Even before arriving at Huo's Manor, several private helicopters had been prepared. ready!

Just wait for Huo Wenyao to agree.

The only surprise was that Zhan Mi didn't expect that in addition to the Huo family, Huo Wenyao was also planning to bring Liangkun and Dadong there, but it wasn't a problem. After making a phone call, the two of them could arrive within two hours.

By then, we can just fly to Omen together, there is still plenty of time.

Nearly an hour and a half later, the time came to ten o'clock in the evening.

Everyone has arrived.

On the Huo side, there are mainly Tianci senior officials such as Luo Tianhong, Tian Yangsheng, Tian Yangyi, Tian Yangzhi, and Tian Yanghui, plus four middle-level cadres such as Qi Qian, Sha Qiang, Pao Hui, and Huo Zai.

Huo Wenyao marched into Austria and competed with He Xin, and all these people participated.

Silly Qiang even became famous by fighting He Xin head-on!

It was from then on that Shaqiang's position in Tiansheng skyrocketed. Regardless of whether his brain was good or not, he was fighting for a position for himself.

From this point of view, Omen can be said to be his blessed place.

Airplane, Pao Hui, Huo Zai and others also made their own achievements.

On the night of the Lotus Terrace battle, Hei Hong plotted He Xin and collapsed Yaju. At the most thrilling moment, these gang of Qinglong Hall elders tied up their bodies for free, and each one was more desperate than the other.

Jimi made a mistake earlier.

In that case, even if Huo Wenyao didn't have unparalleled force, Hei Hong would not be able to succeed, and both sides would suffer if they were to survive.

Hei Hong will never get a big deal.

The fundamental reason is that in the early days of Huo's business, there were too many guys like Huo Fei and Shaqiang who dared to fight and did not take their own lives as their own.

With such courage, how could Hei Hong defeat Huo Wenyao?

Huo's people arrived faster, while Liangkun and Dadong arrived slower because they lived a little further away. They only arrived a few minutes ago.

Just the two of them, no one close to them



Everyone gathered in front of the helicopter landing pad.

Seeing Huo Wenyao again, Dadong smiled honestly, and Liangkun smiled even more, saying:"Mr. Huo, we really have the same mind." Huo Wenyao said with a smile:"Oh, how do you say it?"

Liangkun said"I've been wanting to see Mr. Huo for the past few days, but tonight, Mr. Huo called me."

Huo Wenyao said,"Brother Kun, do you have anything to do with me?"

"none. Liangkun shook his head and said,"I just want to meet Mr. Huo and have a casual chat. I have no other ideas.""

"Wow. Huo

Wenyao exclaimed with an exaggerated expression, and joked:"Brother Kun, do you want to speak in such a disgusting way?""

"Why do you feel like you are in love with me?"

"I must warn you seriously, I, Huo Wenyao, am a man and I like women. If you really have any messy thoughts, you'd better give up now to avoid adding to your sorrow."


His eyes widened and he looked at Huo Wenyao in confusion, but he didn't react for a while.

This is also understandable.

Just imagine, what kind of identity and status does Huo Wenyao have now, but with such an identity and such a status, he has not forgotten them and specially called them over.

Nothing else, just a meeting.

This in itself is already very rare.

Even rarer...


To be more precise, what is even more incredible is that Huo Wenyao's attitude towards them is still so kind.

It was so approachable beyond his imagination, he felt like he was just dreaming!

Liangkun felt like he was dreaming!

Bang, bang!

This guy is really crazy. He raised his hand and slapped his face several times. This time it was his turn to make others confused.

The corners of the mouths of Luo Tianhong, Tian Yangzhi, Qi Qian, Sha Qiang and others twitched slightly. leave!

Brother Kun, you are so crazy!

Huo Wenyao looked at Liangkun. He was almost 50 years old and had a lot of gray hair on his temples.

Brother Kun is getting old too!

Huo Wenyao smiled and said:"Brother Kun, you have a lot more gray hair."

"Ha, really? Liangkun touched his head and said with a smile:"It's normal, Mr. Huo, I will be almost 50 soon.""

"We've known each other for 15 years, it's normal for us to grow old."

"Now that I think about it, there are many things that I find incredible. When we first met, I wanted to plot against Mr. Huo. Mr. Huo's thoughts at that time should have been the same."

"I lost it!"

"Unexpectedly, 15 years later, Lian Haolong, Jiang Tiansheng, Shuang Yingqing, and Deng Bo all failed, but I, Liangkun, could still stand in front of Mr. Huo."

Probably the time was right and the atmosphere was right. Liangkun was extremely candid and rare.

Even though the two of them were similar at first and he wanted to plot against Huo Wenyao, he said it without any psychological burden.

In the end, Liangkun was very frank. Kun paused for a moment, his face became more serious, and he added:"Mr. Huo, I can still stand in front of you and follow you for so many years."

"It's my pleasure."

Huo Wenyao was also filled with emotions, and that's true.

That year, Huo Wenyao first entered the world, and he was just an unknown boy.

That year, Huo Wenyao officially started his plan to spread martial arts in the world, and sent Xu Yandong to Went to Dongxing.

In that year, Huo Wenyao and Liangkun met for the first time, and they were plotting against each other.

Liangkun wanted to use Huo Wenyao's help to get rid of Big Boss B, and then he would kill Huo Wenyao himself, and then, he would Jiang Tiansheng stepped down and became Hong Xing's talker.

Huo Wenyao?

Huo Wenyao's dream was much bigger than that of

Liangkun. From the time he first entered the world, it was clear in his heart: The world was just his starting point.

Of course, the starting point Returning to the starting point, what should be calculated is still calculated.

At that time, Huo Wenyao's original plan was to use Liangkun to kill the bosses B and Jiang Tiansheng, and then use Liangkun to support Chen Yaowei to ascend to power, and finally take charge of Hongxing.

At that time, they never imagined that in this situation of scheming against each other, they would be the ones who came to the end.

On the contrary, Chen Yaowei, who had high hopes for Huo Wenyao, became a dead man.

Countless thoughts passed by like lightning. Huo Wenyao's mind.

He smiled and said jokingly:"That's enough, Brother Kun, as I said before, your speech tonight is very disgusting, why are you getting more and more disgusting?"

"Calm down!

Liang Kun smiled and said,"I can't help it. My true feelings are revealed. My true feelings are revealed.""

"Then thank you Brother Kun for showing your true feelings. Huo

Wenyao smiled and said:"Since you have come so far, you might as well go further. In twenty, thirty, or even forty years, you can accompany me until the end of your life.""


" Liangkun slammed his feet on the ground, straightened his back, and said loudly:"Yes, Mr. Huo!""

"I still have to say, this is still a great honor for me."

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