With the help of Zhou Xingxing and Cao Dahua, they had a clear grasp of the situation in the parking lot. Without hesitation, more than 30 police officers filed in from the parking lot gate in an offensive formation!

In a low-rise bungalow, Lin Dafei was drinking with his four confidants Jijiaozi and Sangbiao, his face full of anger.

"I'm holding his mother in my arms!"

"I've said it before, there's no need to check, it's just that fucking Huo Wenyao! You are a tiger among tigers in East Tsim Sha Tsui, you are so damn powerful, I will sweep you into a sieve tomorrow, how can you still be powerful? If you dare to trick me, Lin Dafei, you will retaliate with your life!!"

"Grass! Grass! Grass!!"

Chickenfoot Boy, Sangbiao and others laughed and said:"Brother Fei, don't be so angry. Anyway, that guy will become a dead person tomorrow. Why bother with a dead person?"

"That's right, Huo Wenyao is a little kid, how could he know the terror of Brother Fei?"

"He will definitely regret it tomorrow. The expression on his face will be very wonderful when the time comes. He will never imagine that we dare to do this when the limelight is so tight now, haha! Lin

Dafei gritted his teeth and said:"This is how you mess with me, Lin Dafei——" boom!!

Before Lin Dafei finished speaking, gunshots rang out, and then he heard his younger brother yelling in panic from outside the door:"Brother Fei! It's not good! Cops! There are so many cops, we are surrounded - bang!"

The shouting stopped suddenly, and the guy was shot in the head by Yuan Haoyun.

Every era has its own characteristics. In ten or twenty years, when the laws will become more and more perfect, even if there is a gunfight, the police will not kill their heads casually. The same is true for their daily training, but this era is different. They are more bloody.

The five people in the room were shocked and sober.

Lin Dafei looked stunned and immediately took out his Glock and said angrily:"Damn it! How could the note come so fast? Someone must have leaked the secret!! I'm talking about his mother! What kind of bastard made the second or fifth son?!"

With a sinister look, He glanced at the faces of the four henchmen including Chicken Foot Boy, Mang Biao, etc., making the four of them tremble in fear.

"not me!"

One guy responded with a trembling instinct and raised his hands. He was really afraid that Lin Dafei would lose his mind in anger and shoot himself randomly.

Mangbiao said:"Brother Fei, calm down! It’s unclear whether someone leaked the secret or it was for other reasons. Let’s escape first."

"Fight out!! Fight with them!"

Lin Dafei gritted his teeth and said.

It's impossible to fight. When Lin Dafei, Mangbiao, Jijiaozi and others rushed out of the small bungalow, they were completely dumbfounded. There were police officers everywhere, and the number was at least twice as many as them. Each one The policeman was still wearing a fucking bulletproof vest, which was no fun.

Although the main entrance was not blocked, there were still policemen guarding it. Going there was just to kill people.

Seeing this scene, Lin Dafei was half-hearted, but even so , he had no idea of ​​surrender, and retaliated decisively, shooting at the police.

Bang, bang, bang, bang - in an instant, there was loud gunfire in the Fuhe parking lot. This was a battle without any suspense. The police Based on the absolute crushing of numbers, equipment, and intelligence, the battle lasted less than five minutes and ended hastily.

Lin Dafei's side suffered heavy casualties, 24 people died, some were injured, some surrendered, and only the mourning standard was still protecting Lin Dafei.

The firepower of the police was too fierce. Although Lin Dafei was a villain, he seemed to have the aura of a protagonist. During the chaotic battle, he missed a single shot. The mourning bid was not so lucky. He was shot twice in the chest. He had more air coming out and less air coming in. Will die soon

"Abiao, Abiao!!"Lin Dafei shouted while holding on to Sangbiao.

Among the dozens of brothers, Sangbiao was the oldest with him. They had a deep relationship with each other. Sangbiao was also the most loyal. At the same time, he was relatively smart. Lin Dafei couldn't listen to anyone else's words, so only Sangbiao could. Occasionally, he would listen to Biao's words.

Sangbiao vomited blood and said with difficulty:"Brother Fei, I can't do it anymore, please leave quickly. It should, it shouldn't be that our brothers leaked the secret, the police officers, the police officers have been targeting us for a long time!"

