As many people have said, Andrew, Han Fei, Jim Philip, White Morris, and one more Soros need to be added. These five people and the power behind them are unprecedentedly powerful.


This can no longer be described as powerful. To be more precise, it should be terrifying!

Therefore, it is unrealistic to kill all these people through assassination.

Huo Wenyao has the Chinese Zodiac under his command, as well as Cao Jingwei, Xu Zhengyang, and Zeng Bosong, but the opponent also has the Knights of the Round Table, including"Hurricane" Brian Mills, and"Death" Jason Bourne.

One on one, Jason Bourne is not afraid of anyone in the zodiac.

A natural killing machine!

Among the Stumbling Group, Jason Bourne is the most typical representative, and the members are all top players.

What's even worse is that there are so many of them!

Far more than Huo Wenyao.

Under the heavy protection of these people, killing Andrew, Han Fei and others is undoubtedly an arduous task comparable to the sky. Being able to kill White Morris is already a blessing.

Huo Wenyao also paid a certain price, and many people were injured.

Such as Zovi.

Such as Brahma.

The assassination of White Morris was led by the supreme masters Zuowei and Dafan, and assisted by Luo Tianhong, Tian Yangsheng, Li Jie, Feng Yuxiu, Peng Yixing, Li Chengke, Zeng Bosong and many other masters.

In this way, he was killed in one blow.

The death of White Morris greatly reminded Andrew, Han Fei, and Jim Phillip that they once again increased their security intensity by several levels.

Under such circumstances, wanting to get rid of these three guys is simply a fool's errand.

Unless Huo Wenyao no longer intends to have the twelve zodiac animals, and orders the twelve zodiac animals to kill them at all costs, playing a game of cheating, I will die to Zuo Wei, and you will die to Han Fei.

Da Fan and Feng Yuxiu will die on my side, and Andrew will die on your side.

So, it is somewhat possible.

But Huo Wenyao would definitely not choose such a stupid way of playing.

In addition, there is actually another way.

That is -

Huo Wenyao!

As long as Huo Wenyao takes action personally, whether it is Andrew, Han Fei, or Jim Philip, the CIA leader, they will all die.

Just like Duan Kun.

The first two times he failed, but once he took action, he was able to catch him.

The super strongman Han Fei, the"god of death" Jason Bourne, and the Stumbling Block Group are all paper tigers in front of him. They are just stronger than ordinary people.

Huo Wenyao had no objection to taking action personally.

A battle of this level has to be fought by Huo Wenyao. With him, all the twelve zodiac signs can be preserved, and all kinds of talents can be retained. Why not?

But until now, Huo Wenyao has not taken action.

He just gave a strong response and put on a fight-or-die attitude, which completely angered Andrew, Han Fei, Jim Philip and others.

Because he has a deeper plan!

For Huo Wenyao, as long as he takes action, it is easy to kill Andrew, Han Fei and others. It is not a problem at all.

But the problem is... they are going to die, and those rebels will be hard to find.

Really angered Huo Wenyao.

What he wants to do most right now is to find all those rebels first!

He had already figured out the way to break the situation on the night he was assassinated more than a month ago.

Two words - suspended animation!!

As long as he fakes his death, Andrew, Han Fei and others will no longer have any scruples.

What about those rebels?

They think the situation is settled, and of course it is even more so, and then the true colors will be revealed.

And Huo Wenyao could use the time of suspended animation to investigate secretly, find out these traitors clearly, and harvest them in one fell swoop.

At the same time, Andrew, Han Fei and others will also become careless.

It would be much easier to attack them at that time than it is now.

Kill two birds with one stone, why not?!

The most important thing about a plan like this is that it must be kept absolutely secret, and it must also stage a drama of fake death. This drama must be realistic enough to deceive everyone.

Therefore, there are only two people who really know this plan.

One is Zhan Mi!

After Huo Wenyao fakes his death, the huge Huo family will follow Zhan Mi's lead.

The other one is Ding Yao!

In the entire Huo family, under Huo Wenyao, there are only two people, one is Zhan Mi and the other is Ding Yao. Ding Yao needs to know, for the same reason as Zhan Mi, she needs to stand up and calm down. that's enough.

As long as Zhan Mi and Ding Yao are here, the Huo family's basic position can be maintained.

Others, even Luo Tianhong, Tian Yangsheng, Li Jie, and Peng Yixing, whom Huo Wenyao absolutely trusted, did not know, let alone Cao Jingwei, Xu Zhengyang, and Zeng Baisong.

Although they had a special status and represented the mainland, Huo Wenyao had no intention of letting them know.

Now that the person has decided, the next step is to decide when and where the drama will take place.

The public speaking session tomorrow morning will be great.

By then.

TV stations will broadcast it live.

The whole Hong Kong is paying attention.

Death at that time will definitely be lifelike!

In addition to these things, if you want to complete this fake death drama, you also need the cooperation of the enemy.

Yes, it’s Andrew and Han Fei!

If they didn't come to assassinate Huo Wenyao, and the car Huo Wenyao was riding in exploded, then they wouldn't believe it.

Andrew and Han Fei are really cooperative!

They planned to assassinate Huo Wenyao for the sixth time tomorrow. The Stumbling Group took action personally, with the assistance of Lin Huaile and others. But what they didn't know was that Lin Huaile had already betrayed him.

At this time, Lin Huaile's value was reflected.

Then, a funny scene appeared.

When Andrew, Han Fei, and Jim Philip were carefully planning to kill Huo Wenyao, Huo Wenyao was also carefully planning to be"killed" by them in a realistic way.

From this point of view, their goals at this moment are surprisingly consistent.

Everything is ready, just waiting for tomorrow!

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