A few days later, the investigation after the Fortune incident was completed and the whole matter was settled.

Huo Wenyao was also completely free. Tianci, A-grade goods, and magazines were all flourishing. They were in a prosperous atmosphere. He was given a general direction and put them on the right track. Then he would have no time to just sit back and collect money.

On Luo Tianhong's side, the recruitment work is coming to an end.

Tianci Security Company has recruited all 60 civilian employees, including the front desk, accounting department, marketing department, etc. These people are not bad guys who are messing around, they are all regular white-collar workers, some were poached from other companies, and some were recruited independently..

Luo Tianhong was not responsible for this matter, but Zhan Mi handled it smoothly when he established A Cargo Company.

What is more noteworthy is the marketing department!

The minister's name is Song Lian. He is a senior official in the bank for protection and promotion. He has a good relationship with the police. Huo Wenyao hired him with 20,000 yuan a month, plus a series of rewards such as annual dividends. This deal is very cost-effective.

Not only because this guy has connections, but more importantly, of course, his ability.

Song Lian did not join Tianci alone, but brought most of his team in a package. In just a few days, he built the skeleton of the marketing department. When the system is perfected, he can expand the market in a big way.

Huo Wenyao never thought of selling sheep's head as dog's meat, or he wanted to kill two birds with one stone.

In the beginning, Huo Wenyao was bullied and his thoughts were unclear.

But as the group continues to grow, Huo Wenyao's ideas have quietly changed, because with the rapid economic development of Hong Kong Island, the security industry will also usher in a period of terrifying explosion.

This industry is also a fucking gold mine!

You must know that the gang of thieves in the future century will specifically target the rich and kidnap Li Bancheng's son. After succeeding, the lion will open his mouth and get 1 billion. This is already magical enough, but what is even more magical is that he actually succeeded.

It didn't matter if he succeeded once, he dared to try it a second time and it would be equally successful.

It can only be said that in many cases, reality is always more YY than fiction.

As long as Huo Wenyao uses the brand of Tianci Security and makes it the most famous security company in Hong Kong Island, he can also make money every day. Now he has begun planning and layout.

Of course, the core of Tianci at this stage is still the security department.

Luo Tianhong is the head of Qinglong Hall internally, but externally he is the Minister of Security. He also has a contract written in black and white. He has been busy for more than half a month and recruited 1,700 people. Now the manpower of Tianci Security has reached 2,500.

In terms of words, Tianci is no longer an ant, but average.

In terms of scale alone, this group of people cannot be compared with Hongxing, Dongxing, and Liansheng, but it is just them. No one dares to look down upon other names, even if they are on an equal footing with the Ni family.

These 1,700 people all stayed after passing three levels, and no less than 5,000 bad guys were eliminated.


This morning, God sent security. office.

Huo Wenyao has not been here for more than half a month. He is busy with other things. He came here today and has a few things to deal with.

He met Zhan Mi and Yao Keke first.

The plane is also there.

Standing behind Huo Wenyao, listening to the instructions.

The two quickly reported on McDonald's. Yao Keke looked excited and concluded:"Boss, in three days, all McDonald's money will be transferred to Anhe Real Estate Public Account, totaling 240 million! The funds are in place, the boss wants to You can do anything."

Huo Wenyao said:"Paris, are you happy?"

"Of course I’m happy!"

In front of Huo Wenyao, Yao Keke has already established her attitude. Only by really getting in touch with her can she know how evil her boss is. Whether it is doing business or controlling people, she is far from her boss's opponent.

Understand this Point, she never played tricks in front of Huo Wenyao again.

Her beautiful eyes shone and she said:"This is 240 million, not 24,000! Anyone else would be very excited! Black and white? No, boss, I think you misunderstood me. I'm not that stubborn and dull type!"

"A scum like McDonald's can be shot a hundred times. I won't have any psychological burden on him."


"Not only am I excited, Brother Zhan Mi is also very excited.

Zhan Mi smiled bitterly and said,"How could you not be excited?" Paris has said it, this is 240 million!"

"Before, I would never have dreamed of making so much money, but now it has become a reality! I lost it! Brother Yao, I am really convinced. Earlier when you said you wanted to buy Yunshui Street, everyone thought you were just fanciful. What’s the result?"

"If you go out and play, the start-up capital will be in place. When McDonald's started, I figured it out! Brother Yao, you really can create miracles every time. I don’t know what to say.……"

Sighing softly, Zhan Mi shook his head repeatedly.

Huo Wenyao smiled and said:"How did you get McDonald's to speak? Now you can point out the plane.""


Zhan Mi didn't take it seriously at all and quickly told the story. After he kidnapped McDonald's and realized what Huo Wenyao was going to do, he immediately started investigating McDonald's. As long as it was related to McDonald's, he would not let go of any information.

After seven full days of investigation, nothing was found. It wasn't that nothing was discovered, but that the information was useless.

Zhan Mi refused to give up and continued to investigate. After spending several more days, he accidentally discovered that McDonald's disappeared for several days every year. What exactly was he doing? None of the members of the Fang Team knew it, and he was sensitively aware that this was the breaking point!

He actually found out.

On the surface, McDonald was alone and carefree, but there was actually a five-year-old in Hawaii. His 6-year-old son, that little guy is the lifeblood of McDonald's. When he was taken out, McDonald's spirit collapsed on the spot and he cooperated obediently.

He knew that no matter whether he said it or not, he would not survive. He just hoped that Huo Wenyao would not hurt him. Son.

Huo Wenyao was naturally satisfied with this small request.

After hearing what Zhan Mi said, Qian Qian scratched his head in embarrassment and said awkwardly:"Brother Zhan Mi is right. As long as you are a human being, you will definitely have flaws. Find the flaws. You can get twice the result with half the effort. I know I was wrong, Brother Yao! Huo

Wenyao said coldly:"From Yang Du to McDonald's, even if you are just a piece of wood, you should be enlightened!""

"Jimmy played McDonald's in ten minutes, and the performance was beautiful. You were all convinced, but who of you knew that he had done so much work behind the scenes to sing the ten-minute performance? Without all that behind-the-scenes work, he would be just like you!"

The plane smiled and was too embarrassed to answer, and he couldn't guarantee it. There is a big difference between having a brain and a brainless one.

He couldn't guarantee it, because he would know what to do if he encountered something similar again. , but it’s a little different, it’s definitely a matter of flipping the table over and having sex hard. It’s like wishful thinking to expect him to draw inferences about other cases with his stick.

"Forget it, I won’t embarrass you, just be a gangster with peace of mind."

As he spoke, Huo Wenyao laughed to himself, shook his head and said no more.

These guys have also spent a lot of time with him. Even if they only have half a brain like Zhan Mi, they will not use their brains before doing anything like they do now. Instead of taking action, which is tantamount to playing the harp to a cow, it is better to give up.

Huo Wenyao changed the subject and asked Zhan Mi:"Have you notified Song Lian? Zhan

Mi nodded and said,"I told him yesterday that it's nine o'clock now, which is half an hour away from the agreed meeting time." Minister Song has started taking people to the market during this period and will be there soon. Do you need me to remind you?

Huo Wenyao shook his head:"No need, it's only half an hour. I can wait.""

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