The flight was impressively seven or eight meters long, and it hit the wall surrounding the rooftop with a loud bang. The wall behind shook dust and scattered a few trivial stones.


Chen Gou's eyes widened and he looked at Huo Lingyun in disbelief. A mouthful of blood spurted out.

He could no longer stand and leaned against the wall and slowly fell down!

"Damn it!"

Bobby was completely frightened.

Then, he couldn't help but burst out with a exclamation.

At this moment, in such a solemn atmosphere, this exclamation seemed particularly abrupt.

Yao Yingying and Bobby's younger brothers were originally surprised and shocked. If it didn't work, he looked at Huo Lingyun again at this moment. It was completely like looking at an ancient beast.!

It's not a human anyway!

Huo Lingyun looked at Chen Gou mockingly and said lightly:"Idiot, let me enlighten you." Take a look at you"

"First, I have already taken action against Manabe. With his character, as well as the characters of his father and second uncle, he will definitely not let me go, right?"

"Second, whether I stop now or not, the result will be the same, right?"

"Third, since they will never let me go no matter what, and I still have the upper hand now, and none of you are my opponent, then what's wrong with me beating this loser to death?"

"Finally, just like this loser, you are also really stupid."

Chen Gou:"……"

People are stupid.

Numb, it makes sense!

He has been with Cao Nan and Brother Pa for more than ten years, and he knows the characters of these two brothers very well. Each of them is arrogant, domineering, vicious and cruel.

This guy treated Cao Zhen like this, how could they let him go?

Don't tell me that this guy is 18 years old soon, even if he is only 10 years old, they will kill him!

After that, Huo Lingyun ignored Chen Gou and turned to look at Cao Zhen, who was lying on the ground covered in blood, like a dead dog, miserable and speechless, came to him and squatted down.

Huo Lingyun smiled and said,"Manapot, what do you think?"

Cao Zhen?

What else could Cao Zhen say? When he heard Huo Lingyun's words, he was really worried that he would be beaten to death by Huo Lingyun. He was so scared that he peed!

Scared, this is not a description, but a fact that has happened.

A fishy smell slowly spread.

Huo Lingyun held his nose with his left hand, looked at Cao Zhen with disgust, shook his head speechlessly, and raised his right hand again, too lazy to talk nonsense.

Okay, ready to fight again!

Although the previous attack was a violent storm and his fists were like raindrops, Huo Lingyun couldn't even use 10% of his strength. Otherwise, with his punch power, one punch would have given Cao Zhen a concussion, and two punches would have sent him home. Cao Zhen It’s impossible to survive until now!


Cao Zhen, who had been frightened to death, came back to his senses under the threat of death.

He used all his strength to get up, knelt in front of Huo Lingyun, and started kowtowing. His forehead soon became blood red, and he couldn't help but beg for mercy:" I know my mistake! I know my mistake!"

"Don't kill me, don't kill me... I really know my mistake! Huo

Lingyun looked at Cao Zhen with a smile but not a smile, and said:"Now you know your mistake. Come and listen to me.""

Laoding, that is, the boss of the boss, based on seniority, is the uncle or grandfather.

"Old top! Old top! Without any hesitation, Cao

Zhen gave in decisively and shouted:"You will be my boss from now on, Cao Zhen!"!"

"This is so good. Huo

Lingyun rubbed Cao Zhen's head and said,"If you had been so good at the beginning, you wouldn't have ended up like this. How embarrassing, right?""

Cao Zhen nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, and echoed:"Yes, yes, Lao Ding is right, it's all my fault!

Huo Lingyun said:"Then do you know what to do in the future?""


"I know! Cao

Zhen said hurriedly:"I will never provoke the students of St. Mark's again, and I will never appear in front of Lao Ding again!""

"It’s not that I deliberately avoid Lao Ding, but I’m worried that Lao Ding will annoy me when he sees me."

"If I accidentally bump into him, no matter where I am, I will kowtow three times to him!"

Holy shit!!

Everyone present was shocked by Cao Zhen's sudden change. It turns out that a person can be so shameless.

In order to survive, this guy really went out of his realm shamelessly!

Huo Ling Yun also twitched the corner of his mouth and was extremely speechless.

He finally knew what a real loser was.

He shook his head and was too lazy to pay attention to this loser anymore. He stood up, turned around and left, casually saying:"Remember your promise, in the future If you don't admit it, you will end badly.……"

Amidst the words, Huo Lingyun passed by Bobby and several of his younger brothers.

Those people have been completely petrified!

Huo Lingyun passed by them and looked at Huo Lingyun again, his eyes became filled with awe!

Children play house!

Huo Lingyun walked directly past several people.

Rather than trivial matters like this, what concerned him more and needed careful planning were actually Cao Nan and Brother Pa from the Number Gang.

Let’s take a look at this world through them!

Let’s see how legendary our dad was back then. I hope this group of gangsters are still young and can still see the glory of Hong Kong and Olympic in the past from them.

Yao Yingying was still in a daze.

When Huo Lingyun walked past him, he whistled and joked:"Beautiful girl, haven't you seen enough?"

"Look again, be careful and put yourself in it"

"Let's go."

With a chuckle, Huo Lingyun passed Yao Yingying and left straight away.

Only then did Yao Yingying react, glanced at the embarrassed people, turned around quickly, and chased after Huo Lingyun.

The rest of the matter has nothing to do with them..

Even if there were, it wouldn’t be today.

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