Hong Qingyu and Lu Zhixin were absolute gangsters in Handong. They had unimaginable connections and resources, and they really helped Huo Lingyun a lot.

Such as industry and commerce.

If Huo Lingyun or other people in the company were to run away with many things, they would definitely not be taken down in half a month, but Hong Qingyu and Lu Zhixin took action, and it didn't even take three days.

Many times, special matters are handled specially, and everything is settled within one day!

In view of the two's contributions to Xincheng Education, Huo Lingyun has already begun to plan to give them shares based on their contributions. If they want to stay and work in Xincheng after graduation, that would be the best.

If you don’t want to stay with Xincheng, you will divide the money between two people based on Xincheng’s valuation.



Xingyao Building, Building B, 808!

Late September.

Afternoon, 18:30!

Huo's investment in the mainland began in the 1980s, and reached its climax in the 1990s. It made great progress, and its investment in the mainland soon exceeded that of Hong Kong Island.

Today, in Huo's global investment layout, the mainland still accounts for a large share.

Xingyao Plaza is one of the biggest projects.

This is real estate.

Shining Star Plaza follows Wanda's path, with the square as the core. Inside the square are Shining Star Department Store, Shining Shining Cinema, Shining Star Electric Appliances, and Shining Star Building, surrounded by residential buildings.

To be honest, there are not four trump cards, but five!

After a series of combination punches, Xingyao Group made a lot of money.

Yes, Jewel Department Store, Star Cinema, Star Electric Appliances, and Star Building are all affiliated with the Jewel Group, which in turn is affiliated with the Huo Group.

Xingyao Building is different from the Xingyao Community built nearby. This is not a residential building, but an office building.

Prudential Education Co., Ltd. (Mainland) is currently located in the Shining Star Building.

Although preparations have just begun, the area is large and can accommodate hundreds of employees. It is indeed a bit of luxury for Xincheng now.

Because Xincheng has only hired about a hundred people now.

Huo Lingyun is taking precautions because he firmly believes that this is just the starting point of Xincheng Education, and Xincheng Education will definitely expand in scale in the future!

It was already off-duty time, and the employees had all left the company and gone home.

There were only five people left in the huge office area.

Huo Lingyun, Lu Zhixin, Hong Qingyu!

In addition to these three people, there are Tian Yangwu and Luo Pingnan.

The two of them are mainly responsible for Huo Lingyun's safety, but in fact Huo Lingyun's skills are more than enough to protect himself. If he doesn't bully others, it's okay if others bully him.

If coupled with the security of the mainland, there would be no need for protection.

Tian Yangwu is smarter than Luo Pingnan and has also read books. Now he has joined Xincheng and works with Huo Lingyun.

Luo Pingnan can't.

This guy is just like his father, Luo Tianhong, who is a natural martial arts fanatic. He is not interested in doing business at all, and his talent lies in kung fu.

If you really want him to do business, it is no different from killing him. It is completely forcing someone to do something difficult.

Yao Yingying did not come today.

Huo Lingyun was still browsing the information, completely unaware that there were two beauties staring at him.

"He is really a workaholic."

Lu Zhixin's red lips twitched slightly, and she couldn't help but let out a sigh. She shook her head slightly and said,"I thought before that he could achieve such an achievement at his age, which is very impressive.

Hong Qingyu said lightly:"What about now?""

"Now? Lu

Zhixin blinked and said:"Now I still think he is very powerful, but I can better understand why he can be so powerful.""

"He is so smart that one person can stand up to ten or a hundred people. This is already very powerful, right?"

"But what's even more amazing is that he is already so smart and can surpass most people in the world with just a little effort, but no, he still works so hard."

"Don't say he is a genius, even if an ordinary person can work as hard as he does, he can definitely achieve great things."

Hong Qingyu didn't answer, but he recognized it in his heart.

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