Ding Zongshu was assassinated. It was naturally impossible for ordinary people to know the inside story, but in the eyes of insiders, this shit basin must be held on the head of the Zhou Dynasty.

There's just no hard evidence.

As a result, Zhou Chaoxian and Minister Hou's faction completely broke apart. All the allies who had originally aimed their guns at the Huo family temporarily forgot about the Huo family and focused on overthrowing the other party.

The so-called saying that in order to fight against foreign forces, one must first settle the domestic affairs, is nothing more than that.

Only then did Hou Liqun realize the terror of Zhou Chaoxian. The depth of his city and the viciousness of his methods far exceeded his expectations.

This guy is awesome!

The more he behaves like this, the more Hou Liqun's faction will want to kill him completely to prevent him from retaliating against them after he establishes a foothold.


"If you let the tiger go back to the mountain, you will end up in trouble; if you kill the snake, you will be stuck on the stick!"

The two sides openly and secretly began to fight back and forth. But the fight was still a fight. Both sides still had a sense of proportion, or they had a tacit understanding with each other, and the core thing was not involved, that is - black gold!

The reason is naturally simple , once the black gold is revealed, no matter how strict the investigation is, no one on either side can escape!

This is a nuclear weapon!

It must not be released until it is a last resort.

But at this moment, the video was suddenly exposed.

Hou Liqun was dumbfounded.!

Zhou Chao exploded first!


Who the hell is it?!

Hou Liqun knew it wasn't him, but Zhou Chao didn't know it first.

Just like what happened with Ding Zongshu.

Hou Liqun's faction also knew that it might be Huo's move and wanted to find the murderer , must go through careful investigation, but they have already fought to this point, that is, Zhou Chaoxian did it. It is not Zhou Chaoxian, but Zhou Chaoxian!

It is the same this time!

Zhou Chaoxian had already become suspicious of Minister Hou’s faction, and then he took the initiative to convene a meeting At a press conference, Hou Liqun started to apply eye drops and mentioned the black gold matter.

The implication was obvious. If he failed, a large number of people would definitely be unlucky!

No matter who did this, Hou Liqun Everyone must save him.

Otherwise, they will die together!


…… villa.

After watching the press conference, Hou Liqun's lungs almost exploded with anger!

At this moment, he received a call from his boss, who started questioning him. For a person as elegant as his boss to do this, he was scolded.


The boss asked him to resolve this matter as soon as possible to minimize the impact!

"Yes, yes, boss, don't worry, I will handle it properly and I will never cause any bigger trouble."

Hou Liqun nodded and bowed, and couldn't help but promise.

On the other end, the boss said something meaningful.

He just heard him say:"Liqun, sometimes you still have to be decisive in doing things, and you still have to have the determination of a strong man to cut off his wrist, otherwise he will be dragged into the quagmire. , and will sink deeper and deeper into"

"In this regard, you are not as good as Zhou Chaoxian"

"We strongly support Ding Zongshu, but before we could come up with his trump card, Ding Zongshu died inexplicably, which instantly disrupted our plans and deployments."

"All our current troubles are caused by the Zhou Dynasty"

"If you continue to interrupt, you will suffer from chaos."

"Do you get me? Hou

Liqun's eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he said solemnly:"Liqun understands, boss, don't worry!""


There was a faint response and then hung up the phone.

Hou Liqun put down the phone, frowned, and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

These things that happened recently are really weird, and there is something strange everywhere, as if It was as if there was an invisible hand controlling the situation behind the scenes.

They and the Zhou Dynasty were like being in the Colosseum in ancient Rome. They could live in peace at first, but gradually they had conflicts, started internal strife, and then the conflicts became bigger and bigger. Until they were irreconcilable.

The invisible hand forced them to fight with the Zhou Dynasty step by step.

Until it turned into this situation - fight to the death!

For a moment.


Hou Liqun suddenly took a breath of air and reacted instantly.

Once It's a coincidence. Two times can barely count, but three or four times, can it still be a coincidence?

"No, something's wrong, there's something weird here, there's something weird……"

Hou Liqun murmured. at last.

Hou Liqun's eyes flashed, and he gritted his teeth viciously and said:"Huo! It's all Huo's fault. They killed Ding Zongshu, and they released the video!"


While yelling and scolding angrily, Hou Liqun also felt a deep chill in his heart.

He was scared!

Huo did these things without showing off or revealing anything. He did them all quietly and completely stayed out of the matter.


It’s really high!

That alone is nothing. What frightens Hou Liqun is that even if he or Zhou Chao realizes this first, there is no way he can stop. He can only walk to the dark side.!

Whoever takes a step back will be shattered into pieces and never recovered!

As he thought about this, Hou Liqun couldn't help but tremble all over, and Ding Yao's gentle smiling face that was harmless to humans and animals could not help but appear in his mind.


He couldn't help but shuddered, and his whole body was shaking. Cold.

An inexplicable thought appeared in my mind: Ding Yao is so clever in his methods. How terrifying would it be if it were Huo Wenyao?

I dare not think!



Hou Liqun was right to be afraid, because Ding Yao quickly made his third move.

The name of this move is -


This would be a killing blow, a move that would end the entire game.

Zhou Chaoxian's press conference was very successful and caused huge waves in society. However, just after he held this press conference, within three days, he suffered two consecutive assassinations.

Just after Zhou Chaoxian held this press conference, within three days, he suffered two consecutive assassinations!

It wasn't a pretentious threat, it wasn't to extort money, it was to take his life!

He didn't say anything when he came up, just one word: kill!

Zhou Chaoxian was stabbed twice in the back. If Sanpao and Tianshou hadn't fought hard, he would have been dead.

What I didn’t say was that it must be Hou Liqun and the others who want to kill people and silence them!

Own villa.

Zhou Chaoxian, Cui Miaoxiang, Sanpao, and Tianshou were all there.

Zhou Chaoxian's injury was treated simply.

He was completely out of anger, and roared with a ferocious face:"Fuck! Fuck me! Fuck me! If you want to kill me, Zhou Chao should silence you first?!"

"There are no doors!"

"Damn it, if we die, let’s all die together!!"

What Hou Liqun can think of, Zhou Chaoxian can certainly think of.

But when things have developed to this point, it doesn't matter who is behind the scenes. The only important thing is that the other party must keep him, Zhou Chaoxian, or they will die together.

The meaning of this sentence Yes, even if the man behind the scenes is really the Huo family, Hou Liqun and others must protect him, Zhou Chaoxian.

Because Zhou Chaoxian alone cannot compete with the Huo family.

This - the psychology of Hou Liqun and Zhou Chaoxian is also part of Ding Yao's calculations!

After so many years with Huo Wenyao, it's not just Zhan Mi who has grown up, she has certainly become much stronger than before.

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