
Ye Rongtian couldn't help but uttered a curse word, with goosebumps all over his body, and shouted:"Assassination!"

"Someone assassinated Mr. Huo!!"

"This... this... Mr. Huo is dead? This is impossible. How could he be assassinated so easily?"

"He, he...he is Mr. Huo!"

Obviously, although Ye Rongtian is very confident in shorting Hong Kong stocks, it is only because of economic development.

Putting this aside, his feelings about Huo Wenyao are actually the same as Ma Zhiqiang.

Huo Wenyao is incomparable and invincible. The image has been deeply ingrained in their minds.

But now - right now!

Mr. Huo has been assassinated!

Xu Wenbiao was also dumbfounded. Like Ye Rongtian and Ma Zhiqiang, he also couldn't believe it.

That Huo who existed like a god Sir, was he assassinated just like this?

Yes, that’s it!!

Unlike Yip Rongtian and Ma Zhiqiang, when he confirmed this, he didn’t have any reaction on the surface, but in fact, he had already fallen into an unimaginable state of ecstasy in his heart!

Without Huo Wenyao, there would be no resistance for them to short Hong Kong stocks!

Just when Xu Wenbiao was ecstatic, he suddenly heard a"wow" sound, and Ma Zhiqiang actually cried.

Howling loudly!

"no, I can not!"

"Mr. Huo, that was Mr. Huo. How could he be assassinated so easily?!"

"Fake, fake, all fake!"


"Mr. Huo cannot die. He is the great hero of our Hong Kong Island. If he is gone, what will happen to our Hong Kong Island?"

At this time, Ma Zhiqiang was like a helpless child. He couldn't control his grief and cried loudly.

This is where Ma Zhiqiang is inferior to Ye Rongtian and Xu Wenbiao. It's not inferior, but a difference in personality.

He is a man of temperament. , they will laugh and be overjoyed when they encounter happy things, and cry when they encounter sad things.

But Ye Rongtian and Xu Wenbiao will not.

Their psychological quality is much stronger, their city is much deeper, and they know how to hide their emotions far better than Ma Zhiqiang. True emotions cannot be discovered by the enemy, and then be targeted by the enemy.

Seeing Ma Zhiqiang crying, Ye Rongtian and Xu Wenbiao looked at each other and sighed softly

"Zhiqiang, don’t do this."

Ye Rongtian patted Ma Zhiqiang on the shoulder and comforted:"This is just a live TV broadcast, it may not be true."

"How could someone like Mr. Huo be assassinated so easily? Xu

Wenbiao also consoled hypocritically:"Yes, we are not at the scene. Whether something happened to Mr. Huo or not, we have to wait for the final result.""

"Don't be sad, Zhiqiang."

The consolation did not have much effect. Ma Zhiqiang was uncontrollably sad and tears were still streaming down his face.

And the entire Hong Kong Olympics, the vast majority of Hong Kong Olympics people, are the same as Ma Zhiqiang



Let us return to the crime scene.

Lotus Square.

Gunfire rang out and"Huo Wenyao" fell to the ground.

This is what the people attending this gathering in Lotus Square saw with their eyes.

People who were closer could even see"Huo Wenyao" being hit between the eyebrows by a slender sniper bullet.

Immediately after the assassination, tens of thousands of people in Lotus Square fell silent at the same time, as if they had a tacit understanding.

The noise stopped abruptly.

Dead silence!

The entire venue fell into absolute, eerie, and unimaginable silence.

After the deathly silence - boom!!

The emotions of tens of thousands of people exploded in an instant

"Oh no!!"

A hoarse cry of despair suddenly burst out from the mouth of a young woman.

It resounded throughout Lotus Square and went straight into the sky!

After that, a loud cry like Ma Zhiqiang's followed.

"Huo Sheng! Huo Sheng!!"


"Huo Sheng is a god descending to earth, how could he die?!"

"don't want!!"

"I attack his mother, killer! There is a killer!!"

Roaring hoarsely, this was the first instinctive reaction of most people, and then they ran away.

Zhan Mi looked at Ding Yao and divided the work.

Zhan Mi took a lunge and rushed towards the podium. In the past, Xu Zhengyang, Zheng Yuquan and others were ordered to surround Zhou Wen and not give any chance to the snipers lurking in the dark.

Ding Yao took remote control and ordered Huo's personal bodyguard team to enter the scene immediately and escort Zhou Wen away.

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