In the living room, Ye Donglai and Ye Zhirong's faces were extremely pale.

The atmosphere is solemn!

"Donglai, you should have heard about the recent events."

Ye Zhirong spoke.

Ye Donglai's eyes flashed with a trace of resentment, like a poisonous snake. He nodded and gritted his teeth and said:"The development of the matter has greatly exceeded our expectations."

"Forget it was just Huo Lingyun and Long Renshen. Unexpectedly, those bastards Jun Jiuling and Hu Bugui also joined in the fun."

"I have already investigated this matter"

"These days, these bastards are the ones dancing the most, and they are the ones adding fuel to the fire!"

Jun Jiuling and Hu Bugui are also well-known in the dandy circles of Binhai and Handong. These people are all very powerful.

Ye Donglai and Ye Zhirong, one is the number one young man in Binhai and the other is Handong. The first young man, but this world is very big and exciting, how can they be allowed to take the lead?

If you really want to say it, Jun Jiuling and Hu Bugui are right in the middle with them.

They are not afraid at all. These two leaves from the north and the south.

What's even more terrible is that these guys originally had enmity with Ye Donglai and Ye Zhirong. Jun Jiuling suffered a loss at the hands of Ye Zhirong, and Hu Bugui fought endlessly with Ye Donglai in Binhai.

Now this This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, it would be strange if they didn't beat up the drowned dog.


Ye Zhirong's eyes flashed coldly, and he said in a deep voice:"We only expected that what happened on Niushou Mountain would be spread as soon as possible, but we didn't think anything more."

"Jun Jiuling and Hu Bugui!"

"We should have thought of this a long time ago!!"

Ye Donglai gritted his teeth and said:"Sooner or later I have to deal with those bastards!"


Ye Zhirong shook his head and said:"We are all in the same circle. Even if we retaliate afterwards, we can't really drive them all away. The previous generation is too involved."

"More importantly, this is not the point. The point is - Huo Buthui!"

There was a slight pause.

Ye Zhirong added:"Really speaking, I can't really blame them. It was us who exposed the fatal flaw, and the cause of everything was because of Huo Buhui."

"Put yourself in their shoes, if they were the ones facing this situation, you and I would definitely take action without hesitation. Ye

Donglai snorted and said in a deep voice:"Yes, everything happened because of that bastard Huo Buchuan!""


"If we want to regain our position, the only way is to completely defeat him. It can't be ten or twenty years, it must be in the shortest time, otherwise we will never be able to hold our head up!"

At this point, Ye Donglai's eyes were full of murderous intent.


Zhirong and Ye Donglai looked at each other and confirmed their feelings for each other. They said in a deep voice:"Donglai, are you sure you want to do this? Do it?"


Ye Donglai was so proud that he said without thinking:"This is the fastest way and the only way!"

"Don't tell me you don't think so!"

Ye Zhirong's eyes flashed coldly, and he said solemnly:"Of course I do too!"

"This thing must be done beautifully and perfectly. It must not leave any traces, let alone make people think of you and me."

"Go to hell!"

Probably because he thought this was impossible, Ye Zhirong cursed and then said:"The current hostile relationship between us and Huo Butui is completely impossible."

"If he died, the first thing others would think of would be us!"

"Even if it takes another ten years, it will still be the same"

"Just think of it, it's not important, the only important thing is that that bastard must die!"

"The only thing we have to make sure is that we will kill that bastard without leaving any evidence!!"

Ye Donglai grinned, revealing two rows of white teeth, just like a beast opening its mouth to reveal its fangs glowing with cold light. He said in a deep voice,"I think so too!"

The two leaves of the north and the south hit it off immediately.

Just one word: kill!!

The gears of fate are slowly turning.

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