Two and a half hours ago, half past nine.

East Tsim Sha Tsui.

Boxing ring.

Huo Wenyao is still practicing boxing, but not with Luo Tianhong, but with several invited underground black boxing masters.

Two hours at a time, three thousand each time.

Such a high remuneration made those underground black boxing masters ecstatic, especially Huo Wenyao, who was not very powerful yet. This money was so damn good!

But when they really thought they had fought against Huo Wenyao, they were stunned for a moment, and they could only sigh with emotion, this is fucking hard-earned money, no, this is money earned by selling one's life!

Singled out? It's simply impossible. It's a pair of ten!

At first, ten people could barely hold on together, but after two days, they fell into deep despair.

Huo Wenyao's boxing skills, strength, and speed were far beyond their expectations. He was simply inhuman. If they fought again at that time, they would be defeated in just a few minutes.

In the end, Huo Wenyao didn't need to use any moves at all. He crushed them all with just strength and speed.

Those underground boxers came here with the purpose of being sparring partners, but the reality is that this is not the case at all. They are not sparring partners, they are clearly one-sided slingshots, and it is common for them to quit in the middle of the fight.

Three thousand yuan for two hours is equivalent to two months or even three months' salary for many people. This is of course wonderful, but no matter how wonderful it is, you still have to live.

Otherwise, no matter how much money you make, it will just be waste paper!

In just these three days, Huo Wenyao invited more than a hundred underground boxers, some of whom were professional black boxers, to train themselves like crazy.

The same is true for Luo Tianhong.

Not only them, everyone in Tianci is crazy, whether they are from Qinglong Hall or not from Qinglong Hall, because everyone knows that if the negotiation does not go smoothly, the next step will be an unprecedented vicious battle!

This vicious battle is not fought once, it may have to be fought many times!

They must prepare early.

Huo Wenyao was very satisfied with the God-given people's awareness of being prepared to deal with the crisis. Although he knew in his heart that they were wrong, he did not stop them.

After the last fight, Huo Wenyao was sweating profusely and returned to his residence to wash up.

He checks his current attributes

【Agility: 85 (10 for ordinary people)

Strength: 75 (10 for ordinary people)

Spirit: 100 (10 for ordinary people)

Skills: Cai Li Fo Quan (14000 Grandmaster Level), Baji Quan (13200 Grandmaster Level), Kuai Dao (12500 Grandmaster Level), Fighting ( 11500 Grandmaster Level)]

Half a month ago, his agility was 75 and his strength was 60, but now they have been increased to 85 and 75 respectively.

Also in this half month, he greatly improved Cai Li Fo Quan and Baji Quan, and also increased his fighting skills.

Huo Wenyao was rinsing and thinking to himself:"Half a month of hard work has finally been in vain. It should be enough to deal with it."……"

Soon, he finished rinsing and put on a set of clean clothes.

Luo Tianhong was already waiting in the room, looking energetic and full of fighting spirit!

"Tianhong, are you excited?" Huo Wenyao said.

Luo Tianhong smiled, showing two rows of white teeth:"Of course! Brother Yao, you know me. I am not interested in money, as long as it is enough. car? woman? Doing business? I'm not interested in any of this, I just want to fight!"

"Dueling with different masters and constantly honing my duel skills. Now that I have such a good opportunity, how could I not be excited?"


"Yes, Brother Yao, you said that everyone should have a dream. This is my dream! I want to stand on top of the world and defeat all opponents!! Huo Wenyao said:"

Including me?""

"certainly! Luo Tianhong said decisively without any hesitation,"

Brother Yao, you are my ultimate goal!" But I also know the gap between myself and you. The plan I have set for myself is to defeat all the masters in Hong Kong Island first, and then compete with the world-class masters!"

"When I do that, then I will be qualified to fight against Brother Yao! Huo

Wenyao patted Luo Tianhong on the shoulder and chuckled:"It's a great dream, come on." Let's go. If you stay later, you'll be late."


The two of them immediately went downstairs.


Zhan Mi, Qian Qian, Xi Gui and others had been waiting for a long time. When they saw Huo Wenyao coming down, they all shouted:"Brother Yao!"The expression was concerned, worried, and even a little tragic.

Huo Wenyao smiled and said:"Hey, what are you doing? The strong man will never return once he is gone. I just went over to talk to the camel, there was no danger. Accounting for meters and planes, do you know what you want to do next?

The two nodded:"I know!" Huo

Wenyao got into Daben and ordered:"Then get to work. Tianhong and I are going to negotiate. Do you think you are free?" Don't make it so tragic. The more beautifully you manage things, the safer Tianhong and I will be."

"Tianhong, drive."

