It is precisely because of the various incredible miracles Huo Wenyao has achieved and created since he entered the industry.

What’s more, he’s still creating!

Therefore, the whole world has very different expectations for him, especially Hong Kong Island, where he was born and raised.

Just last August, when the global financial crisis broke out and Hong Kong Island, like the rest of the world, suffered unimaginable damage, Hong Kong people had such expectations for Fok Wenyao.

Everyone is thinking that during the Asian financial crisis in 1997, Fok Wenyao had already saved Hong Kong Island once.

Now, ten years later, Huo Wenyao is many times stronger than before.

So can he save Hong Kong Island again?

They think too much!

Not to mention that the final victory of Hong Kong Island’s financial defense war in 1997 was not solely the result of Fok Wenyao. Even if he was, Fok Wenyao would not be able to save Hong Kong Island again.

What is happening right now? global economic crisis!

This is a credit crisis that originated from Wall Street in the lighthouse country and eventually swept the world, making the whole world pay for the lighthouse country. Its influence is beyond imagination!


Just this year, it was named the financial tsunami and the Wall Street tsunami!

Even the Lighthouse Country itself, the only superpower in the world, cannot deal with a financial crisis of this magnitude!

Is it possible for Huo Wenyao? no way!

So, the global financial crisis is still going on!

The lives of ordinary people are very difficult, while the wealth of the world's richest people is squeezing into bubbles and falling crazily.

Huo Wenyao is no exception



Oh, by the way, let me introduce the huge Huo family.

Just in 1999, the Huo family added three more children.

One man and two women.

The boy's name is Huo Qijia. Imamura Kiyoko is the second son born to Huo Wenyao. The first she gave birth to was also a son named Huo Xiu Shen. He was born in 1992. The two brothers are seven years apart.

There are two girls, one is born to Bobo and her name is Huo Yixuan.

In 1992, Bobo gave birth to a daughter for Huo Wenyao, named Huo Jingyan. The two sisters are also 7 years apart. Huo Jingyan is Huo Wenyao's second daughter, and her sister is Huo Rongyu.

That girl Huo Rongyu was born to Xiandi.

Another girl born in 1999, named Huo Shiluo, nicknamed Luoluo, was born to Nalan Ziyan.

Thank God, the famous Mr. Huo Wenyaohuo finally solved Nalang Gege!

The two finally had the fruit of love.

So far, Huo Wenyao has nine sons and eight daughters, and the last one is still missing!

In 2002, Huo Wenyao's youngest daughter was born, also by Nalangge. She was named Huo Shifei, nicknamed Feifei. She is only 6 years old now.

Just this year, Huo held a grand birthday party for the youngest princess!

Nine sons and nine daughters!

Huo Wenyao has no plans to have any more children, and Huo Shifei has become Huo Wenyao’s last child.



Huo Wenyao has nine sons and nine daughters, the youngest is 6 years old and the eldest is 17 years old!

Right now, this 17-year-old guy has perfectly inherited the wisdom and appearance of his father Huo Wenyao and his mother Ding Yao. He is handsome, handsome, and absolutely beautiful!

As long as this guy is willing to debut, he will definitely be treated like an emperor and a superstar.

He was standing in front of his father.

The ancients all had their own font sizes, and they were also particular about choosing font sizes. There were snap-on styles, derivation styles, relative styles, causal styles, etc. For example, Zhou Yu, whose courtesy name was Gongjin, both Yu and Jin were beautiful jade.

This is the relative formula.

Another type of font size is the annotative type, where the character is used as a supplement and explanation of the name, such as Yang Guo. The purpose of changing the character is to hope that Yang Guo will correct his father's mistakes.

Huo Lingyun's font size is also annotated.

Huo Wenyao got it for him personally.

Huo Lingyun, keep your word!

What’s the explanation?

Without him - the ambition not to fall into the sky!

Not all of Huo Wenyao's nine sons and nine daughters have a font name, and Huo Lingyun is the only one who chose it personally. This shows how much Huo Wenyao and Ding Yao value and look forward to him.

Of course, regardless of these reasons, Huo Lingyun does need a font size.

This will provide convenience for him to travel around the world and experience all kinds of things in the world.

It is well known to the whole world how strictly the Huo family protects the privacy of the Huo family. Since the age of three, no photos of Huo Lingyun have appeared in public.

The media reports on Huo Lingyun were only a few, very general.

For example, what they now know is that the prince of the Huo family went to elementary school and junior high school in Hong Kong Island. In high school, he was sent to Britain by Huo Wenyao to attend an aristocratic high school. He has not returned yet.

According to time calculation, the Prince of the Huo family should be in the sixth form this year. oh.

This is the Hong Kong term. According to the mainland term, it is the third year of high school!

But what the whole world didn't know was that the Prince of the Huo family had secretly returned to Hong Kong and was studying at St. Mark's Middle School. His name was Huo Buchui!

Well, Huo Buchui has nothing to do with the Huo family and Fok Wenyu in Hong Kong. He is just a boy from a housing estate and comes from a poor family.

Huo Wenyao's work is extremely detailed. From birth to growth to the present, all the information is available, and every detail is not missed. ,

Even if we check, it is impossible to find out easily!

What the whole world only knows is that Huo Lingyun is still studying at Britain High School.

This is indeed the case.

Over in Britain, there is another Huo Lingyun!

In 1998, when fighting against many consortiums headed by Andrew, Huo Wenyao played a stand-in trick.

Now, he is playing this game on his son again.

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