On the battlefield, Huo Lingyun defeated several people with one strike, and Huo Lingyun fell to the ground.

After landing, Huo Lingyun's offensive continued unabated!

Not only has it not decreased, but it has become even more intense!

He was like a tiger that escaped from the cage and strayed into the flock of sheep, and then launched a round of crazy slaughter.

This is... hunting!

This is...a one-sided crushing! invincible!

Huo Lingyun's moves are wide open and closed, and the moves don't look very graceful. They are usually straight punches, left hooks, right hooks, knee strikes, and elbow strikes. These ordinary moves.

Even ordinary people who have never learned Kung Fu can do it twice.

Although the move is simple, its effect is devastating and frightening to the extreme!

Often a left hook can give some poor guy a concussion.

An elbow strike directly caused him to fall into a coma, and he didn't know whether he was alive or dead!

Rampage, fierce and invincible!

Huo Lingyun doesn't understand Chinese martial arts moves? of course not!

Growing up, he received personal instruction from what could be said to be the best martial arts master in the world. It was not just a showmanship, but a real killing technique.

With Huo Wenyao here, how could he not understand the moves?

It's just that now, he has gradually discovered the way to return to his original nature, and he can win without relying on complicated and exquisite moves.

Compared with Huo Lingyun, Lei Yuting took a completely different path.

Due to the different growth environment from childhood to adulthood, Lei Yuting initially followed Huo Lingyun's current path in kung fu. He didn't have many moves and relied on his passion.

No matter what the moves are, it doesn't matter if you're a bastard boxer, as long as you win.

But after gradually becoming famous, he realized that he had only followed a wild path before, and Lei Yuting began to study martial arts systematically and comprehensively.

Every move he is making now is extremely capable and beautiful!

In the process of Lei Yuting's strong rise in Omen, regardless of his brains, his amazing skills alone have swept across the world and he is known as the"No. 1 beater in Omen"!

The last person who was known as the"No. 1 beater in Macao" was called

Gao Jin!

Lei Yuting's current skills and moves are exactly the same as those taken by Gao Jin, the number one fighter in Austria back then - extremely sharp, extremely efficient, and extremely graceful!

In the dark, it seems to be God's will, like a silent inheritance

"As expected of Mr. Lei, who is well-known in Hong Kong and is known as the 'No. 1 beater in Macau' today, he is so sharp!"

"Come again!!"

Dongxing's top fighter, Dao Zaisen, had eyes flashing and fighting spirit high. He waved his saber and charged towards Lei Yuting.

"How are you qualified to be as big as Master Lei? Of course you have to join forces, otherwise wouldn't it be disrespectful to Master Lei?"

Ma Fuhui laughed. With his right fist wrapped around the finger tiger, he launched an attack on Lei Yuting from the other side.

He was actually interesting. He fulfilled his words and joined forces when he said they would join forces.


The sword flashed suddenly, and the knife boy Sen waved his saber and chopped off Lei Yuting's head.

At the same time, Ma Fuhui punched Lei Yuting in the ribs!

In the midst of this flash of lightning, Lei Yuting's waist and abdomen sank, his center of gravity shifted down, and he avoided The knife struck by Dao Zaisen was followed by a wave of his right arm, and his elbow struck the back of Ma Fuhui's hand accurately.


A precise elbow strike knocked Ma Fuhui away.


While blasting Ma Fuhui away, Lei Yuting did not stop, his right arm continued to move forward, drawing a beautiful arc in the air, and hit Dao Zaisen in the abdomen with one punch.

Dao Zaisen grunted and took a few steps back. Just then, he stabilized his body.

Cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

His abdomen was in excruciating pain!

The strength of Lei Yuting's punch was frightening.

After repelling Dao Zaisen, Lei Yuting kept attacking, and one shot flew up from below. A straight kick from above hit Ma Fuhui's chin from the right side, knocking him upside down.

What a dry land to pull onions!!


Dao Zaisen and Ma Fuhui looked at Lei Yuting in surprise, feeling in their hearts Everyone was shocked, but they never expected that Lei Yuting, the number one fighter in Austria, would be so strong.

Just this exchange of lightning and flint was enough to make a difference.

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