Stonecutters Island, which belongs to Sham Shui Po District and is also one of the islands in Victoria Harbor, has a refugee camp. The Seven Sons of Tin Yang smuggled in and were temporarily resettled there.

Zhan Mi left quickly but came back late. He didn't come back until 7:30 in the evening.

It's nothing. Over at Huayuan Street, Tianci is contacting the store owner. It's a bit of a rush for the day. Today is just looking for someone. It will take time to notify everyone one by one. The formal meeting will not start until tomorrow.

Just like the Yunshui Street boss meeting, the time is also set at ten o'clock in the evening. Some bosses are hand-off shopkeepers, but more bosses are also store managers and have to do business during the day.

Huo Wenyao did not leave, but waited for Zhan Mi in his office.

As far as his current team is concerned, he still lacks top fighters. Li Jie and Peng Yixing have to be kept in the dark. If they are exposed, it is another question whether they are willing to do so. The gain outweighs the loss, because the effect of being in the dark is obviously greater..

On the surface, Luo Tianhong is the top fighter. Of course, 'Mad Dog' Tony is also very good at fighting, but he is not in Huo Wenyao's future blueprint and is only being used temporarily.

Of course Huo Wenyao himself is the best at fighting, but with his current status, he is no longer suitable for taking action.

You can't always have a tough battle to fight, and you don't have a few top fighters at your disposal, so you have to do it yourself as a big boss, right?

Too bad!

Nowadays, he no longer represents only himself, but the face of everyone under his command.

If he wins the God-given Seven Sons, he will be even more powerful and can immediately get rid of the three Tony brothers. Top-level beatings will no longer be a problem.

…… seven thirty.

Zhan Mi rushed back to the office, panting and sweating profusely, holding a stack of thick gray file bags in his hand.

He first handed the file bag to Huo Wenyao and said:"Brother Yao, I have checked all the information on those seven people. You can take a look first." Then he poured water by himself and drank two large glasses before he recovered.


Huo Wenyao responded, opened the file bag, and quickly browsed through the files of Tianyang's seven sons. Only then did he know the names of the remaining three.

These seven are: Tianyangsheng, Tianyangyi, Tianyangzhi, Tianyang'en, Tian Yangqi, Tian Yanghui, and Tian Yanghong are ranked according to age. Tian Yangsheng is the oldest, but he is only 22 years old now, and Tian Yanghong is the youngest, only 16 years old.

Tian Yang has seven sons, headed by Tian Yangsheng. He is not only The oldest, the most determined and ruthless in mind, and also the best in skills. There are seven people, five men and two women.

The two women are Tian Yangen and Tian Yanghong.

Then there is the relationship. None of the seven have father or mother. They only survived by sticking together. They have a deep relationship with each other, so deep that they are willing to take bullets for each other. Tian Yanghong is the youngest, the weakest, and the most dependent on his brother to take care of him.

The living environment in the housing estate is already harsh, but compared with the refugee camp In comparison, it is already considered a paradise.

The cause of the trouble between Tianyangsheng and Tianyangyi is simple. They traveled all the way and reluctantly crossed over. Tianyang was infected with red bacteria and had a high fever for three days. There was no treatment at the refugee camp. They wanted to send Tian Yanghong went to the hospital, but was not allowed to go to the hospital.

In order to save Tian Yanghong, they had a conflict with the police, but the result was not good. Not only did they fail to achieve their goal, they also sent themselves to a detention center.

Zhan Mi sat down.

After Huo Wenyao finished browsing the information of the seven people, he quickly reported:"I first went to the police station to vouch for Tian Yangsheng and Tian Yangyi. After learning about Tian Yanghong's condition, I sent her to the hospital. The little girl is really tenacious. After two bottles of intravenous drip, the high fever subsided immediately and I became lively and energetic again."

"Although these children have not studied for a few years, they are very smart and understand that there is no such thing as a free lunch."

"As soon as I guaranteed my health and righteousness, they took the initiative and said that no matter what I did, they were willing to follow me, even if I asked them to kill people, there was no problem. There was only one condition, and that was to save their sister."

How many children?

" Huo Wenyao laughed dumbly and joked:"Brother Zhan Mi, isn't it? Tian Yangsheng is one year older than you. If you call other people's children, do you want to be so exaggerated?""

