After a brief exchange of greetings, Huo Wenyao, led by He Chaowei, entered Santa Maria Hospital and came to a top-notch ICU ward.

He Xin was lying quietly on the hospital bed, wearing a breathing mask.

The accompanying attending doctor reminded:"Mr. Huo, Master He, Dr. He's current condition is not very good and he needs to be quiet."

"You can go in and see him if you want, but there shouldn't be too many people. Huo

Wenyao just... wanted to laugh and said casually:"Then if no one goes in to see him and Dr. He is allowed to rest quietly, can you guarantee that he will be rescued and let him live for another ten years?""

Attending hospital:"……"


"Can't do it?

Huo Wenyao smiled and said:"Then don't talk nonsense. There is a saying in Jianghu, which says that life and death are determined by destiny, and wealth is in heaven.""

"You’ve heard it, but you may not understand it"

"But Dr. He is also half a Jianghu person, so he definitely understands."

With a chuckle, Huo Wenyao ignored the doctor, opened the door directly, and walked quickly towards He Xin on the hospital bed. He was carefree and without any scruples.

The corner of his mouth twitched when he saw it, but he didn't know what to say.Well, because what Mr. Huo said makes sense!

That makes damn sense!

Of course, it makes sense, but that's not how things work.

He Chaowei said to the others:"Everyone, please stay away. Mr. Huo and I will go in. We still have to keep quiet."

After that, everyone dispersed.

He Chaowei opened the door, walked into the ICU ward, bent down, leaned into He Xin's ear, and whispered:"Dad, Dad, Mr. Huo is already here, Mr. Huo is already here!"

"If you have anything to say, just talk to Mr. Huo."

Amidst He Chaowei's soft shouting, He Xin's body moved and his eyes gradually opened. However, he woke up and was in a trance. It took several minutes before he finally woke up.

He turned his eyes and saw the person sitting there. Huo Wenyao was sitting on the soft leather chair next to the bed.

He smiled.

Then, He Xin twisted his neck and pulled off the oxygen mask himself.


He Chaowei was so anxious that he shouted

"Cough cough cough! He

Chaowei coughed violently a few times, but waved his hand to He Chaowei and said:"It's okay, I'm going to die soon. Why should I wear an oxygen mask? It won't take more than a few minutes.""

"Help me up!"

He Chaowei nodded and responded. He first put a few pillows behind He Xin's back, then helped him sit up slowly.

He Xin turned to look at Huo Wenyao and said,"Hello, Mr. Huo, thank you for coming to see me. I.

Huo Wenyao said:"It's nothing, it should be."

He Xindao:"Hey, there is no right or wrong. Based on what I did to you in the past, it's pretty good that you didn't beat me to death completely after you became famous."

Huo Wenyao shook his head and said,"It's not like that.""

"How can one person kill all his opponents? I want to kill you, but what about Huo Jingliang? Do you want to kill him too? And Ding Rongbang, Ye Xiaoli and others"

"Business competition is inevitable, and having the last laugh is the greatest compliment."

There was a slight pause.

Huo Wenyao continued:"As for you, Dr. He, what a terrifying existence the He family is in Hong Kong and Austria. I don't need to say more, right?"

This is indeed the case.

Although Huo Wenyao defeated He Xin and has now become the most popular presence in the Hong Kong Olympics and even the world, it is still somewhat difficult to drive out the He family.

After all, business is not a world. It is possible to kill all the He family in one go.

That is unrealistic.

The He family traces back from He Xin to the famous He Dong family!

He Dong, a Eurasian mixed race, has a foreign face, but is"drinking the fragrance of the river""The water flows with the blood of the Xiangjiang River." A genuine Hong Kong Islander has been exposed to and bathed in Confucian culture since he was a child.

Later in his life, he continued to abide by Confucian culture, and he was a genuine Yanguo person.

To put it bluntly, the entire He family, This boss is the most legendary existence!

He Xin advertises that he is self-made, but as long as he is born into the He family, he is destined to never be able to start from scratch. In the process of making a fortune, he can always get help from noble people.

To others For him, it was just luck, but for He Xin, it was destined.

The real self-made man was He Tung!

But it was by virtue of starting from scratch that He Tung became the first richest man in the history of Hong Kong Island, was knighted, and founded The Ho Tung family is the first of the four major families in Hong Kong's first generation!

Even Fok Wenyu couldn't help but marvel at the legend of its experience.

Hearing Fok Wenyu mention Ho Tung, He Xin laughed and said no more Say more.

After the small talk, it’s time to get down to business.

He Xin sighed lightly and said:"Mr. Huo, I have been reflecting on it in recent years.

Huo Wenyao said:"Reflect on what?" He

Xindao:"I'm thinking, if I hadn't been so arrogant when you entered Austria, would the result have been different?""


Before He Xin could say anything else, Huo Wenyao interrupted. He

Xin was stunned.

Huo Wenyao said:"Actually, there is nothing to reflect on. As you move up, what is your ultimate pursuit?"

"Realizing the value of life is all illusory. To put it bluntly, it is nothing more than identity and status."

"Then why do you pursue identity and status?"

"In the final analysis, what we pursue is to have the qualifications to be arrogant."

"Once you have this qualification, you don’t have to be arrogant or you can be arrogant, but that is your personal choice and has nothing to do with others."

"Dr. He, I am also very arrogant now because my identity and status are enough. No matter what bad things happen because of this arrogance in the future, I will not regret it."

He Xin fell silent and thought carefully about Huo Wenyao's words.

It seems...that's really the case.

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