It's almost lunch time and Chen Yongren returns. Of course, there will be a sumptuous banquet. Zhan Mi has already booked a private room at Fuxing Restaurant in advance. He can just go there in half an hour.

It's okay now, and Huo Wenyao is too lazy to wait any longer.

Just when he was about to leave, Luo Tianhong came excitedly and was not surprised to see Chen Yongren. He had known it for a long time and said hello to Chen Yongren, so he said to Huo Wenyao:"Brother Yao, I found a super beater! Huo

Wenyao was stunned and said:"What kind of super kid?"

Luo Tianhong said:"They are refugees who came from Yuenan and couldn't survive. They are three brothers. The eldest and the third are not important. The main thing is the eldest. Two, they are very good at fighting. I want them to join Tianci"

"They are also very willing. As long as they join, we will be blessed with many more double bonus sticks!"

"Ha ha!"

"Well, although there is no such thing as a double-spend red stick in Tianci, that guy’s skill, with any prefix, is enough to be a double-spend red stick!"

Zhan Milue said:"Tianhong, are you as good at fighting as you say?"

"have! Luo

Tianhong said seriously,"These days, the number of people we are recruiting exceeds a thousand and a half. When have I ever said this?" Although that guy Tony can't beat me, he still has a lot of room for growth and is a talent!

Huo Wenyao said:"What are their names?"

Luo Tianhong immediately said:"The boss's name is Ruan Zha, and others call him A Zha." The third child’s name is Ruan Hu, just call him Ahu. The one who is particularly good at fighting is called Ruan Yong, whose English name is Tony. He is the Tony I am talking about!"

Huo Wenyao reacted.

Luo Tianhong didn't lie. This Tony is indeed better at fighting.

But these three guys are just the three scumbag brothers in"The Fuse". They will do whatever it takes for their own benefit, even if you have huge ambitions for them. If you dare to stand in their way, they will kill you without hesitation.

Oh, their only advantage is that they are extremely filial to my mother.

Huo Wenyao laughed dumbly.

I don’t know whether Luo Tianhong was lucky or unlucky to meet these three guys. , he can also understand why Luo Tianhong is so excited. In the final analysis, there are still too few truly top masters given by God.

Li Jie is hiding in the dark and cannot be counted. On the surface, there are Huo Wenyao and Luo Tianhong.

Luo Tianhong said:"Brother Yao , I have brought them here, do you want to see them? Accept it if you think it's appropriate. Huo Wenyao said:"

Then let them come in.""


Luo Tianhong responded, turned and left. Three minutes later, he brought the three scumbag brothers, Ruan Zha, Ruan Yong, and Ruan Hu. Huo Wenyao didn't know the real names of these three brothers until now.

Zhan Mi, Chen Yongren, etc. Everyone dispersed.

Huo Wenyao sat on the office chair and looked at the three scumbag brothers. They were all dressed in tatters. The eldest brother, Scumbag, was only 26 years old. Tony and Ruan Hu were even younger. The former was 24 years old and the latter was 22 years old. , with a young face, far less mature than in"The Fuse".

The three of them were very nervous at first, but when they walked into the office, their nervousness was replaced by surprise.

They didn't expect that Brother Yao, whom Luo Tianhong mentioned, was actually so young, even smaller than Ruan Hu, the youngest of the three brothers, is much smaller.

Is this the god-given boss?

What a joke!

If he can be a boss, then can we not be the boss of bosses?

In an instant, the three of them thought Then he became excited and felt that Hong Kong Island was really his blessed place. As long as he received the gift of heaven and took root here, with the strength of the three brothers, they would definitely be able to make a breakthrough!

In a few years, when they are full-fledged, they can kick this little guy away. , it is also possible to set up one's own business, anyway, there is a lot of light.

Just when the three scumbag brothers were thinking about it, Huo Wenyao was also thinking about it.

Knowing clearly that these three people are white-eyed wolves who are not familiar with each other, what should they do?

Kill them directly?


It’s not that I don’t dare or can’t, or it’s not that these three guys have done nothing and want to give them a chance, but it’s because it’s too wasteful. Godsend does lack top-notch fighters, and Tony happens to have the strength of a double bonus stick.

