Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, three months have passed.

In a few months, Huo Lingyun will end his high school career and will go to Jingzhou to study at Jingzhou University.

During this period of time, he has been extremely busy.

Studying and preparing for graduation exams? of course not!

With Huo Lingyun's IQ, even if he takes the graduation exam now, he will still be the first in St. Mark's.

Even if you zoom in to the entire Hong Kong Island, it still ranks among the best.

Well, being among the best in the Huo family means being the top scorer in the Hong Kong Island Form 6 graduation exam.

What Huo Lingyun is busy with is none other than his sincere education!

Lei Yuting is also very busy, also for this matter.

The idea of ​​establishing Xincheng Education came from Huo Lingyun, but in the subsequent preparations, both Lei Yuting and Yao Yingying actively provided suggestions.

The two of them provided Huo Lingyun with a lot of creative suggestions and were of great help. They are both considered founders.

Yao Yingying also proved herself in these three months.

While jointly starting a business, Yao Yingying was also very busy, but from this busyness, she felt an indescribable sense of fulfillment and accomplishment.

What's even worse is that the more she gets to know it, the more she realizes how powerful this idea is!

If she really wants to do a good job, she even believes that Xincheng Education can be listed on the market in the future!

So, let’s get back to the subject, back to Xincheng Education!

There are many things that need to be done in the preliminary preparations, including market research, website construction, and formulation of various rules.

Such as rules!

After three months of repeated discussions, the name was finally decided. As the name suggests, it is used to evaluate part-time or full-time tutors.

For this point, Huo Lingyun mainly refers to the scoring mechanisms of major APPs in later generations.

For example, for part-time tutoring college students, the sources of ant points in the first stage mainly include the following aspects, such as institution, department, graduation examination scores, and previous awards and honors.

Universities are ranked according to their strength. The stronger ones will naturally have higher scores and the weaker ones will have lower scores.

This is straightforward and reasonable.

Because the scores required to get into these prestigious schools are higher than those in weaker schools, it also proves the learning ability of these students.

Since there are high and low schools, so of course there are departments.

Although Huo Lingyun himself doesn't agree with it very much, he can't stand the general environment. Science and engineering are more popular with parents than literature and history.

Regarding learning, what is a popular saying in this era?

If you learn mathematics, physics and chemistry well, you will not be afraid of traveling all over the world!

From this we can see how important science and engineering are in people’s eyes.

This is the general trend of history!

Every era has its characteristics.

It is impossible for a strong man like Huo Wenyao to reverse the trend of the times. He can only go with the trend and let the times succeed.

Other graduation exam scores and various honors obtained are all based on similar logic.

Of course, this is only the first phase, and the scoring mechanism will continue to be optimized in the future.

Just because you learn well doesn’t mean you teach well!

In the later stages, as Xincheng Education expands, it will also conduct more precise optimization based on parents' ratings of college students who serve as tutors and changes in the performance of the students they teach.

This can only be accomplished when Xincheng reaches a certain scale.

After more than three months of preparation, all preliminary preparations for Xincheng Education have been completed.

Company, registered!

Office space is available!

Employees are also hired!

The scale of Xincheng Education is still very small now. Even if the front desk and cleaning staff are added together, there are only twenty people.

But although the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs.

It has everything a company should have, and it’s very formal.

At this stage, Xincheng Education mainly makes money by charging commissions. Whether it is college students who are tutors or parents who hire tutors for their children, they must pay a 5% commission.

This number is far lower than the market price and can definitely be called"conscience". everything's ready.

Next, Xincheng Education is officially launched!

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