Luo Tianhong stepped on the accelerator, the Daben started and accelerated, leaving East Tsim Sha Tsui and rushing towards the abandoned garment factory in Fenglang.

Zhan Mi, Qian Qian and others heard Huo Wenyao's order, but still did not move.

They stood They stayed in place and watched Huo Wenyao leave until they completely disappeared from their sight before they dispersed.

Do something!



Noon, 11:57!

The police bosses don’t know how the bosses in Fenglang’s abandoned garment factory feel, but they are already waiting to explode.

"I lost it!"

Yuan Haoyun had been waiting impatiently for a long time, so he cursed and shouted:"Old Lu! What is the situation with this tiger among tigers in East Tsim Sha Tsui? It's almost time for negotiation, why hasn't he come yet? Is it because he doesn't dare to come?"

"Then he is still a tiger among bullshit, I think he changed his name to"Eastern Tsim Sha Tsui Chong Chong", he doesn't even dare to come to the agreed negotiations!"

The patience of Chen Jiaju, Ma Jun, and even Gong Jiapei and Li Wenbin is about to be worn out.

Half an hour ago, all the representatives with the prefix"Observation" came in. Dongxing also came, but Huo Wenyao just didn't arrive. It was almost twelve o'clock and he still hadn't come.

Everyone was even thinking, he really didn't dare to come, right?

Only Lu Qichang remained calm. After hearing Yuan Haoyun's words, he said:"Old Yuan, what are you talking about? After such a big battle, if Ayao still dares to let those big guys go, do you think this is something ordinary people can do?"

"Isn’t this brave? Oh my God, I don’t know what else can I do to brave him!

Yuan Haoyun was stunned and said:"That's right."

Lu Qichang said:"It must be right!" To have such an unprecedented grand event and dare to let go, even the first brother would not dare to play like this. Okay, where's that guy A Yao? He's very punctual and will definitely come.

Yuan Haoyun almost vomited and glared:"You call this punctuality?" Lu Qichang nodded:"

Yes, this is punctuality." Punctuality means that you will never be one minute early, but you will never be one minute late."

Yuan Haoyun:"???"

Damn it!

After living for so long, I finally know what"on time" means. Thank you for letting me know!

Lu Qichang sneered at Yuan Haoyun's dissatisfaction. Do I have to tell you that last time that guy A Yao gave me a big gift, he refused even a minute in advance. That's how I know what is on time. Damn it!

At this moment, a police officer in charge of the street corner reported to the command center through the intercom that a silver Mercedes Benz had appeared and reported the license plate number.

Everyone knows -

Huo Wenyao is here!

Yuan Haoyun stared at Lu Qichang blankly.

Lu Qichang shrugged, as if I told you so.

Yuan Haoyun was almost shut down by Huo Wenyao, and shouted:"Damn it! Why don't you be so punctual, boss!!""



Fenglang abandoned garment factory, Daben drove straight to the door of the factory and stopped. Huo Wenyao and Luo Tianhong got out of the car.

Ni Kun and Ni Yongxiao have been waiting for a long time.

Ni Kun was still in the mood to joke:"Ayao, you are too punctual. Everyone is here now and waiting for you. By the way, you don't have weapons on you, right?"

Huo Wenyao shook his head.

Anyone entering Fenglang's abandoned garment factory is not allowed to carry firearms or swords. This is also a rule that needs to be followed during this negotiation. and.

No matter who they are, they must undergo a full-body search. Two people have already stepped forward and began to search Luo Tianhong from top to bottom. One of these two people is from the Ni family and the other is from Hongxing, because Jiang Tiansheng and Ni Kun are the ones negotiating this time. guarantor.

Of course, they were not qualified to search Huo Wenyao's body.

Ni Kun asked Huo Wenyao,"Would you mind letting Ah Xiao do a little inspection on my behalf?"

"do not mind." Huo Wenyao said.

Ni Yongxiao did not move, shook his head and said:"Dad, I don't think it is necessary. Since Ayao said he didn't bring a weapon, he definitely didn't. Uncle Bing didn't search him. They have been waiting for a long time. Let's go in quickly."


Ni Kun nodded and had no objection.

Luo Tianhong's body search was over and it was in full compliance with the regulations. He did not bring any weapons.

So, a group of four people entered Fenglang Abandoned Garment Factory.

The negotiation area this time was not just inside the factory, but also inside the factory. It's the entire garment factory, even the Ni family members and Hong Xingzi who are responsible for body searches.They can only stay outside the walls of the garment factory.

Abandoned factory building.

This place has been abandoned for many years, not to mention overgrown with weeds, covered with spider webs, and filled with dust. However, because Luotuo chose this place as a negotiation place, people from the Ni family and Hongxing came here as early as three days ago..

