Boom, boom, boom!

Half a minute later, there was a rapid knock on the door. Huo Wenyao opened the door. Li Jie, Peng Yixing, and Luo Tianhong all arrived. Li Jie had a splash of blood on his face.

Obviously, he has already fought with those mercenaries

"Come in and talk. Huo Wenyao said.

The three of them entered the door immediately.

Li Jie was furious and gritted his teeth and said:"Those damn bastards!" They are inhumane! If there is even the slightest resistance, shoot and kill! When I'm in a bad mood, I can't even scream! They are no different than animals!"


Peng Yixing hasn't made contact with them yet, but he is already prepared. The two assembly guns at his waist are in place, with countless bullets.

His eyes are beating with the madness of killing.

Huo Wenyao ordered:"Ajie, you find a way to notify Take meters and planes and ask them to come immediately!"


Li Jie immediately ducked out. The signal on the ship was blocked and the message could not be sent out. He had to find other ways to contact Zhan Mi and the plane.

Huo Wenyao looked at Luo Tianhong again:"Tianhong, your mission is to protect Qingzi! She is very important to us. There must be no accidents. You don't need to worry about other things. If you encounter mercenaries, kill them directly."

Luo Tianhong nodded and walked out of the room.

He had already investigated Qingzi's room number. As long as she is still in his room, nothing will happen to her.

"What about us?"

Peng Yixing seemed to be unable to suppress the madness in his body, and even his expression became gloomy, just like the state he was in when he came to see him early this morning.

"Wake up! Huo

Wenyao patted Peng Yixing on the shoulder and said in a deep voice:"Rick, do you still remember what I told you?" You have to control the gun, but also your desire to kill, don't let those things control you!"

Peng Yixing's spirit was shaken, and his eyes became clearer.

Huo Wenyao smiled and said:"Come on, I will take you to know what a damn person is, what is called killing, and what is called saving people!"

"Um."Peng Yixing nodded.

No matter how much you say, nothing can be as shocking as seeing it with your own eyes. Peng Yixing must realize it himself, not words.

Huo Wenyao picked up a brand new box of playing cards from the table and led Peng Yixing towards the hall. , but just as the two of them went out, they met four mercenaries with guns in the corridor.

"it's him!!"

"Hahaha, we are so lucky!"

The four guys got excited, but they recognized Huo Wenyao. This is the target that McDonald's told them to pay special attention to. If they kill him, they will definitely get a lot more money.

Their dream did not last even two seconds.

Huo Wenyao double With a flick of his arm, a 3 of diamonds slipped out of his left sleeve. He caught it between his index fingers and flicked his wrist. The 3 of diamonds shot out like a sharp arrow, drawing a perfect arc in the air.


The throat of the first person was cut open, and the 3 of diamonds was inserted diagonally on top of it!


The card that slid down from his right sleeve was thrown out by Huo Wenyao, and the left eye of the second person was cut out. The person was in unbearable pain and was holding his head in agony. Shouted.

Bang, bang, bang!!

Just when Huo Wenyao took action, Peng Yixing pulled out his gun at the same time. In less than two seconds, he fired three shots in a row, hitting his head. The iconic sound of the air gun sounded, including the one who was cut by Huo Wenyao. The blind guy was also killed.

Four unlucky guys who thought they were lucky died just like that.

Peng Yixing couldn't help turning his head and looked at Huo Wenyao in surprise:"Oh my God! Ah Yao, you actually have such a unique skill? I specially brought two guns, one of which was prepared for you. Now it seems that I don’t need it at all."

"Still very needed. Huo

Wenyao smiled and showed Peng Yixing the flying card technique, making a plum blossom 10 dance gracefully between his five fingers. Peng Yixing sighed:"Beautiful!""

"It's really beautiful, I just learned it more than an hour ago. Let's go to the celebration hall!"


The two of them stopped talking nonsense and hurried towards the hall as quickly as possible. There were already hundreds of people squatting on the ground there, all tourists.

In addition, there were countless corpses on the ground.

Even if you don't count them, there are more than a hundred people!

It was by relying on this brutal method that McDonald was able to shock everyone immediately and get everyone to cooperate obediently. There were only about twenty people responsible for guarding them, but they were all armed with submachine guns and assault rifles.

They themselves were Mercenaries, their individual combat capabilities are far beyond that of ordinary people. Coupled with the suppression of weapons, no one is their opponent. No one dares to resist!

