By the way, there are two people worth mentioning here.

The first one: Ren Yinjiu!

This guy from"Emergency", a new fit, is funny and even a bit funny.

The second one: Hong Renjiu!

This person comes from the movie"Jianghu" and also belongs to the Hezi faction. He is a fit person of He Yiyong and is called"Jiu Ge" by people in Jianghu.

The top horse under his command is nicknamed Left Hand, and his younger brothers usually call him Left Hand Brother.

Hong Ren is somewhat similar to Ni Kun. The management and volunteerism are based on the enfeoffment system. In addition to his confidant Left Hand, there are also three powerful factions under his command, namely: Gao Lao, Fei Ge, and Ju Lung!

Among them, the left hand is not only Hong Ren's first horse, but also his life and death brother.

Back then, just because he wanted to save Hong Renjiu, his left hand was chopped off by his enemies.

This guy's name also comes from this.

The left hand is rebellious, arrogant and domineering, but extremely powerful, and indeed has the qualifications to be rebellious and domineering.

Gao Lao, Fei Ge, and Ju Lung put together are no match for him!

In recent years, Hong Ren has deeply felt that the road to the world has become increasingly difficult to navigate. In addition, the Ni family in Tsim Sha Tsui and the seventh brother of Xinji, Li Guosheng Zhuyu, have long been interested in quitting his career. He wants to wash his hands in a golden basin and withdraw from the world completely.

But he also understands that once he enters the arena, he cannot help himself and cannot retreat easily.

If you really want to force your way out, you will be asking for death!

Even his own brother Zuo Zuo didn't quite understand it, if others didn't tell him.

Under the leadership of their brothers, He Yiyong is prospering and has great glory. At this time, he wants to wash his hands in a golden basin?

Wash your hands, are you showing off your brain? leave!

In the past six months, there has been a turmoil within He Yiyong, and people's hearts have been floating.

According to gossip, some people feel that Hong Ren's ambition is gone and he can no longer suppress He Yiyong. They are all ready to make a move and have hired dead men to kill Hong Ren!

This is Hong Renjiu’s story.

Ren Yinjiu was also uneasy. His pseudonym was Ren Laojiu, and his experience was similar to that of Hong Ren. This guy was also wanted by the Jianghu, and someone paid a huge price to buy his head.

The difference is that Ren Yinjiu has no intention of quitting the world.

This is the story of Ren Yinjiu.

In addition to Hong Renjiu and Ren Yinjiu, the Jianghu flour business market is also turbulent. Dongxing and Han Chen are both old players.

Then there’s Brother Kun and Ksitigarbha!

Let's talk about Ksitigarbha first. This person comes from"Anti-Drug 2". He is a rising star in Xinji in recent years and has done a lot of business.

While everyone's eyes were still fixed on Southeast Asia, he had already gotten in touch with the drug lords of the Cactus Nation, started cooperation, and began to rapidly expand his power.

And this Brother Kun is even more legendary, from"The Disciples"!

On the surface, he is just a businessman running a small shop, but this is just his false identity, and his real identity is a big boss who specializes in flour business.

Brother Kun has a wide network of contacts and countless resources. Especially in Southeast Asia, he has extremely deep friendships with the warlords of the digital separatists.

Nowadays, the white noodle market in Hong Kong is dominated by Dongxing, Hanchen, Jizo and Kunge.

Dongxing and Han Chen were okay, they had often dealt with each other before, but -

Brother Kun, Ksitigarbha!

Hong Renjiu, Ren Yinjiu!

Huo Wenyao has never met any of these four people, and has never been involved in their lives, but this does not prevent each of them from living their own lives and achieving their own legends.

As the saying goes, Jianghu will always be there.

Just like the earth, it will not stop spinning just because someone is missing.

Even though the current arena is already the era of Huo Wenyao, even though Huo Wenyao, the godfather in charge of the Hong Kong and Olympic arena, has left the arena, the arena has never lacked grievances and resentments, and it remains exciting.

Now, Hong Renjiu and Ren Yinjiu have also been targeted by Andrew, Han Fei and others.

But they are luckier.

Under the protection of his close friend Ayu, Ren Yinjiu managed to escape the killer's lightning-like fatal knife, and then drove a go-kart and escaped in embarrassment, saving his life.

Hong Ren escaped, but his brother's left hand died.

Tonight's symposium, because Zuo Zuo strongly requested to participate, Hong Ren brought him here, but he never expected that this would be the outcome.

Twenty years ago, my left hand was lost while trying to save Hong Renjiu.

Now that the boss is in trouble, he steps forward again.

Only this time, what he lost was not his other hand, but his own life!

The tragedy is real, but it can also be called perfection.

At least the person involved used his own life to buy the boss Hong Ren a few precious seconds to escape. When he finally fell in a pool of blood, he watched his boss leave with a smile.

The 12 assassinations took place within 5 minutes.

Final result:

4 people were killed and 8 people were saved!

Liangkun, Dadong, Dad D, Li Aji, Han Chen, Hong Renjiu and others were all among the eight people who were rescued!

It is worth mentioning that after a fierce fight between Li Jie and Jason Bourne, Zoe Wei faced Jason Bourne again. They still fought equally and retreated.



Night, 23:20!


This call was made to Huo Wenyao by Liangkun, who had escaped due to Zuo Wei's strong intervention and made sure that he was absolutely safe.

At this time, Huo Wenyao was still staying at Huo's headquarters in Starlight Building.

When the call was connected, Liangkun started complaining like crazy

"I'm holding his old mother in my mouth, I'm holding his old mother in my mouth, I'm holding his old mother in my mouth!"

"kill me?"

"You actually want to kill me? Offal! I, Liangkun, have no grievances with them in the past and have no enmity in the recent past, but you actually want to kill me?! I am at odds with you!"

"Mr. Huo, thank you, thank you!"

"If you hadn't sent that big, big expert to protect me secretly, my head would have been moved by now."

At this time, Huo Wenyao frowned, and he instinctively had an ominous premonition in his heart!

More importantly, this ominous premonition was not caused by Chengdu.He disappeared while protecting Liangkun, Dadong and others, but instead became stronger and stronger.

Under such circumstances, how could he still be in the mood to listen to Liangkun's tricks?

"okay! Huo

Wenyao's face was stern, he interrupted Liangkun's spellcasting, and said:"You should pay attention to your own safety during this period of time. I can save you once, but I can't save you all the time.""

"that's all."

After that, he hung up the phone without giving Liangkun a chance to continue playing tricks.

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