Today is the first day that Xincheng Education goes online, and everyone at Xincheng is paying close attention to it.

This would be the case even if Huo Lingyun hadn't arrived yet.

However, it is not just them who are paying close attention to all this, but also their competitors!

In Central, there is a building called"NIO Technology City".

Level 16.

Land is at a premium on Hong Kong Island, and a house with an area of ​​100 square meters can be called a luxury house. The utilization rate of high-rise buildings is extremely high. We can make up as much as we can, and divide as much as possible.

This building is also located in the most prosperous place on Hong Kong Island, so naturally it is even more so.

This floor is the office area of ​​a company called"Study Aid".

The office is huge and luxuriously decorated, and everything says three words - not short of money!

It's true, it's true



Student aid.

Just by hearing the name, you can tell what it does.

That’s right, like Xincheng Education, we also provide extracurricular training.

Considered a peer.

The founder of this company is named Fok Li-yin. He is only 28 years old this year. He is very young. He is the only son of Fok Zhaotang, a famous wealthy businessman in Hong Kong Island.

Although Fok Lai-yin was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, he is intelligent, shrewd and capable, unlike many rich second-generation people in Hong Kong.

Huo Lixian attended an aristocratic high school since he was a child, and even went to the Lighthouse Country for college.

Major is financial management.

Six years ago, Huo Lixian returned from studying abroad.

After returning to Hong Kong Island, Fok Li-hsien did not work in his family business, but chose to start a business!

Of course, even if he starts a business, he cannot do without Huo Zhaotang's support.

These supports include start-up capital and connections.

Just three years ago, Huo Lixian relied on the Chinese people's yearning to go abroad in this era and imitated New Oriental to create a student aid company.

Nowadays, Student Aid has completely established its foothold on Hong Kong Island.

In this era, Hong Kong Island has a different economy than the mainland, and its thinking is more fashionable. In addition, mainland education companies are at the forefront, so many people have entered this industry.

In the foreign education training industry on Hong Kong Island, a giant like New Oriental has not yet emerged.

But among many similar training companies, the strength of Student Aid is definitely among the best!

After talking about Huo Lixian, we might as well introduce his father Huo Zhaotang!

Huo Zhaotang is a well-known wealthy businessman in Hong Kong and Olympics. The strength of the entire family can be ranked in the top twenty. His strength and financial resources are absolutely not to be underestimated.

This guy named Huo Zhaotang comes from the movie"Wrath: Serious Case"!

Speaking of which, he has some connections with the Huo family.

Oh, the Huo family here is of course Huo Wenyao, the world-famous Huo family of Hong Kong Island!

This is also the common understanding of all people in Hong Kong and Austria, and it can be regarded as basic common sense. In their mouths, whenever they mention the Huo family and the Huo family, they refer to the Huo Wenyao family.

Like Huo Zhaotang, although he is rich enough, in front of Huo Wenyao, he is simply not enough.

Moonlight is nothing like fireflies.

When others mention him, they will only refer to him as the Huo Zhaotang family, and will never call him the Huo family or the Huo family. That is a great disrespect to Huo Wenyao.

"The three words"Mr. Huo" are of course unique to Huo Wenyao.

Huo Zhaotang also has a background. He has a very famous uncle named Huo Jingliang!

At one time, this was also a powerful name.

But more than ten years later, Huo Jingliang has already He was tricked to death and buried alive, and his end was extremely miserable.

At that time, the case of Huo Jingliang being buried alive shocked the world!

Media from all over the world rushed to report it, and it appeared on the front pages of newspapers and magazines in various countries. It contributed a wave of traffic, but after the popularity passed After that, no one mentioned it again.

A few years later, Huo Jingliang has been gradually forgotten.

For today's young people, the impression left by Huo Jingliang is that of an antique stuck in the 1960s and 1970s.

After Huo Jingliang's death, neither his ex-wife nor his daughter had the intention to inherit his business.

The reason is simple. They did not recognize Huo Jingliang's business philosophy at all.

If there is no successor, the former glory of Liangda Group will never be the same. It may continue, but it will only continue to decline.

I don’t know whether it is luck or misfortune.

His biological daughter is not like himself, but Huo Zhaotang, his nephew, is very similar to Huo Jingliang. Not only are their personalities similar, but they even look similar -

Huo Zhaotang is simply Huo Jingliang. A replica of his youth!

Huo Zhaotang had already accumulated enough net worth. After Huo Jingliang's death, he took over most of the assets of Liangda Group and followed Huo Jingliang's way, and his net worth continued to skyrocket.


Ten years later, Hong Kong Island has With the famous Huo Zhaotang family.

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