Huo Wenyao and Peng Yixing came to the second floor of the hall and hid in a remote corner, facing down Looking around.

Seeing the corpses, Peng Yixing froze, his body couldn't help trembling, and a strange emotion began to ferment in his body. He still longed to kill, but it was not just pure killing.

Those corpses , just a few minutes ago, they were all still alive, just like him and Ayao, ordinary people.

They did nothing, and they were dead.

A thought suddenly appeared in Peng Yixing's mind: This The world shouldn't be like this, shouldn't be like this...

Huo Wenyao was also slightly surprised.

In the original plot, McDonald's was not as cruel as he is now, killing so many people at the beginning, and he sighed slightly in his heart, This is the gap between movies and reality, especially"City Hunter" is a comedy movie, so the gap between movies and reality is even bigger.

"Wow! Thank you for your cooperation. I see that you like gambling very much and I have a lot of time. So next I will be the banker and have fun with you all."

"Just start queuing up from the east. Don’t rush, come one by one."

"Hope you all have fun!"

McDonald sat at a large round table and played blackjack with the tourists, but his game was relatively simple. Two cards were compared with the number of points. If you lose, you die. If he loses? Do it again! Until you lose, I will kill you.!

Now, no one knows his rules. The first tourist appears and loses. McDonald's picks up the Desert Eagle on the table, raises his hand and shoots the person in the head, making everyone tremble in fear. But he didn’t dare to scream.

Because if he screamed, he would die!

"Wow, I forgot to mention that the loser will die."McDonald smiled slightly, put down his pistol, and continued,"The next one."

The second tourist came on the scene and won!

He thought he wouldn't have to die, so he danced excitedly:"I win!" Win! Hahaha, I don’t have to die, I don’t have to die!!"


McDonald's also clapped gently and said:"Congratulations, congratulations, but the game is not over yet. Please sit back and let us happily start the second round. Oh, I forgot to mention that this is also the rule for playing with me.

The man was dumbfounded for a moment and shouted angrily:"You are acting like a rogue!" I don't bet! Don't bet——"


McDonald took the gun like lightning, raised his hand and fired another shot, hitting the man's head again, and said with a smile:"The third rule, if you don't gamble, you will die. Next person!"

In less than half a minute, two more corpses were added to the hall!

This is a game of certain death, and life and death are all controlled by the banker.

McDonald's plays this way mainly because these people are not important. The real rich people have long been cheated by him. Screen them out, wait until you take control of the entire cruise ship, then sail the ship away, then contact the families of those rich people, and get the ransom.

Without money, you are worthless, and you don’t even have a one-ten-thousandth chance of survival.

Reality, It's so cruel.

McDonald's atrocities have completely angered Peng Yixing, because he really can't imagine that in this era, there are still such perverts who regard human life as child's play! Damn it!

This kind of person absolutely deserves to die!


He He can't be considered a human at all!

His eyes also changed. They were no longer a pure desire to kill, but a violent desire to act chivalrously and stop killing with killing. At the same time, he realized more deeply that sometimes, killing people really means killing people. Not killing people, but saving people!

Huo Wenyao felt the change in Peng Yixing and nodded with satisfaction.

All his efforts were finally not in vain.

He lowered his head and looked again, but he didn't expect that the slut Gundam was also in the team. Could it be that he was If you are scared, you have to gamble a few hands to calm down?

Yes, this is very gambler

"Well, let me do it."

He didn't want to see innocent tourists being killed again, so he passed over the two people and changed places with the tourists who were about to appear.

McDonald shouted happily:"I didn't expect there is a hero. It really makes me happy. I am the most Those who like to kill are heroes. please!"

Gowda held up his black tie and smiled shyly at McDonald's.

The game between the two began.

The result was that in the next five minutes, Gundam won 38 games in a row against McDonald's.

That guy was also pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger. The master was sweating profusely and had to wipe it off every time he won. He said nervously:"Lucky, lucky."……"

If the game continues like this, even in a hundred years, McDonald's will not be a match for Gundam, and it will be a draw if he survives.


At this moment, Peng Yixing, who was extremely emotional, suddenly spoke and looked at Huo Wenyao calmly:"In front of us is the most difficult and highest-level scene. How about we compete?"

As he spoke, Peng Yixing handed Huo Wenyao an assembled gun and two magazines of ammunition.


Huo Wenyao chuckled and took the assembly gun from Peng Yixing.

The game between them begins!

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