Amid laughter and curses, the two brothers Huo Lingyun and Lei Yuting walked away arm in arm, leaving only the mess on the floor in the Caesar Hall, and Hong Le's most powerful fit who turned into air and was completely ignored.

Chicken Boy's face was ashen, and the veins on his neck and cheeks were bulging.

He looked around and was even more furious!

When he saw boxing champion Dong whose chin was smashed to pieces by Huo Lingyun's punch, tears instantly burst into his eyes.

A man doesn't shed tears easily, but he hasn't reached the sad point yet!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

"Bastards, you two damn bastards!!"

Ji Zaixiong roared at the top of his lungs.

After roaring, he immediately took out his mobile phone, called the nearest hospital, called an ambulance, then squatted down, hugged Boxing Champion Dong, and started sobbing.



After Huo Lingyun and Lei Yuting left the New World Nightclub arm in arm, they went outside to hang out.

Take a walk and chat.

Huo Lingyun didn't have much time before, so he just gave an overview of the whole thing. Now that he has time, he completed all the details.

"I lost it! Lei

Yuting rolled his eyes and said speechlessly:"Brother, to be honest, why do I feel that you are more of a charlatan than me?""

"I just mocked and scolded you a few times, but you ended up being so domineering?"

"Although I know that you will definitely skyrocket in the future, but now you have to remember that you are just an ordinary housing estate boy. There is no need to bring hatred to yourself like this, right?"

The cool breeze came in waves, and the bright moonlight sprinkled on the earth like silver, shining quietly on the two of them.

Huo Lingyun laughed happily and said,"Is there any?

Lei Yuting stared and said,"What do you think?""

"Well, it does, haha. Huo Lingyun laughed and said,"Actually, there is no other reason. If we really want to say the reason, it is only three people."

Lei Yuting asked curiously:"Which three people?"

Huo Lingyun said:"I'm happy.""


" For a while, Lei Yuting didn't react. He was stunned for a few seconds and then said,"What do you mean?"

Huo Lingyun said:"What does it mean? It means literally. I did it because I was happy.""

"I didn’t think much about the rest, and it wasn’t important."

"The thing is that simple."


Lei Yuting suddenly understood what Huo Lingyun wanted to express. To put it simply, it was just one sentence: The sky is big and the earth is big, but I am not happy!


Lei Yuting looked at Huo Lingyun steadily, and it took him a few seconds to utter the word.

Then he extended his thumb to Huo Lingyun and said,"I have never thought of these three words before, but you are like this, boss. Said, I suddenly felt that these three words were so powerful and domineering!"

"Of course, the most powerful and domineering one is of course you, the boss."

"Take it!!"

Huo Lingyun decisively kicked Lei Yuting and gave him an extra word"Go away".

After the small talk, Huo Lingyun and Lei Yuting started talking about business.

It is worth mentioning that at this time, Lei Yuting already knew Huo Lingyun's nickname. What is his name? Some outsiders still call him"Lao Huo", but in private, they call him by his nickname.

Tiger, this is Huo Lingyun's nickname. It is the same as the name Huo Butui, and it is also true.

Last time Lei Yu The court asked Huo Lingyun if he was the prince of the Huo family. Huo Lingyun did not answer directly, but after all, he felt guilty and later told Lei Yuting the nickname"Tiger".

"tiger. Lei

Yuting looked a little more serious and said,"Hong Le Ji Zaixiong, you definitely don't know, but I do.""

"He has a good relationship with Boxing Champion Dong"

"Tonight you will beat the boxing champion Dong to a cripple, and he will never give up. This is also the fundamental reason why I just asked you if you want to kill Ji Zaixiong. That is not a joke."

There was a slight pause.

Lei Yuting's eyes flashed and he continued:"Now that we have cut the grass, we must eradicate the roots, otherwise there will be endless troubles!"

At this time, Lei Yuting released a decisive and killing spirit that lived up to the name of Lord Lei!

If he were not so ruthless, in this quagmire called Jianghu, he would definitely not be able to do so in such a short period of time. Achieving such a brilliant achievement.

Huo Lingyun smiled and said:"Of course I know the principle of eradicating the roots, but whatever you want to do, you can't just kill him directly in the new world, right?"

"That's unrealistic and would be very troublesome to deal with. It's not necessary."

"Even if you want to do it, you have to pick a suitable time and a suitable place. At least you and I must be completely cleared of suspicion, right?

Lei Yuting nodded with a smile and said,"That's right.""

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