Lu Mingzhe couldn't help but was stunned and jokingly said:"Wow, are all young people today like this?"

"Do you want it to be this cool?"

"Even if you really don't mind at all, you should still accept this business card. Boss, if you do this, I will lose face.

Huo Lingyun stood up and said with a smile:"Sir Lu, you are joking.""

"Of course, no matter what, I have to thank Sir Lu for his kindness."

"But I think it's not necessary. I will never be in any danger."

"To put it another way, if the situation mentioned by Sir Lu really happens. I think even calling you may not have any effect."


After that, without waiting for Lu Mingzhe to respond to him, Huo Lingyun left neatly.

The lawyer also left with him.

Hearing what Huo Lingyun said, Lu Mingzhe couldn't help but froze for a moment, thinking about Huo Lingyun's words.

He felt infinite helplessness in his heart..


Of course he knew what Huo Lingyun meant. Once the two brothers Cao Nan and Brother Pa really wanted to take action, taking what happened before, they really didn't have much chance of winning.

Against Cao Nan, an intelligent and peerless warrior. Bandits, they are defeated again and again!

How sad!

After Huo Lingyun left, Zhao Jianguo rushed in and said:"Boss, are you just letting him go?"

Lu Mingzhe leaned back, closed his eyes slightly, rubbed the corners of his eyes, and asked tiredly:"What else?"

"What do you want to do, stop him forcefully?"

"He is not a criminal suspect, so we have no right to detain him here."


Zhao Jianguo couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, and he had nothing to say.

After a few seconds,

Lu Mingzhe shook his head, his face became serious, and he said in a deep voice:"Jianguo, these days are a super dangerous period, Cao Nan, Lang Pa The two brothers are very likely to attack him"

"There is at least a 90% chance!!"

"You immediately send ten people to secretly keep an eye on the sentry and temporarily protect the little guy for a period of time. You must not let anything happen to him!"

Zhao Jianguo nodded and said loudly:"I understand."

After saying that, he immediately left the interrogation room and arranged suitable personnel to keep an eye on Huo Lingyun.

But what happened next once again exceeded their expectations.


It was not beyond their expectations. It could be said to be... Everything is turned upside down and unexpected!



With the development of the times, technology is changing with each passing day, and so is the equipment of the police. Today, the equipment of the Hong Kong Island police has undergone tremendous qualitative changes compared to twenty years ago.

As the equipment becomes more powerful, the tracking methods become more sophisticated.

But no matter what, each mountain is higher than the other!

After Huo Lingyun left the police station, he immediately realized that he was being followed. Then he went into a video game arcade and played the game of trading civet cats for princes, and easily escaped the pursuit.

The so-called civet cat exchanges for the prince, the method is also very simple, that is, first get in the crowd, and then exchange clothes and hats with others.

This method has been used by countless people throughout the ages.

It couldn't be simpler.

It doesn't matter if it's simple, as long as it's enough and can still work wonders now, that's enough.

When Lu Mingzhe and Zhao Jianguo heard the news, the former was stunned again, while the latter's lungs were almost exploding with anger. He cursed the men responsible for tracking him bloody, and he still couldn't get over his anger.

In the end, Lu Mingzhe came forward and made other arrangements, and the matter came to an end.

Lu Mingzhe’s deployment has two points.

1. Continue the city-wide search for Huo Lingyun!

2. Stay in San Marco and see if Huo Lingyun will show up.

The only pity is that today is Friday, tomorrow and the next two days are weekends, holiday time, and there are no classes.

On the other side, Huo Lingyun, who had escaped the police pursuit, was caught while having a late-night snack in an ice house.

But it's neither the police, nor Cao Nan's, or Brother Pa's people, but his people!

The two guys who came were about the same age as him, and most importantly, they looked so similar that it made people wonder if they were brothers.

Oh, these two are somewhat similar to Luo Tianhong and Tian Yangsheng.

The answer is already coming out -

Luo Pingnan!

God raises Wu!

One is Luo Tianhong's son, and the other is Tian Yangsheng's son.

These two guys were only two months younger than Huo Lingyun. They had followed Huo Lingyun's lead since they were young. They not only practiced with Huo Lingyun, but also studied with Huo Lingyun.

Huo Lingyun was on Hong Kong Island, and they were on Hong Kong Island. When Huo Lingyun arrived in Britain, they were also packed and sent to Britain.

It can be seen from here that Huo Wenyao began to pave the way for Huo Lingyun to take charge of the Huo family a long time ago.

Although Huo Wenyao said that he respects all Huo Lingyun's choices, as a qualified father, he has already done everything he should do.

Luo Pingnan and Tian Yangwu are the second generation core of the Huo Group, and they have taken Huo Lingyun as their core since childhood.

In a similar situation, there is Zhan Mi's son.

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