Star Building.


Prudential Education Mainland Company Headquarters. morning.


In the chairman's office, Xincheng employees came in and out, including Yao Yingying and Tian Yangwu, who kept bringing out various documents for Huo Lingyun to sign.

Just one word: busy!

As Xincheng Education expands its territory in Jingzhou, Huo Lingyun's busyness is visible to the naked eye.

He wants to control the specific details.

He also wants to control the general direction of the future.

It was rare for Huo Lingyun to stay in the office today. Normally, he would appear on the way to inspect other office areas or the market, doing all his work outdoors.

There's nothing we can do about it.

Without the connections of Hong Qingyu and Lu Zhixin, the efficiency of reviewing and approving various documents has been greatly reduced. Xincheng has to do everything by himself.

At this time, Huo Lingyun's role became prominent.

Things that others can't do, or that take several days to complete, can be solved quickly as long as he takes action.

Typical celebrity effect!

In this case, as the founder of Xincheng Education, Huo Lingyun could only run around tirelessly.

Amidst this busyness, Hong Qingyu and Lu Zhixin came to the company.

As soon as they entered the door, the two women were startled.

In just one month, Xincheng has undergone earth-shaking changes, and its scale has doubled or even tripled!

Everyone is as if they have been given a shot of chicken blood, as if they are not working, but starting a business!

To sum it up in one sentence, the energy and spirit are so strong that it’s outrageous!

Hong Qingyu and Lu Zhixin looked at each other, and they could see the surprise in each other's eyes.

Now, they are absolutely convinced that as long as Xincheng continues to develop according to the current momentum, success is inevitable, and listing in the future is inevitable!

Even reaching the scale of New Oriental is entirely possible and not just a pipe dream.

This is a vibrant company!

Everyone in the company has dreams in their hearts and light in their eyes!

Therefore, this is destined to be a great company!

When the staff of Xincheng Education saw Hong Qingyu and Lu Zhixin arriving, the new recruits didn't know them at all, so they hurried forward and politely asked them what the purpose of visiting Xincheng was.


Hong Qingyu and Lu Zhixin sighed softly, feeling a sense of loss and discomfort.

It was as if he had been abandoned by Xincheng, and he was indescribably melancholy.

Fortunately, Yao Yingying knew the two of them and immediately stepped forward and brought them into the company with a smile and brought them to Huo Lingyun's office.

Huo Lingyun was still processing various documents and did not realize that Hong Qingyu and Lu Zhixin had arrived.

Yao Yingying explained with a smile:"Buchui has been very busy recently and has a lot of things to deal with. You may have to wait a moment."

Lu Zhixin said:"No problem, let's wait until he finishes his own affairs first."

"okay. Yao

Yingying nodded and said,"Then you guys sit here for a while. You should be finished soon if you don't fall. Then you can just go in. I still have things to deal with, so I won't accompany you.""

Lu Zhixin didn't speak, just nodded.

But what Hong Qingyu and Lu Zhixin didn't expect was that they would wait for more than half an hour. Huo Lingyun hadn't finished his work yet.

Hong Qingyu and Lu Zhixin were not in a hurry, and sat in the meeting room outside Huo Lingyun. In the living room, I watched Xincheng employees coming in and out of Huo Lingyun's office.

I felt increasingly melancholy and disappointed.

Lu Zhixin's discomfort was all written on her face, and she said to Hong Qingyu:"Qingyu, why do I feel so uncomfortable?"

Hong Qingyu sighed and did not answer.

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