Hearing this, Hu Qing laughed and said:"Of course that's good, we will definitely support you, but Brother Kun has done a good job these years."

At the end, Hu Qing objectively commented on Liang Kun.


There was a hint of coldness in the corner of Chen Yaowei's mouth, and he said disdainfully:"That's right. His biggest backer is Huo Wenyao. Without Huo Wenyao, would his position as Hongxing's talker be so secure?""

"Without Huo Wenyao's secret help, how could he have defeated Jiang Tiansheng and Jiang Tianyang so easily?"

"It’s all Huo Wenyao!"

"Without Huo Wenyao, he would have lost his biggest backer!"

"I also admit that what he has done over the years has been pretty good, but it is only good. If it were me, I can guarantee that I would do much better than him!"

After a slight pause,

Chen Yaowei said coldly:"If Hong Xing had been responsible for more than ten years, not Jingkun, but you and me, then our Hong Xing's strength would have already surpassed He Liansheng!"

"Unlike now, he would be suppressed by Hong Xing. Hu

Qing frowned and advised:"Boss, don't talk about Brother Kun like this. After all, he is our leader in Hongxing. If word spreads, it will be difficult to end it.""

"Also, you shouldn’t talk about Mr. Huo like this"

"Think about it, how much contribution Mr. Huo has made to Hong Kong Island. His charitable foundation spends real money. Even many of our Hongxing brothers have received favors from Mr. Huo."

"He is truly our Hong Kong hero."

Chen Yaowei had a sneer smile on his lips, and he sneered secretly in his heart, saying: Ah Qing, Ah Qing, I'm afraid you don't know yet, your boss, I am originally Huo Wenyao's man!

He sent me to break into Hongxing just to kill him. I replaced Jiang Tiansheng and took charge of Hongxing!

But later on, a erratic handsome man appeared, so the plan was temporarily changed and I was asked to be the fit man of Hongxing Causeway Bay, and I stayed there for more than ten years!

Damn it!

I I should have been the leader of Hongxing after holding his mother in my mouth!

All this is due to Huo Wenyao!

He should not have changed his mind midway, so he should have supported himself in the position!!

Of course, these inner thoughts cannot be told to Hu Qing.

Chen Yaowei He also knew that Huo Wenyao had a lofty status in the hearts of the vast majority of Hong Kong and Olympic people, even the young and Dangerous boys who were wandering around the world. Therefore, he had no intention of changing Hu Qing's mind.

He laughed and said:"Okay, even if you are a big boss Even if he said the wrong thing, Mr. Huo did a very good job."

"As for Liangkun……"

"Please, I'm here with you now, don't say that I said bad things about Jingkun. Even if I tricked Jingkun into killing him, it would only be known by God and the earth that you know and I know. How could it spread?"

"Don't tell me, are you planning to sell to the boss? Hu

Qing shook his head and complained angrily:"Boss, are you still awake or drunk?""

"Okay, I'm busy."

Chen Yaowei responded casually and watched his younger brother leave with a smile.

His eyes narrowed into a line again.

He smiled happily.

Chen Yaowei, nicknamed"Axe Wei", is the famous"Tiger of Causeway Bay" in the world.

With Dadong Similarly, he followed Huo Wenyao when he was 18 years old.

Although the two did not know each other's existence at all, one entered Dongxing and the other entered Hongxing. Their abilities are almost the same, but after so many years, their status is very different.

Dadong He has long been regarded as the leader of Dongxing, and Chen Yaowei is just one of the twelve church officials in Hongxing.

He has been dissatisfied for a long time, and even more rebellious.

It’s just that there is no suitable time.

Now, the time has come!

This is The story of Chan Yiu-wai, the Tiger of Causeway Bay



That night, the whole world, like Andrew, Han Fei and others, thought that Huo was playing a secretive game.

This is simply to stabilize the situation at hand.

Huo Wenyao is too dead to die!

The rivers and lakes that had fallen into a strange and dead silence exploded in an instant, setting off an unprecedented storm in the hearts of all the people in the rivers and lakes.

Mr. Huo's era is over!

Hong Kong and Olympic Games are about to enter a brand new era, but I don’t know who can become the trend-setter in this new era.

Faced with such a huge change, people in the world generally reacted in three categories: Dadong, Liangkun, and Chen Yaowei.

The first type is Dadong, who is loyal to Huo Wenyao and has not changed at all even after Huo Wenyao died.

This is the top rare breed, very few!

There are also some direct descendants of Huo Wenyao such as Jingyao Gooseneck Wei and Tianle Bangtan.

The second category is like Liangkun, who is still loyal to the Huo family for various reasons, but is not as pure as Dadonglai.

This is a rare breed at the next level, but because of Huo Wenyao's transcendent personal charm and achievements, there are many!

For example, He Lian Sheng Li Aji and Da D, Tsim Sha Tsui Han Chen, Xin Tong Le Ren Yin Jiu, and He Yiyong Hong Renjiu are everywhere.

There are even more people in the third category, such as Chen Yaowei.

The vast majority of these people just follow the trend and will not make any waves in the world, but there are also some clever conspirators and careerists among them!

Most of the people in the world that Andrew, Han Fei and others dealt with were careerists with dreams like this!

With Huo Wenyao here, they were all cautious, for fear of revealing any flaws.

Huo Wenyao was like a big mountain, weighing on their hearts!

Even though they had agreed to cooperate with Andrew, Han Fei and others, they did not try their best due to Huo Wenyao's terrifying power.

Just like the Jianghu symposium held by Huo Wenyao not long ago.

They didn't dare to jump out at all!

If you don't take the initiative to jump out, you won't be able to do it.

But now, due to Huo Wenyao's death, they have seen the terrifying power of Andrew, Han Fei and others, and at the same time, they have moved the mountain of Huo Wenyao away from their hearts.

So, these people jumped one by one!

All will be...actual!

This is the show Huo Wenyao wants to watch.

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