The boss is It goes without saying that they are rubbish; the third child is a brainless puppet with pretty good strength.

Therefore, the correct way to use it is - without any sympathy, let alone sincere treatment, just use their ambitions in the early stages of development, Control them, squeeze them as much as possible, and when they are no longer needed, kick them away and sink them all!

However, these three scumbag careerists are not that patient, and they probably won't survive the moment when the cunning rabbits die and are cooked by the lackeys.

If that's the case, then squeeze them while keeping a close eye on them. Wait until they become disloyal and then chop them into pieces and feed them to the dogs.

"Brother Yao, right?"

The eldest brother is still a few years older and has a lot of experience. He quickly reacted, rubbed his hands, patted his chest and said,"We three brothers have come all the way, but we have heard about the boss a long time ago! As long as the boss is willing to take us in, he is our benefactor!"

"From now on, even if it means going up to the sword or into the sea of ​​fire for the big boss, I will not hesitate to do so! Whatever the boss asks us to do, we will do it! We can definitely help Brother Yao!

Huo Wenyao smiled meaningfully and said,"Okay." Tianhong, let others make arrangements and help them solve the identity problem. You have brought these people back. In a few days, you will personally teach them and let them know our God-given rules, especially the punishments for doing wrong things.

Luo Tianhong said:"No problem!" Brother

Zha cupped his hands at Huo Wenyao and laughed loudly:"Thank you Brother Yao, thank you Brother Yao!""

Luo Tianhong led the three of them away.

In the eyes of everyone, this was just a small episode. Zhan Mi, Chen Xiaodao, and Qi Qi did not take the three scumbag brothers to heart at all. It does not mean that you can gain trust by joining Tianci. , we still have to do things.

After the interlude, Huo Wenyao took everyone to the Fuxing Restaurant, which was still the same box.

Fugui Hall!

This reception banquet was extremely sumptuous. Chen Yongren was well-informed, but he was also slightly surprised. The meal cost at least over 10,000 yuan. They never dared to squander it like this before. It seems that the rumors are true. Brother Yao’s career has really taken off.

At the table.

In addition to taking over Chen Yongren, Huo Wenyao also announced something. In two days, When school starts, he will be promoted to the sixth form and will also be transferred to Edinburgh High School.

Yao Keke has already taken care of this matter.

Money is one thing, and the other is the honor of being an outstanding citizen in the Fugui incident. When the principal of Edinburgh High School heard this, he was delighted. Unwilling to win, they decisively agreed.

Everyone was dumbfounded!!

Damn it! With so many things happening and Huo Group developing so well, which of them are still in school? Huo Wenyao never mentioned it. They instinctively thought that Huo Wenyao would not I was reading again, but I didn't expect him to do this again.

Zhan Mi's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and he kept wiping it:"Brother Yao, you can give us big surprises every time. Do you still want to study in Form 6? Don't be ridiculous. If you go to college, I think there will be a little help, but high school?"

"I lost it! If you take the exam with your eyes closed, you can get first place in the grade, right? Chen

Yongren drank half a catty of liquor and felt much better. He smiled and said,"That's right, Brother Yao. Others are still useful in high school, but you?" Hahaha! No matter how much I think about it, something feels wrong!

Chen Xiaodao said:"Brother Yao, you must have other reasons, right?" I remember that Teacher He seemed to have been transferred to Edinburgh Middle School."

It's okay if I don't mention it, but it will cause a big problem if I mention it.


Chen Yongren felt that he had sobered up a lot in an instant, and looked at Huo Wenyao with a strange expression.

The expressions of Zhan Mi, Luo Tianhong, Qian Qian and others instantly became extremely obscene, Hehe laughed, and Master Su gave Huo Wenyao a thumbs up and said seriously:"Brother Yao, you are still awesome!"

Huo Wenyao:"……"

Depend on!

I just like reading, and I also like going to high school, right?



Two days later, on the first day of school, Huo Wenyao appeared at the gate of the Edinburgh school carrying a schoolbag.

Sixth Form career begins!

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