Zhan Mi laughed, scratched his head, and said,"Am I really so swollen? No la."

In fact, this is normal. With Zhan Mi's current status, experience, and mentality, which is at least ten years ahead of his peers, Luo Tianhong would bow down in front of him. He said that the seven sons raised by Heaven are all children, and there is no problem at all.

In the end The obvious point is that if Zhan Mi is also a refugee now, he will be able to establish a foothold on Hong Kong Island within three months and turn around in less than a year.

This is the gap.

Huo Wenyao stopped joking and said:"Keep talking."

Zhan Mi said:"After doing these things, I spent another two thousand yuan to smoothen the relationship and take them out of the refugee camp. I helped them rent a house in Sham Shui Po, left them NT$3,000, and told them to stay on their own terms and do nothing, and then they came back."

"Brother Yao, what do you mean? I understand. We do want to accept them, and they themselves want to follow. But it does not mean that they want to follow. We will accept them immediately, because no one will cherish what they get for free."

"I think so too."

Zhan Mi was able to comprehend Huo Wenyao's meaning to such an extent. Huo Wenyao was not surprised at all. With Zhan Mi's current ability, it would be normal if he could comprehend it, and it would be strange if he could not comprehend it.

Huo Wenyao said:"Then what do you think of the seven of them? Sample?

Zhan Mi thought for two seconds and affirmed:"Not bad!" Unlike the three Tony brothers, they are not that ambitious. They just want to make a living and live well. At the same time, they also attach great importance to feelings, are more grateful, and are worthy of deep friendship."

"My judgment is that as long as we are sincere to them, they will also be sincere to us. Brother Yao, you are right, these people must be captured. Huo

Wenyao was in a good mood and joked:"Then all I can say is, congratulations, brother Zhan Mi, we have the same vision again.""

Zhan Mi laughed and said:"Haha! My pleasure!"

Deng Deng!

Just at this moment, a burst of rapid footsteps came. Luo Tianhong, Qian Qi, and Xi Gui came to kill them. They pushed the door open without knocking!

Luo Tianhong's face was extremely gloomy, and he gritted his teeth and said:"Yao. Brother, something happened on Huayuan Street! Silly Qiang and a dozen other brothers were detained by Hong Le! Grass! Hong Le's gang rushed to the streets with no intention of life and death. We had no intention of provoking them, but they actually dared to find trouble with us!"

Huo Wenyao looked over and saw that Xigui's head was wrapped in gauze. He had obviously been opened. He looked calmly and said,"What's the matter?"

Xi Gui's face was full of anger, and he quickly told the whole story.

The reason is very simple. Xi Gui, Shaqiang, Dabi Cai and other Tianci middle-level leaders followed Luo Tianhong's instructions to go to Huayuan Street to find the shop owners and inform them There will be a meeting tomorrow night. This is a normal thing.

Because Huo Wenyao has taken over all those stores and transferred the contracts. The store owners have all signed and they all know that the store they rented has changed its owner.

Huo Wenyao is the new landlord. , it is reasonable and reasonable to want to see their tenants.

The shop owners are also very cooperative, no one says no.

But just over an hour ago, Hong Le's red sticks and rocks came to kill him. When he saw Xi Gui, Sha Qiang and others, he asked Are they going to make trouble on Huayuan Street? Xigui, Shaqiang and others didn't want to make trouble, so they explained the matter.

But to their surprise, Shishi refused to let go, and his mouth was extremely smelly. He used all his taunting skills to say something. Fa Yuen Street is not East Tsim Sha Tsui. If you want to come to Hong Le's territory to cause trouble, you are not qualified enough.

Everyone is here to mess around, and their tempers are getting worse.

As a result, the two sides started fighting within two words.

Shishi was obviously early I was prepared and brought a total of 120 people over. Xigui, Shaqiang and others were no match. They were all beaten down. Xigui can come back because Shishi specifically let him come back to spread the word.

The domineering and arrogant Shishi brother wants to He asked Huo Wenyao to go to the Rose Bar in Mongkok to collect the person, and even threatened that he would not let the person go unless Huo Wenyao went there in person.

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