
With inexplicable anxiety, Han Fei opened the first wooden box. hiss!!

His eyeballs opened at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his expression became ferocious at a speed visible to the naked eye!


What was placed in the wooden box was a specially processed human head.

His eyes widened suddenly, as if he could not close his eyes.

That's -

He Tail!!

Since the first wooden box contained He Wei's head, you could guess what was in the second wooden box even with your toes. It must be a human head.

What is more certain is that this is the head of Lafayette Tantai Ming.

Although he had already guessed it, Han Fei slowly opened the second wooden box with trembling hands.

No surprises.

Sure enough, it is still a human head, and sure enough, it is still Tantai Ming!


Cai Yuanqi, Li Wenbin, Lu Qichang and others naturally saw it, and their eyes widened in shock and their hearts beat faster.

Isn't it? Another big event is coming?

As the highest-ranking police officer in Hong Kong Island, unlike ordinary police officers, like Ah Hua, he had no idea who the two heads in the wooden box were and what their relationship was with Han Fei.

Cai Yuanqi, Li Wenbin, Lu Qichang and others are different, they know it.

Han Fei has been investigated for a long time.

Li Wenbin and Lu Qichang looked at each other and nodded silently. This was the right thing to do, and it was in line with Huo's style of doing things. If you want revenge, how can you only target Andrew and Jim Phillip?

How could they let this Han Fei go?

Dead silence!

In an instant, there was a strange and terrifying silence everywhere. Everyone was shocked by Huo's terrifying and efficient revenge methods, and they were filled with emotions.

After all, Mr. Huo is still the same Mr. Huo. Even if Mr. Huo is not here, his energy and spirit are still preserved!

This is tooth for tooth, eye for eye! then.

Andrew, Han Fei, and Jim Philip all temporarily lost their minds. crazy!

"This is impossible, damn, damn, how is this possible!"

In this dead silence, Jim Phillip roared hysterically.


The next moment, Jim Phillip who was roaring could no longer hold on and fell to the ground.

"Mr. Philip!"

The people from the Morgan consortium's legal team immediately stepped forward.

One wave after another.

Andrew's soul returned to his body, and his two eyeballs became blood red due to congestion, just like a vampire in Western legends, but then His behavior is inconsistent with that of a vampire.

Vampires suck the blood of others, but he vomits blood himself.


A mouthful of blood spurted out.

"Hong Kong Island Huo's!"

"Huo Wenyao!"

"fuck! fuck! fuck!!"


"You are so kind, even if you become a ghost, you will still fight with me!!"

Andrew's face was ferocious, like a wild beast!

At this time, he couldn't care about anything.

In front of Cai Yuanqi, Li Wenbin, Lu Qichang and other police officers, he said in an unscrupulous and ferocious voice:"If you want to play so much, then I will play with you till the end!"

"Don’t you have a lot of fucking women?"


"Very good, if I want to play with your women one by one, I will play them all to death!"

"You also gave birth to several daughters, I will continue to play with you in the future!"

Li Wenbin and Lu Qichang's expressions changed dramatically, and they looked at Andrew with a gloomy expression.

Andrew didn't care at all.

But Bol Hans saw through the thoughts of Li Wenbin, Lu Qichang and others, and sneered:"Several gentlemen, our young master just lost his mother, some Lose your mind and talk nonsense"

"It’s just a talk. Isn’t this illegal?"

"If it is illegal, I would like to know which law of Hong Kong Island he violated?"

Li Wenbin and Lu Qichang were too lazy to argue with each other. They didn't pay attention to the devil Boer Hans. They just had cold faces and serious expressions!

Needless to say, this is their attitude.

"Of course you have to play, not only to continue playing, but also to play more enjoyablely."

Han Fei suddenly answered.

In just half a minute, he had gone from losing his mind to almost madness, and calmed down, but he released a terrifying aura.

Han Fei did not look at the others, but slowly closed the door Holding two wooden boxes in his arms, he raised his head, glanced at Andrew first, then at Cai Yuanqi, and finally fixed his eyes on Li Wenbin and Lu Qichang

"Sir Li, Sir Lu, this game is very interesting. If you want to play, you can also participate."


"Is there anything else? If not, let's take the first step. There are still many things to deal with."

Li Wenbin and Lu Qichang remained silent.

The first brother, Cai Yuanqi, stood up and said with a smile that nothing happened. He also wanted to smooth things over and ease the atmosphere.

Unfortunately, when this happened, he couldn't do anything.

Andrew, Han Fei didn't even look at him, the best brother in Hong Kong, and turned around and left.



The second round of bloodshed is coming!

The ferocity of this bloody battle will be unprecedented, and will far exceed that of the first round!

This shocking battle, which has focused global attention and is destined to cause a sensation all over the world and remain in the annals of history, is about to come to an end.

The wind is blowing again!

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