Preface, in order to write this book, I checked a lot of information. In fact, a lot of it can be written in Cantonese, but there must be many parts that are incomprehensible when written. Who among ordinary readers will study this, so I gave up.

But I didn’t want to lose the flavor of the Hong Kong film, so I had to make a compromise and use it in certain specific places, such as a few character dialogues, but the narration should still be introduced in normal Mandarin, otherwise for me, the writing would be boring.

I wanted to write about Hong Kong movies a long time ago, but I just didn’t do it, and this is the reason why.

Because it is entirely in Mandarin, it lacks some of the feelings of watching Hong Kong movies back in the day. Besides, there are many people writing this kind of film, so someone has to write something a little different and stand out.

Furthermore, if you watch Hong Kong movies like Young and Dangerous, you should be able to feel that there are so many modal words.

What I want is that kind of Hong Kong movie atmosphere.

I am worried that some readers will not understand, so I will simply list some commonly used words. After reading this, there should be no obstacles when reading this book.

1. Baa: What. Examples: What are you doing/What are you doing/What’s the problem/What happened?

2. No (mǎo): No, no. Example: No problem

3. Zhong You: There are

4. Lao Dou: Dad

5. Lao Ding: The meaning of boss or boss

6. Cao Mu Ma: roughly translated, it means pick up your mother, pick up your mother, and pounce on your mother , To attack your mother is just a curse.

7. To get a job: to be promoted. 8. To find money, to find food: to work to make money.

9. 燇(dì) field: to look at the field, to see, to see.

10. Horse threshold, groom: This is easy to understand. Ma Yan is a low-level brothel, and grooms are chicken heads, old bustards

, and egg powders: timid, unworthy and unpromising little people.

In addition, there are other things that are easy to understand. For example, fighting on the street, fighting life and death, no effort but hard work, mahjong parlor (mahjong parlor), with the same voice, withholding the voice, crazy line (mental disorder, idiot), over-the-counter, waste wood...

These are all simple, Just say fight between life and death. These four words have such a good image and I like them very much.

That's it. Friends who can still see it, Laomao thanks you for your support. Without you, Internet writers are nothing.

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