Standard Chartered Road, Wan Chai East.

This is a residential area, and among the towering residential buildings, there is a group of villas with a total of about ten villas.

A certain villa.

It was late - night.


The owner of this villa is none other than the famous Mr. Lei in the world -

Lei Yuting!

Lei Yuting was born in Hong Kong Island in 1984. He is only 24 years old this year. He is very young. However, at such a young age, he has made a big name in the Hong Kong and Olympic arena.

His father was an inhumane scumbag. When his mother was three months pregnant with him, he abandoned their mother and son and ran away because he owed usury.

Her mother's name is Lei Yunshi.

She was a short, extremely thin, but extremely strong-willed woman, and a mother who could be described as"great".

After Lei Yuting's scumbag father left her three months pregnant and ran away, many relatives and friends advised her not to give birth.

But Lei Yunshi didn't listen and gave birth to Lei Yuting anyway.

The scumbag father ran away, and the loan shark he owed naturally fell on Lei Yunshi. He was often harassed by those words, but Lei Yunshi had no choice but to leave Hong Kong because he was unable to repay the money.

When Lei Yuting was three years old, Lei Yunshi took him to Omen to survive.

For a woman, this is definitely a desperate move!

It was because of Lei Yuting that she had to give up the place where she had lived for decades, stay away from relatives and friends, and go to a foreign land to make a living alone. She had to bear any difficulties on her own.

Under such circumstances, Lei Yunshi still raised Lei Yuting.

Not only were they raised, but they were also taught very well!

Lei Yunshi has a handsome appearance, and many people like him, but those men who want to marry him often make one request, that is, they don't want Lei Yuting!

Of course she couldn't agree.

When Lei Yuting was 18 years old, this strong woman who had worked hard all her life finally couldn't hold on anymore.

Life has come to an end!

Lei Yuting lost the most important person in his life!



After talking about a great mother, let’s talk about Lei Yuting.

At the age of 15, in order not to burden his mother, he decisively dropped out of school and began to work as a junkie!

Of course, if his mother knew it, she would definitely disagree.

Lei Yuting's dropping out of school has always been hidden from his mother.

He was very smart. It only took him three years to become famous and establish his own business. As you can imagine, he was suppressed by several forces.

Everyone thought that Lei Yuting would definitely die.

But after using a series of strategies such as killing people with borrowed knives, driving tigers to devour wolves, cutting firewood from under the cauldron, and going straight to the Yellow Dragon, coupled with a spirit of fearlessness and fear of death, Lei Yuting created a small miracle.

His operation amazed the older generation of people in Omen, and they all said that they saw the shadow of the young Mr. Huo in Lei Yuting.

This is an incredible review!

For Lei Yuting, this is also the greatest compliment to him.

He couldn't be more satisfied if he could be 30% like his idol!

Since then, young Lei Yuting has become famous.

In four years, Lei Yuting took a step further - becoming famous in Hong Kong and Austria!

At this time, Lei Yuting's power had become the largest power in the underground world of Aomen.

In the Omen Jianghu, no one can threaten him anymore.

It was from then on that Lei Yuting, who was only 22 years old, gained the reputation of"Master Lei" in the world.

Of course, he himself would not admit it at all.

This is where he is most clever!

It is impossible to achieve such an achievement at such a young age without getting carried away and forgetting everything, but Lei Yuting just held back! or.

To be more precise, no matter what achievements he made, no matter how his status changed, no matter how much the outside world flattered him, he always maintained his sanity from beginning to end!

The mind is always awake.

Lei Yuting's brains are also reflected in other places.

Although he started out in the martial arts world, he has a very far-sighted vision and does not care about the immediate gains and losses at all, but only focuses on the future!

To put it simply, the path he took to rise was exactly the same as Huo Wenyao.

Don't touch pornography, gambling, or drugs!

He would not do anything like kidnapping or extortion - if he was fighting with other forces, that would be another matter, but he would never make money through these things, let alone target ordinary people!

In Austria, gambling is legal, and the stacking business is also legal, so he will do the stacking business!

Today's Huo's business is no longer what it used to be. Although business like Dua Ma is profitable, it is not very black and can only be regarded as gray, but Huo's stopped doing it a long time ago.

If Huo's does not engage in overlapping business, it is equivalent to splitting out a huge piece of cake in an instant!

Lei Yuting had the biggest piece!

He was able to eat it not only because he was strong enough, but also because he was obedient enough and respected Huo enough.

You want what Huo gave to you.

If Huo didn't give it to him, he would never take it away.

Not only will he not rob, but he will also take the initiative to help Huo deal with those guys who break the rules of the Aomen Jianghu and are disobedient!

As for the past two years, after Lei Yuting's power became the largest in Omen, he used Omen as a springboard to enter Hong Kong Island and began to engage in various formal businesses such as real estate and logistics transportation.

For the two brothers Cao Nan and Brother Pa, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for revenge.

Because a few years ago, Cao Nan and Brother Pa also coveted the Austrian overlay business, but they were kicked out of Austria by Lei Yuting.

The deep hatred between the two sides has been forged since then.

Aomen, that is Lei Yuting's main battlefield, losing is nothing.

Now that the guy has come to Hong Kong Island, this has become their main battlefield. With the characters of Cao Nan and Brother Pa, how can they let Lei Yuting off easily?

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