Time flies by so fast. In the midst of these chaotic battles, 2008 has passed and 2009 has arrived.

Xincheng Education is developing in full swing, there is not much to say.

At the same time, Huo Lingyun has already begun planning his second business venture. The second business idea he thought of a long time ago was e-commerce!

All kinds of preparatory work started in full swing.

Now on the market, there are already many giant e-commerce companies such as Taobao and JD.com.

As time goes by, these two will become more powerful.

Today's e-commerce industry is still in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States era when heroes compete for hegemony. There are countless large and small e-commerce companies, no less than a hundred. Taobao and JD.com are undoubtedly the best.

After a bloody fight, 90% of these e-commerce companies will die.

Very few survived.

By 2015, it will be Taobao and JD.com competing for hegemony, and the remaining e-commerce companies will belong to others, with a frighteningly low sense of presence.

Among them, Taobao is the leader.

It will still take a lot of time and energy for JD.com to catch up. Even by 2021, JD.com will still be smaller than Taobao. No one knows whether it can completely surpass Taobao.

Huo Wenyao didn't even know.

He is just a visitor from another world, but he is not God and has no ability to see into the future.

This is true for me, let alone Huo Lingyun, my son.

It's even less possible to see clearly.

If nothing unexpected happens, in 2015, a major event with far-reaching impact will occur in the e-commerce industry.

That is - a giant e-commerce company with unprecedented scale in the future, comparable to Taobao and JD.com, is about to be born!

At the time, no one could have predicted this.

The name of this company is none other than


It is undeniable that many people hate this company due to many problems such as malicious marketing and fake products.

But judging from the company's development speed, operating model and final scale, it is undoubtedly successful.

This is not just an ordinary success, but a huge, unprecedented, and unimaginable success.

The success of this company also illustrates one thing.

That is, the middle and lower classes in the motherland still account for the majority, and there is a huge market for high-quality and low-price products.

Huo Lingyun’s business idea is surprisingly consistent with Pinduoduo.

The product mainly has four words: high quality and low price!

According to Huo Lingyun's own understanding, it is to compete differentiatedly with other e-commerce companies.

Of course, consensus is the same, but it is still very immature. Various preparatory work is indispensable in the early stage. Talent reserve is also a problem, and the biggest problem is that the idea has not been completely finalized.

Overall, the idea is still in its infancy.

Huo Lingyun also communicated with his father.

With Huo Wenyao's vision, it was natural to see at a glance how broad the market for this idea would be in the future.

But Huo Wenyao also knows that Huo Lingyun's current experience and ability are not enough to turn this business idea into reality.

Whether you can come up with a great idea and whether you can implement it are two completely different things.

Therefore, Huo Wenyao didn't say anything more. He just asked Huo Lingyun to think more about it. When the preliminary preparations are completely completed and he has the ability to turn this idea into reality, it will not be too late.

If Huo Lingyun encounters difficulties in the future, Huo Wenyao will certainly not be able to sit idly by.

Group shopping, this is a trillion-level market!!

Such a huge market, after a bloody battle, has nurtured an e-commerce company that can compete with giants like Taobao and JD.com. That is a certainty.

In the future, this will also become the flagship company of Huo Group.

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