Hong Qingyu and Lu Zhixin both came from extraordinary backgrounds, and in their circle there was also Ye Zhirong, the eldest son of Han Dongtian dynasty.

So, of course this is the circle of wealth.

If we compare it to Hong Kong Island, these people are higher than Yao Yingying's circle in terms of status and status.

Password Bar, this is the agreed meeting place.

On the way to the password bar. in the car.

Huo Lingyun looked at Lu Zhixin and Hong Qingyu and said jokingly:"Xiao Lu, Qingyu, although you want to introduce your friends to me, I must remind you of one thing."

Lu Zhixin glared and said:"What? ?" follow closely.

Huo Lingyun quickly explained the process of introducing Yao Yingying to the people in her circle and trying to integrate herself into them.

The beginning was not good, and the end was even less good.

After listening, Lu Zhixin said angrily:"Oh, what are you thinking about? I just see that you have been extremely busy during this period, and I want you to relax.""

"How can there be all work and no play?"

"Not afraid of being stupid"

"Besides, you can't completely blame others. Who asked you to pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger? If those people knew what you were capable of, how could they despise you, let alone provoke you?"

"You are now the founder of Xincheng Education, worth hundreds of millions. If you can list Xincheng, it will not be a problem to become a billionaire."

After a pause,

Lu Zhixin continued:"Not to mention, you still started from scratch, so you are better than Ye Zhirong, okay?"

"You think too much.

Huo Lingyun laughed and said,"Maybe.""He said no more.

After this idle talk, the three of them started chatting again.



Lu Zhixin was right, Huo Lingyun really thought too much.

When Huo Lingyun and his party of five arrived outside the Cipher Bar, Ye Zhirong had already led a group of men and women down to greet them personally. His attitude could be said to be extremely respectful. contempt?


Ye Zhirong is a tall man of about 1.8 meters, with a slender figure and a tough face. He is dressed in a pure white suit, which makes him look elegant.

The style of a young man from an aristocratic family is undoubtedly evident.

Next to Ye Zhirong was a fat man.

The guy's name is Wu Ming. He is not only fat, but also short, less than 1.7 meters tall.

Don't look at the fat man's unattractive appearance, but he is extremely powerful. He is second only to Ye Zhirong in their circle. He is humorous and likes to joke.

According to Hong Qingyu and Lu Zhixin, this fat man is a treasure in their circle, and he is particularly good at doing things.

The most important people in this circle are only three or four people.

When they were still in the car when they came over, Hong Qingyu and Lu Zhixin had already introduced Huo Lingyun briefly and showed Huo Lingyun photos.

Therefore, after getting off the car, Huo Lingyun only glanced at it and got a rough idea.

Several people got out of the car, and Ye Zhirong, Wu Ming and others immediately greeted them.

Wu Ming's fat face turned into a flower when he smiled, and said:"Hey, Zhixin Gege and Qingyu, I haven't seen you for a few days. Why did you two give me a big transformation and become beautiful again?""

"Fortunately, this was an appointment made before. If it were on the street, I wouldn't dare to recognize it.

Lu Zhixin glanced at Wu Ming and said,"Get lost, you fat man!""

"I haven’t seen you for a few days, but you’re still so glib and glib."

"Daqing Oilfield, you!"

The fat man Wu Ming stopped laughing immediately and said with a bitter look on his face:"Zhixin Gege, please don't say that."

"It really hurts my heart when you say that."


Wu Ming covered his chest and said,"Did you hear that? That's the heartbreaking sound of a fat guy like me!""

Everyone couldn't help but smile.

Lu Zhixin was all made to laugh by Wu Ming's lifelike performance. Her smile was as bright as a flower, which made people feel relaxed and happy.

Hong Qingyu's expression was calm and he said calmly:"A Ming, okay, let me introduce it."

"No need."

Ye Zhirong interrupted Hong Qingyu, looked at Huo Lingyun with a smile, stretched out his hand, and said:"You have already helped us a lot by inviting Mr. Huo here. Let us leave the rest to ourselves."

"Hello Mr. Huo, I am Ye Zhirong, nice to meet you. Huo

Lingyun also stretched out his hand, shook hands with Ye Zhirong, and said with a smile:"Master Ye, you are famous in Handong. Compared with you, I am just a nobody.""

"You are Mr. Ye, but I cannot bear the words"Mr. Huo"."

Ye Zhirong said:"Master Huo is joking. If you can't even bear the title of 'Master Huo', then there will be so many people here, you should die of shame."

"Even if I am in Handong, I have heard about your fierce performance. You are so domineering!"

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