When Andrew and other national speculators began to short-sell Hong Kong Island's finance, the Hong Kong Island government immediately reacted, accepted Fok Wenyao's advice, and changed its past three-point policy.

In the past, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority adopted a passive approach, waiting for others to attack and then counterattacking on its own.

But now, they are starting to take action early.

First, they used the financial reserves of Hong Kong Island to absorb all the Hong Kong dollars sold by speculators in Soros and other countries, and finally succeeded in stabilizing the exchange rate at a level of 7.75 Hong Kong dollars per US dollar.

Secondly, the Hong Kong Island government also significantly increased bank loan interest rates, which made it extremely difficult for speculators in Soros and other countries to borrow money.

This is the Hong Kong Island government. What about the wealthy Hong Kong and Austrian people represented by Fok Wenyao?

Of course they stood up.

Needless to say, Huo Wenyao has been a faction that firmly supports Hong Kong Island's finance from beginning to end.

Fortunately, under his leadership, many Hong Kong rich people such as Lei Yingdong, Li Zhaotian, Ding Shanben, Wen Lishi, etc. also stood up and invested huge sums of money to defend Hong Kong Island!

This incident caused a sensation all over the world!

Businessmen all pursue profits, and among those business godfathers in Hong Kong and Austria who rely on local dividends for development, who is not like this?

Even Huo Wenyao is!

But Huo Wenyao is a different kind. Not only is his business skills extremely superb and he is victorious in every battle, but no one can guess his thoughts.

Nothing he does is unusual.

But now, God, what's going on with the other rich people?

Is it possible that everyone was so stimulated by Huo Wenyao that they even ignored the basic business rules? This is the rhythm of destroying families and relieving difficulties.

Something's wrong, something's wrong!

Something is fucking wrong!

No matter what the outside world thinks, this happened.

On Hong Kong Island, a wonderful change is taking place.

Without Huo Wenyao, people's confidence in Hong Kong Island's financial market will be greatly reduced. From initial disappointment to despair, many people will join the team of short-selling Hong Kong Island.

But now, with the strong backing of Huo Wenyao, their confidence has doubled!

As the saying goes, one thing waxes and the other grows.

If there are more people who are bullish on Hong Kong Island's finance, there will naturally be fewer people who are bearish on Hong Kong Island. If there are fewer people who are bullish on Hong Kong Island's finances, there will be fewer people who are short on Hong Kong Island. then.

In real history, on August 13, 1998, the Hang Seng Index was originally suppressed from 8,800 points to 6,600 points, but now it has only been suppressed by about 1,600 points.

It is now -

7200 points!

Yes, under the fierce operations of the national speculators headed by Soros, the Hang Seng Index did not fall below the 7,000-point mark, which was much higher than the expectations of Soros and others.

This small drop does not mean that there is no profit, but it is simply unable to make up for their previous losses.

The worse situation is yet to come!

On August 13, 1998, the Hong Kong Island government organized funds to enter the market and started a battle for the August stock index futures contract with national speculators headed by Soros.

International speculators want to suppress the index and use it to cooperate with short futures!

The Hong Kong Island government wants to hold on to the index, forcing speculators to sell out the contracts they sold at high prices before the end of August!

What is the average price for futures speculators in Soros and other countries to open positions?

The answer is -

7500 points!

They are short-selling. Every time the Hang Seng Index falls by 1 point, one Hang Seng Index futures can earn 50 yuan!

And the Hang Seng Index futures in their hands are priced in tens of millions!

If an international speculator holds 10 million Hang Seng Index futures, then if the Hang Seng Index drops by one point, this person can earn 500 million Hong Kong dollars!

Yes, 1 point makes 500 million!!

In mid-August 1998, Soros and other national speculators began to carry out the second round of crazy attacks, which was to massively short the August stock index futures contract, hoping to defeat the Hong Kong Island government in one fell swoop.

But what happened next poured cold water on their heads!

The Hong Kong Island government finally used their trump card!

Huo Wenyao?

No, no, no, Huo Wenyao is the richest man in the world. Although he is very rich, many of them are fixed assets. The real liquid cash that can be used is only 10 to 20 billion US dollars.

A cash flow of this magnitude is extremely exaggerated when measured by individuals and even by the world.

But if you are involved in a financial war of this level, it will not be enough!

The Hong Kong Island government’s trump card is the mainland!!

Yan Guo mainland has foreign exchange reserves of more than 110 billion US dollars. That is the real trump card of the Hong Kong Island government and the fundamental reason for winning this Hong Kong Island financial defense war!

This is a nationwide effort to defend Hong Kong Island!




When the Hong Kong Island government made this move, it completely shocked all those who intended to short Hong Kong Island.

Don't you want to sell stock index futures?


I will buy as much as you sell! Don't worry.

Don't worry that I can't swallow it, because I have the entire Yan Kingdom standing behind me, no matter how much comes, I can swallow it all!

The result was finally revealed - the Hong Kong government entered the market and bought a large number of August stock index futures contracts shorted by international speculators. It's soaring, crazy growth of 1,000 points, pushing up from 7,200 points to 8,200 points!

Those international speculators' average position opening price is 7,500 points, 1:50 yuan, and now the difference is 700 points!

In other words, a Hang Seng Index futures will lose 35,000 Hong Kong dollars!

If you buy 10 million Hang Seng Index futures, you will lose 350 billion Hong Kong dollars, which is 45 billion US dollars!

In the first financial war, the international short-selling speculators suffered a complete defeat, and Hong Kong Island won a great victory!



Soros has a perseverant character and is not someone who gives up easily. This is just his first big victory and he will not surrender.

Neither will anyone else!

Because there is still half a month until the futures contract is delivered, for Soros and other international speculators, this is their last chance to make a comeback. How could they give up so easily?

Sure enough, from August 25th to 28th, the two sides launched a position transfer war.

The purpose of Hong Kong Island is to force the country's speculators to pay a high price!

On August 27th and 28th, national speculators went out in force in the spot stock market in an attempt to bring down the Hang Seng Index, while Hong Kong held on and continued to push up the price of the August futures contract.

On August 27th and 28th, the Hong Kong government accepted all sales orders as ordered. As a result, the transaction amount on August 27th reached HK$20 billion!

The transaction amount on August 28 reached a terrifying HK$88 billion!

The scary thing about this number is that it has set a record for the highest transaction volume in the Hong Kong Island market!!

Finally, when the August futures contract was settled, an extremely terrifying number was reached -

9100 points!

What was the Hang Seng Index's level before the Hong Kong government, Fok Wenyao and mainland funds intervened?

The answer is -

8800 points!

Now, due to many factors, they have pushed the Hang Seng Index to 9100 points in one fell swoop, which is 300 points more than 8800 points!

This time, the international speculators headed by Soros failed again!

Hong Kong Island, another great victory!!

And this time, it was the final victory.

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