Hearing Ding Yao's complaint, Huo Wenyao was helpless and said:"What does it have to do with whether I stand with him or not?"

"You said it yourself, you believe that with Tiger's ability, he can definitely solve these troubles."

"you are not worried"

"In that case, what else do you want to do with all this mess? Also... Lao Long and I handle things differently. That's because our educational concepts are different."

"at last——"

Huo Wenyao's expression became colder and he said,"It's like this this time. If you encounter something similar in the future, will you do the same thing?"

"Does that mean that I have to make the decision for Tiger every time and solve all the troubles?"

Ding Yao said:"I didn't mean that.——"

"okay! Huo

Wenyao interrupted coldly and said:"I don't care if you mean it this way or not, we are not allowed to talk anymore, let alone intervene.""

"Same in the future"

"Regarding the situation at Tiger's side, even if I don't let you pay attention, you will still pay attention secretly, so I have never made any demands on you, so you shouldn't make demands on me either."

"This is my way of education, how many times do you want me to tell you this?!"

Huo Wenyao has already said this. What else can Ding Yao say?

She can't say anything.


Ding Yao sighed and said,"Okay, this time I really know what you think. , if something like this happens again in the future, I will never come over to trouble you again, that’s alright"

"Don't be angry, don't get angry. Huo Wenyao said angrily:"

Then don't worry, I'm not that weak.""

Ding Yao snorted dissatisfied, changed the subject, and said:"Then what if the tiger is really in danger in the future?"

"Are you still not going to intervene? Huo

Wenyao looked at Ding Yao sympathetically and said,"How is that possible? I want to train my son, not to prevent my son from being in any danger.""

"Do you think you are the only one paying attention?"

"His father is also paying attention!"

"I promise you, if the tiger is really in danger, I will intervene without you asking."

"I can also assure you that there will absolutely, absolutely not be any problem with Tiger!"

"Is this okay?

Ding Yao said:"Okay, Mr. Huo has said this, what else can I say?""

"Let’s go!"



While the outside world was waiting to see the good show, Ye Zhirong's side stopped and did nothing.

The business environment that Prudential faces is no different from before.

So what did Huo Lingyun do?

Of course, he does what he did before, and he still does what he does now, and he still devotes himself wholeheartedly to the expansion of Xincheng Education.

After nearly two months of preparation, Prudential Education’s mainland company officially started operations.

In today's mainland, online is not yet the mainstream, and offline physical store operations are. Therefore, the core of Huo Lingyun's expansion is still placed offline.

Two physical stores in Jingzhou have been opened.

Business has also started.

The order volume is just like that on Hong Kong Island, exploding exponentially, refreshing every day, and breaking records every day!

All Xincheng employees are in high spirits, as if they have been given a shot of blood!

There is a reason why they are like this.

Although Prudential Education Mainland and Hong Kong Island have the same name, they are actually two companies, each operating independently.

Those who join Prudential Education Mainland now, as long as they can keep up with their abilities in the future and stay in the company, will become the core backbone and veteran figures of Prudential Mainland!

And such characters all have rights.

If Prudential can be listed in the future, relying on the options they are assigned, they can achieve financial freedom in one fell swoop. How could they not work hard?

More importantly, this is not a pie in the sky, but reality!

On Hong Kong Island, we have learned from the past. Huo Lingyun is not the kind of boss who only squeezes his employees. We can fully expect that!

Because of this, all employees at Prudential Mainland are motivated and motivated and regard the company as their own!

There are wise bosses, employees who regard the company as their own, who view this job not just as a job but as their own career, plus Jingzhou’s suitable business environment.

The surge of Prudential Education’s mainland companies is completely reasonable!

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