With the intervention of Hong Qingyu and Lu Zhixin, both parties took a step back without fighting, and reached a superficial reconciliation.

But the atmosphere in the box became extremely weird!

It would be awkward to stay together any longer.

Therefore, Lu Zhixin's proposal fell into everyone's wish.

By this time, it was already half past eleven in the evening.

A group of people walked out of the password bar and prepared to go home.

When we arrived at the door of the password bar, an accident happened!

Fatty Wu Ming is really cheap.

Outside the Password Bar, there was a man and woman, not very old, not even twenty years old.

The man was wearing ordinary clothes, not a famous brand, just something from a stall on the street.

The woman is also dressed like an ordinary person, wearing a red dress with a very high hem, revealing her white thighs. She is very tall, has a graceful figure, and her black hair falls down like a waterfall.

It was obvious that these two people had just come out of the password bar and were about to leave.


Wu Ming, who was full of anger, hummed a cheerful song and jumped forward. When he came behind the girl, he slapped the girl's buttocks lightly.

The girl was completely stunned. When she turned around, she saw the fat man passing by her!

The girl was confused, but Wu Ming was not.

Not only was he not confused, but he also acted as if nothing had happened. He grinned at the girl and walked towards his car.

Everyone's mouth twitched.

Hong Qingyu frowned, already unhappy.

Lu Zhixin's eyes were burning even more, and she scolded coldly:"Damn fat man, if you don't get into trouble for a day, you'll feel bad, right?"

Wu Ming smiled and said nonchalantly:"It's just a little joke, don't mind."

"Ha ha! After saying that

, Wu Ming smiled playfully at the girl:"Sorry, sorry!""


The girl's eyes widened with anger, and tears welled up in her eyes.

The boy next to the girl was a boy with a very simple face. He had a

Chinese character face, big eyes, and thick eyebrows!

This face was both simple and exuding a sense of righteousness.

At this moment , the boy had also realized what Wu Ming had done to his companion, he frowned, and without saying a word, he raised his foot and kicked Wu Ming in the chest.


Just like the girl did not expect Wu Ming's dirty hands, Wu Ming also did not expect that the boy in front of him was so violent. Without saying a word, he came up and started to fight.

One hit was sure to hit, and Wu Ming was kicked directly and rolled to the ground.

Everyone's expressions changed.

Wu Ming's expression changed even more. , that kind-faced Maitreya Buddha face once again turned into an angry-eyed Vajra.

Not only an angry-eyed Vajra, but also a gloomy and sinister one!


Wu Ming glared at the boy fiercely, gritted his teeth and said:"Today's young people are really fucking smart."

"If they don't agree, they'll do it"

"I hope you can keep planting, otherwise it will be boring to play! The boy responded with simple words:"First apologize to my companion, and then go to the police station with me. If you do obscenity, you will be detained for fifteen days.""

Wu Ming:"???"

You are paralyzed!

The boy's words made Wu Ming laugh.

Which mental hospital did this guy escape from?

But what the boy did next made Wu Ming almost go crazy.

Because as soon as the boy finished speaking, he took out his mobile phone and dialed 110.

Wu Ming is going crazy!

Ye Zhirong, Wei Hao and the other six people were about to collapse due to the boy's actions.

Damn, another two-goal!

Why do you say"again"?

That's of course because in their eyes, Huo Lingyun is the first.

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