Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, Huo Wenyao's sixth form career has passed for more than ten days, and his 18th birthday has also passed, officially entering the adult world.

18 years old is still quite important.

On that day, Huo Wenyao also took a day off and returned to East Tsim Sha Tsui to have fun with Jimi, Aren, Luo Tianhong and others.

Of course, the most important thing is my mother Jiang Meifeng.

In fact, Huo Wenyao didn't care about this matter and had no intention of doing it in a big way, but his mother didn't allow it. He had to return to East Tsim Sha Tsui to celebrate his birthday and solemnly informed Huo Wenyao of the company's legal change.

It was like a sacred handover ceremony. Jiang Meifeng's eyes were full of joy, and she even seemed to be frowning.

Huo Wenyao understood.

Hope your son will become a dragon, nothing more than this.

Of course, professional matters must be left to professional people. Yao Keke, the chief general, finally returned to his old profession and quickly took care of this matter, paying more attention to it than anything else.

After only missing one day to celebrate his birthday, Huo Wenyao crossed the sea again and returned to Edinburgh Middle School.

Hong Kong Island is not that big, but East Tsim Sha Tsui and Edinburgh are separated by Victoria Harbour, so it is troublesome to go back and forth every day. Therefore, Huo Wenyao bought a 210-square-meter duplex apartment in a high-end residential area in Causeway Bay.

This apartment is not cheap at all. It cost Huo Wenyao 1.26 million. Considering the prices of this era, it is ridiculously expensive!

Huo Wenyu also fulfilled his promise and bought his mother a villa in Diamond Hill in Wong Tai Sin, but he only spent 2.1 million..

You must know that it is a villa, a detached house, which is the most basic requirement. It is large in area and has many rooms. It also comes with various facilities such as gardens, swimming pools, and basketball courts. It is located halfway up Diamond Mountain and has a panoramic view of Hong Kong Island.

But when you consider that this is Causeway Bay, the most famous business district in Hong Kong, you can understand it.

Let’s not talk about whether such a duplex apartment will be available for sale two thousand years later. If it does, the unit price will soar to 100,000 per square meter. It is not easy. 220 square meters, it is easily worth 20 million.

Huo Wenyao was also very optimistic and regarded it as an investment.

After transferring to Edinburgh, all the food and accommodation problems were solved. At first, Zhan Mi, Luo Tianhong and others were worried about Huo Wenyao's safety and wanted to send someone to protect him, but Huo Wenyao refused. On the one hand, he was not used to it yet, but the fundamental reason was that he was not needed.

The biggest problem, Dongxing, has been solved. East Point is as stable as Mount Tai, and Huo Wenyao is as powerful as a rainbow. Not to mention that those people don't even know that he goes to school in Edinburgh. Even if they know, who dares to take action against him at this time?

As a result, only the plane followed.

However, the biggest role of this guy is not as a bodyguard, but as an assistant. His assistant's task is very simple. He is just a microphone between Huo Wenyao, Zhan Mi, Yao Keke and others. He does not need to think about anything.

After being together for so long, Huo Wenyao has been completely convinced by people like Luo Tianhong and Qi Qi, and has no intention of changing them.

If you want to fight, just fight. As long as you are loyal and able to fight, you are also a talent.

Finally there is Edinburgh.

The day after Huo Wenyao killed Jonny, when he returned to school, the entire C2 class was in an uproar because Huo Wenyao was fine, but Jonny and his younger brothers had bruises and swollen faces, and Jonny looked like a panda.

What the hell is this?

What surprised them even more was what was happening behind them. Jonny and his younger brothers didn't feel embarrassed. When Huo Wenyao appeared, they actually stood up collectively and shouted"Good morning, Brother Yao" respectfully, which blinded them.

What the hell is this?

Everyone looked at Huo Wenyao with a horrified look on their faces. They didn't react for a long time, as if they saw a ghost in broad daylight!

After half a day, the whole school was in a state of shock.

Because relying on Lin Dafei, the arrogant Jonny actually admitted his mistake and said that what he did before was wrong. However, after being educated by Brother Yao, he already realized his mistake and said that from now on, Edinburgh Middle School will return to half a year ago.

No more protection fees!!

The whole school was in an uproar!

There was really no preparation for this surprise. No one expected that the nightmare that had frightened them for more than half a year would be ended so easily by a transfer student who had only been in Edinburgh for less than two days. It was simply unbelievable.

Therefore, with the encouragement of Jonny, the former Edinburgh boss, Huo Wenyao became the most popular person in the school the day after he transferred to Edinburgh.

Every time after class or school, countless fans of girls and boys lie beside the windows of class C2, eager to catch a glimpse of her true appearance. They can’t drive away, they are as crazy as fans chasing after their idols.

Not only was the teacher alarmed, but even the principal was alarmed. However, it was only then that he learned that such a bad thing as collecting protection money had happened in Edinburgh, and he immediately expressed his determination to pursue it to the end.

After Jonny finished the first thing, he did the second thing, mobilizing the students and forcing them to tell their parents truthfully!

For the sake of safety, Huo Wenyao, who has become a celebrity in the school, personally came forward and poured down chicken soup to fight the evil to the end. Every student became excited and swore that he would fight to the end and never compromise!

That night, hundreds of students acted simultaneously.

The effect is amazing!

The very next day, countless calls were made to the Central and Western District and Wan Chai Police Stations. Some big bosses even directly contacted the Police Department and even went to the Governor of Hong Kong, which shocked the entire Hong Kong.

Huo Wenyao still underestimated the connections of those students, or more accurately, their parents.

What Lin Dafei is about to face is not just a simple matter, but a catastrophe!

Even if the Great Luo Immortal comes in person, they can't save him!

Although Lin Dafei is an arms dealer, this side business is extremely risky. It is good to do it twice a year. In addition to arms, he also does everything from casinos, loan sharking, kidnapping and extortion, and Causeway Bay has a place.

As a result, police officers from the Central and Western Districts and Wan Chai District suspended all unimportant cases and worked together to jointly attack.

Lin Dafei's casino was raided, the loan sharking company was seized... of course the territory no longer existed!

Two words: finished!

It's a pity that Lin Dafei sensed something was wrong and ran away early. A lot of his backbone was caught, but he was the big fish missing.

What even Huo Wenyao didn't expect was that the side effects of this matter were far more than that.

After the Edinburgh incident, all secondary schools in Hong Kong launched a wave of self-examination and severely cracked down on the intrusion of prefixed forces into campuses, making this incident even more iconic.

Unintentionally, Huo Wenyao did a great thing, but Big Brother B and Chen Haonan definitely didn't think so.

Without him, the blame would be that Lin Dafei's territory happened to overlap with theirs.

Lin Dafei is a madman with no backing.

This guy is an arms dealer, and fighting with him is definitely courting death. In addition, he has no intention of expansion. Therefore, even if there are so many people that one person can drown him with just a spit of spit, Hong Xing did not kill him out of Causeway Bay.

Normally, Lin Dafei and Hong Xing are in harmony with each other.

But this time things are different.

Lin Dafei broke the whole damn world. Every one of his policemen was scolded by his superiors. Who cares about who you are? The whole Causeway Bay should be swept away!

Boss B and Chen Haonan suffered heavy losses.

In half a month, all their businesses combined lost at least 4 million!

Boss B was so angry that he allegedly vomited blood.

Speaking of which, they are really innocent.

When Huo Wenyao heard about this, he was stunned for a moment and suddenly felt very happy. This was really a destiny. I originally only wanted to deal with Lin Dafei, but I didn't expect it to have such a miraculous effect.

All I can say is - fate is so wonderful!

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