
Hong Qingyu smiled faintly and said:"Handong is his Young Master Ye's territory, and it belongs to the home field. Since it is a home game, of course you have to give full play to your advantages."

"How could he possibly follow Bu Sheng and compete fairly according to the market conditions?"


Lu Zhixin was silent and continued:"It's indeed impossible, but you can't blame him. You can't have the home field advantage and not take advantage of it, right?"

"If Ah Rong goes to Hong Kong Island and competes with Bu Sui, Bu Sui will definitely give full play to his advantages."

Hong Qingyu nodded and said:"Yes, if it were not falling, he would definitely do the same thing."

"We understand, and we understand better if we don’t fall."

"this is the truth"

"That's why Bu Sheng said that... Keeping distance from us for the time being is to protect us."

How could Lu Zhixin still not understand when it comes to this?

Her mood instantly dropped.

Lu Zhixin lowered her head slightly and said,"Qingyu, I actually understand everything you said, but I'm just not happy."

"keep distance"


"This is not about keeping a distance, but the distance between us and that annoying guy is getting farther and farther. Somehow, thinking about this, I suddenly feel so uncomfortable and uncomfortable."

Hong Qingyu turned her head and looked at Lu Zhixin with a little surprise.

No, it can't be right?

How has her best friend ever been so concerned about gains and losses with men?

She doesn't just regard Huo Fului as an ordinary friend, she clearly likes him That's right, it's just that she doesn't know it yet.

Thinking of this, Hong Qingyu's red lips moved slightly, wanting to say something.

The next moment, she suddenly discovered an extremely shocking thing.

Not only Zhixin, but also herself Is this so?

For me, these days are like years, and my mood is at the bottom every day.

Damn it!

When, when did I become like this?

Bang, bang, bang - this is not a gunshot or a drum. The sound was his own heartbeat.

When Hong Qingyu wanted to understand all this, his heartbeat became faster and heavier, as if it was about to jump out of his chest.

The window was open and the car was going very fast. The wind outside the car was also very strong.


The cool breeze blew in waves, messing up their hair and messing up their hearts.



Time flies so fast, and in the blink of an eye it’s been another three months.

Huo Lingyun has been in school since the beginning of the semester. In a few days, after taking the final exam, Huo Lingyun will usher in his first winter vacation in college.

Beijing University has midterm exams.

There were no accidents, and Huo Lingyun was still the well-deserved first place.

Well, number one in the entire department!

If we don't judge by subjects, but only by grades, he is still number one!

Among all the freshmen at Peking University, no one can come close to him.

All the students at Beijing University were convinced!

Huo Lingyun came just once for the preliminary examination after the start of school. Although it caused a huge sensation at the time, there were also discordant voices, and there were many who were unconvinced.

There are even some conspiracy theories saying that in order to silence students, the school opened a back door for Huo Lingyun and leaked the test questions in advance.

This incident caused quite a storm, and the Ministry of Education sent people to investigate.

Peking University was even more worried about the negative impact and immediately refuted the rumors. It also severely punished those who spread the rumors, and the first offender was directly expelled!

After the mid-term exam, Huo Lingyun, who had not attended classes for a few days, once again chopping up melons and vegetables, won the first place in the entire grade. The school also posted all the test papers for Huo Lingyun's subjects.

This is to put things in perspective.

At this moment, all the Beijing students were convinced.

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