They carefully cleaned the entire factory several times, and finally brought in dozens of tables and chairs. Now the place has a brand new look.

Apart from this, they are also responsible for the security here.

You want some lunatic to plant explosives here...


This is the mainstay of nearly thirty characters. If something happens, wouldn't the entire world be turned upside down?

Not to mention, even their own restaurants will participate. Of course, they are cautious, cautious, and cautious.

When Huo Wenyao entered the brand-new factory, he saw a red table two meters wide and four meters long in the middle. There were three wooden chairs on the west side of the red table, with three people sitting there. The camel was in the middle, and on the left and right were Shuiling and Gudulun..

The space on the east side of the red table is as big as the west side, but there is only one wooden chair, which is naturally reserved for Huo Wenyao.

As for Luo Tianhong, he was not qualified to sit.

Just behind Luotuo, Crow, Smiling Tiger, and Jiu Mei were all standing, and behind the three of them, there were eight Dongxing Red Stick-level thugs, including He Yong and Xu Yandong.

Jiang Tiansheng and Ni Kun were the guarantors. They sat at the end of the red table, between Luo Tuo and Huo Wenyao.

This is the layout of the negotiation table.

Finally, there is the auditorium, with about 20 representatives with prefixes such as Liansheng, Xinji, and Number Gang, scattered around the negotiation table, four or five meters away from the red table. At a cursory glance, you can see many familiar people. face.

For example, the two people coming from Xinji are none other than the overlord of Bolan Street, Xinji’s double-flower red stick Wang Bao!

Standing behind him was Demon Sword Aji, who was dressed in white and had an evil look on his face.

He is Wang Bao's top horse.

This is Huo Wenyao's first meeting with Wang Bao and Aji. What's interesting is that when Luo Tianhong entered the factory, Aji never took his eyes away from him. There was indescribable madness in his eyes, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Huo Wenyao glanced at it without even taking a second. Originally, he wanted to look more carefully, but someone didn't give him a chance.

The fact is that when Huo Wenyao appeared, everyone's eyes were focused on him.

As he looked at them, each of them looked at him.

Over at Dongxing, Camel, Shui Ling, and Cultivation Lun all turned their heads, while Crow and Smiling Tiger, who had long been full of resentment against Huo Wenyao, even had their eyes shining brightly!!

The numb one is finally here!

"Yo! Let's see which hero is belatedly arriving."

Crow clapped his hands suddenly, left the team, walked towards Huo Wenyao, the hand-rubbing monster smiled and said:"Everyone, please take a look! Next, it will be up to Crow, my younger brother, to grandly introduce to you, this one is the famous——"

"Tiger among tigers in East Tsim Sha Tsui, Huo Wenyao, Mr. Huo!!"

"Please applaud!!"

No one cooperated with the crow, except the smiling tiger.

The guy slapped his hands and said with a smile:"Tiger among tigers in East Point, it's really fierce. I've seen it before.But I didn’t know that he would actually have such a big show, and everyone would come to see him. I also saw it today.

Crow waved his hand and said with an exaggerated expression:"Wow!" Are you talking about ghosts? Pai Mian! Do you know what Pai Noodles is? This is fucking noodles! If we don't appear at the last moment, how can we show the dignity of our Mr. Tiger in Tsim Sha Tsui East?"

"Ah Wei, I'm not trying to embarrass you, you are really short-sighted. It doesn’t matter if you are uneducated, you haven’t seen it yet, alas, Kuchiki, Kuchiki!"

The smiling tiger also walked towards the crow, nodded and said:"Yes, yes, I am uneducated, I am short-sighted, hehe, but at least I didn't make people wait!"

Luotuo frowned slightly, a little displeased, and was about to shout to stop the two of them - an accident happened!


Luo Tianhong suddenly appeared from behind Huo Wenyao, and came to the front of Crow. Without waiting for his reaction, he gave him a heavy blow Punch into his abdomen!!


The crow suddenly screamed.

Luo Tianhong succeeded with one blow and did not give the crow any chance to resist. His left hand was like a steel pinch, pinching the back of the crow's neck. He punched twice in succession with his right hand again, causing the crow's eyes to bulge out and make him suffocate. Humming again and again.

In an instant, the crow's head was covered with big beads of sweat.

Luo Tianhong pinched the crow's neck, looked at the crow with cold eyes, and said:"You good-for-nothing! Dare you embarrass my boss? You are so fucking brave! Do you think it’s a pity that I didn’t kill you last time? It doesn’t matter, I will help you now!"


Everyone was in an uproar.

The scene was completely silent, and you could hear a needle drop. ps: It's a four thousand word chapter, the chapters are too compact and cannot be separated, so I keep writing! Sorry.

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