan actually wanted to fight his own talker to death?

This thing is completely ridiculous no matter how you think about it, but it happened.

Thirteenth sister slammed the seat and said sternly:"Gentleman wins! You fool, do you know what you are doing? You, a dignified Hongle talker, actually want to accept the challenge of your own double red stick? You are not afraid of spreading the news. Make people laugh!"

"Even if you didn’t know before, now you know that David Zhou is a ruthless and rebellious boy. How can you talk about brotherhood with him?"

"You should enforce the family law and kill him with a knife!"

Gentleman Sheng smiled bitterly. He really made a mistake by inviting Thirteenth Sister. He can't even understand the current situation. How could Huo Wenyao expose David Zhou for no reason at this time? They just want to force him, Hong Le, to kill each other.

David Zhou There is no choice. After leaving the bar door, he will never have any chance for revenge.

He also has no chance, because Huo Wenyao will not allow it.

Just tonight.

Right here.

If he does not accept Zhou Dawei's one-on-one challenge, he will take action and force Accept it yourself.

Of course, if he can win, Huo Wenyao will not do anything to him.

He just triggered David Zhou's hatred in advance, just to watch a show.

It was only at this moment that Gentleman Sheng finally understood the meaning of Huo Wenyao's sigh earlier. , I really should have taken a gamble. Whether I killed Huo Wenyao or was killed, I would never kill each other like this between brothers.

Gentleman Sheng shook his head and ignored Thirteenth Sister.

Thirteenth Sister She was almost going crazy.

Hong Le and Hong Xing were very rich in incense money. Among all the Hong prefixes distributed by Hong Xing, the ones with the best development in recent years were Hong Zheng, Hong Le and Hong Yi. She herself was better than the gentleman. The relationship is even better, and I won’t leave it alone!

"Big male!"Thirteenth Sister gritted her teeth and shouted.

But the big hero had only taken two steps when Luo Tianhong came quickly, blocked the big hero, and said with a smile:"Thirteenth Sister, this is Hong Le's family matter, and you and Hong Xing have nothing to do with each other. What does it matter? Not all of them have the surname Hong, so they have to listen to you, right?"

"Also, you think my boss is just kidding, but here, you really don’t have the space to talk too much!"

"Want to step in? You have to ask my fist first."

The Thirteenth Sister was about to explode with anger, but she also knew that Da Zhixiong was definitely no match for Luo Tianhong. If she wanted to forcefully intervene, she would definitely be humiliating herself.

"Big male, come back."The Thirteenth Sister gritted her teeth.

The stage was vacated, and the duel between Gentleman Sheng and David Zhou officially began.

David Zhou's knife is very fast, but Gentleman Sheng is also not a vegetarian. He has brains, strong ability, and can also fight very well. This kind of all-round Talents of this size are already rare in the world.

If there was even a one-tenth chance, Huo Wenyao would fight for it and take him under his wing.

What a pity.

Five minutes later, the drama came to an end.

We all died together!

David Zhou's knife cut him open Blood splattered on Gentleman Sheng's neck, and Gentleman Sheng's knife slashed David Zhou's chest until blood dripped. The last knife struck David Zhou's heart, and both of them fell down. There was deathly silence all around.

Wang Bao , Thirteenth sister looked ugly.

Hong Lezi's eyes were full of confusion. Everything that happened tonight was beyond the scope of their heads.

Taibaoqiu was stunned, and he also didn't understand that it was just a negotiation, how could it turn into Like this now?

This is the world!

Gratitude and resentment are nothing more than this.

After watching this big drama, Huo Wenyao didn't stay any longer. He didn't even look at Wang Bao and Thirteenth Sister. He got up and left.

Luo Tianhong, Shaqiang, Xigui The others immediately followed.

A gentleman's victory over death eliminated all hidden dangers.

Hong Le's remaining miscellaneous soldiers were nothing to worry about. It was just a gentleman's victory over death. Plus Zhou Dawei and Shi Zhi, Hong Le's remaining soldiers were nothing to worry about. The impact is even greater, and the future decline can already be foreseen.

If Shishi wants to stand up for Hongxing and dares to provoke him casually, and Tianci lets him go casually, then wouldn’t other Hong characters think that Tianci is easy to bully and casually Anyone can be provoked?

This is the once and for all solution to Hong Zitou’s provocation.

Whoever dares to provoke will be defeated!

No matter what method is used



At twelve o'clock that night, Gooseneck led the people into Huayuan Street without encountering any obstruction.

Huayuan Street, henceforth named Huo.

Hong Le's side was plunged into an unprecedented turmoil. Three powerful men died overnight. Other characters took the opportunity to cross the line. Hong Le was devastated. The former talker Piao Ge came back and temporarily replaced Hong Le's talker.

Next, he had to deal with the onslaught of other prefixes.

The next day, Brother Piao sent his chief Ma Feiquan to East Tsim Sha Tsui to visit Huo Wenyao. He did not see Huo Wenyao, only Luo Tianhong. Hong Le's attitude was extremely respectful, even a little humble, and he apologized repeatedly. sameHe also said that Hong Le would never find trouble with Tianci again in the future, let alone take revenge. He hoped that Huo Wenyao would be noble and let Hong Le go.

It is enough to achieve this step.

Huo Wenyao has no intention of completely defeating Hong Le. Fierceness is one thing, but madness is another.

He had warned Luo Tianhong a long time ago, and Luo Tianhong also conveyed Huo Wenyao's willingness to coexist peacefully.

Both sides shake hands and make peace.

This incident also caused quite a stir in the world and shocked everyone, but this had nothing to do with Huo Wenyao. He didn't care about Jianghu affairs, and his work focus was still on goods A.

After taking over Huayuan Street, Zhan Mi's work went extremely smoothly.

He repeated Huo Wenyao's work two days ago and presided over the meeting to transform Huayuan Street. At the end of the meeting, Huayuan Street was incorporated into the A-product association system. Like Yunshui Street, Huayuan Street also elected two vice presidents.

On the second day after the meeting, the strange scene on Yunshui Street also happened on Huayuan Street. Most of the large shops were closed and renovated.

In the next more than half a month, Huo Wenyao's entire A-goods team focused on the decoration of the two streets and formulated various rules and regulations for the A-goods association. Everyone was busy.

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