Even if the mourning mark didn't say anything, Lin Dafei also reacted.

The people he sent just now were completely indiscriminate attacks. They showed no mercy to anyone. Anyone who dared to resist would be killed with one shot. How could someone leak the secret? But it is meaningless to say this now. , all of them are going to fucking die.

With his last breath left, Mangbiao said:"Brother Fei, turn off the headlights in the parking lot immediately and get out of the dog hole in the wall! Still, still, there is still a chance!!"

After that, give up your breath.

"right! Yep!!

Lin Dafei's eyes lit up and he shouted excitedly, saying:"I still have a chance!" Numb, what the hell is going on?! How could the policeman keep such a close eye on him? This is fucking impossible!!"

Amidst the complaints, Lin Dafei put down the mourning bid and quickly turned off the lights, not only the big lights in the open-air parking lot, but also the lights in the room.

Outside, the expressions of the policemen changed drastically!

No one expected that the lunatic Lin Dafei was still there. Have such quick wit

"Oops!!"Yuan Haoyun's pupils widened in vain, and he shouted,"Run it for me! We must not let that guy escape!!"The words were"rush for me", but when it came to action, no one was as fast as him.

Yuan Haoyun rushed out first!

Unfortunately, it was still too late after all.

Before Yuan Haoyun rushed over, a black shadow flashed out, and Lin Dafei used his own power to attack Fu. Knowing the terrain of the parking lot, he ran left and right in the gray moonlight, quickly throwing away the policeman and arriving at the dog hole.

Lin Dafei did not hesitate, and decisively got out of the dog hole and escaped. Yuan Haoyun and Zhou Xingxing were left with annoyed faces.

Half an hour later, the police searched every corner of the Fuhe parking lot but could not find Lin Dafei. Then they expanded the search area and discovered the dog that allowed Lin Dafei to escape. hole, everyone looked at each other, relatively speechless. They let that bastard escape again!

They were wrong.

Just on the wall of the parking lot, there was a pair of eyes paying close attention, and those eyes fell on Lin Dafei from beginning to end. Lin Dafei ran wildly in the parking lot, and he also ran dexterously along the wall, with agility and grace.

Until Lin Dafei got out of the dog hole, he couldn't help laughing, and secretly said:"Boss, I asked you to be accurate again. The situation is really unavoidable." Appeared……"

This person is none other than Li Jie.

Seeing Lin Dafei getting out of the dog hole and running for his life, Li Jie jumped down from the three-meter-high wall and chased after him quietly.



Twenty minutes later.

Lin Dafei had long ago thrown away his bloody coat, changed his clothes, and blended into the bustling streets of Wan Chai like an ordinary person.

He planned to go to Wan Chai Pier first, take the Star Ferry across the harbor, and then return to Kowloon Walled City to make plans.

People were coming and going on the overpass. Lin Dafei walked up and met a man wearing a peaked cap. He probably had some itch on the back of his neck. He bent his right hand behind his head and was scratching the itch.

When the two of them passed each other, the man just finished scratching his itch and took his hand back -


There was a sudden flash of cold light, and a small blade was clamped between the man's two fingers. The sharp blade cut through the blood vessels and arteries in Lin Dafei's neck like lightning.

"My boss's name is Huo Wenyao, and he asked me to say hello to you on his behalf."

The man said something without even looking at Lin Dafei, as if talking to himself.

Lin Dafei's eyes widened suddenly!

He had never taken Huo Wenyao seriously, but this time he heard the three words"Huo Wenyao" word, he felt deep panic for the first time.

It was probably a flashback.

His not-so-smart mind actually realized in an instant that all of this was a trap set up by Huo Wenyao!

The two of them passed by each other.


Lin Dafei's neck exploded without warning, and a wisp of blood was like a fountain or a sharp arrow, shooting in all directions!

The passers-by were shocked and stunned.

What followed was the panic-stricken screams of the passers-by, and they fled in all directions.

Lin Dafei instinctively covered his neck, dumbfounded, and turned around with difficulty, trying to find the man who cut his neck cleanly, but unfortunately, the man had already blended into the passers-by and disappeared.

He didn't even have that face. See clearly!

"Huo Wenyao, I haven’t even seen you yet……"

With only these words left in Lin Dafei's mind, he fell heavily to the ground.

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