Time flies, and a month has passed in the blink of an eye, and it is late May 1997.

The more accurate time is: May 24, 1997!

So what happened in the past month or so?

Let’s talk about the international situation first.

Southeast Asian countries, including Etherland and Singapore, are pursuing various policies to stabilize their currencies while still creating various rumors to roast Huo Wenyao and his group on the fire.

During this period, they had not contacted Huo Wenyao.

Not only contacted, but also tried various methods.

It's a pity that they all rushed to the street!

Huo Wenyao remained in seclusion and saw no one. Even those countries that invited Huo Wenyao's close friends like Lei Yingdong and Li Zhaotian only got through Huo Wenyao's phone number.

I couldn't see Huo Wenyao in person at all.

Of course, Lei Yingdong, Li Zhaotian and others were also very knowledgeable. When they learned about this, they decisively refused. In the end, they really couldn't save face, so they reluctantly made a call to Huo Wenyao.

In fact, they had the wrong guy entirely.

Li Zhaotian himself is a financial giant, but he also wants to snipe at the currencies of Southeast Asian countries and make a fortune. Needless to say, even Lei Yingdong is secretly tempted this time.

There was no way, a 92 sniper attack, people like Huo Jingliang and Li Zhaotian who worked hard, made a lot of money.

It’s really faster to make money playing finance than doing business!

Much faster!!

Lei Yingdong is not a stone Buddha, so how could he be indifferent?

The reason why they are not taking any action now is entirely because Huo Wenyao has no reaction. Once Huo Wenyao's direction is determined, all the financial giants in Hong Kong will take action!

This group of people is different from Soros and Andrew, they are not that confident.

Go against Huo Wenyao?

Don't be ridiculous!

Oh shit!

The experience of dealing with Huo Wenyao over the years tells them that whoever dares to go against Huo Wenyao will be doomed!

They were all frightened by Huo Wenyao.

Completely convinced!

Unless there is a world-shaking change, they will never dare to go against Huo Wenyao!

When things have developed to this extent, there is nothing left to say.

When Chavali Yongchai makes up a lie, the only way to prevent the lie from being exposed is to make up more lies to cover it up, even if he has to do it!

They have been doing this for more than a month!



Besides, Huo's side has a lot to do.

What are you busy with?

What else can I be busy with, of course, lending money!

With Taipei as the core, it spreads to various Southeast Asian countries such as Singapore, Malay, Philippines, and Indonesia. Countless high-quality companies cry with sad faces and open their mouths, crying for support.

In recent years, Huo Wenyao's Bank of East Asia has grown rapidly.

Huo Wenyao originally held a large stake in the Bank of East Asia. Later, he used the kidnapping incident of the three thieves to pry away the Bank of East Asia shares held by Li Chaoren and Huo Jingliang.

Under various operations, he privately holds 28% of Bank of Asia's shares.

Fuying Fund holds 42% of its shares!

In addition, Lei Yingdong, Li Zhaotian, Wen Lishi, Ding Shanben and other wealthy people have all invested in the company, and their voting rights have been entrusted to Huo Wenyao.

What is Huo Wenyao's voting rights in Bank of Asia?

The answer is -


In other words, Huo Wenyao has completely controlled the Bank of East Asia!

In fact, everyone knows that Bank of East Asia has long become Huo Wenyao's private bank.

The reaction of the Hong Kong Olympics people is just two words - trust!

They don't even trust HSBC, but they trust Bank of East Asia. Once they have money and want to save, their first choice must be Bank of East Asia, not HSBC.

In fact, it is not Bank of East Asia that I trust, but Fok Wenyao.

If we look at it from the perspective of future generations, Huo Wenyao is like Tesla CEO Musk. He has become a super Internet celebrity, with too much attention and energy focused on him!

What’s even more frightening is that his influence in this world far exceeds that of Musk.

The two are not at the same level at all!

It is precisely because of this that in just a few years, Hong Kong Island and even East Asia and Southeast Asia's banking industry have undergone unprecedented changes. Bank of East Asia has risen rapidly at an incredible speed.

On Hong Kong Island, Bank of East Asia has long replaced HSBC and become the largest bank in Hong Kong and Olympics!

In East Asia and Southeast Asia, the scale of East Asia Bank has also grown rapidly, occupying a huge share in various countries and regions.

To put it simply, it’s just four words – strong financial resources!

It is precisely because of this that Huo Wenyao's layout is so smooth and he dares to play such a big game.

Apart from this incident, Huo Wenyao still acted dumb and had no response to the rumors created by Southeast Asian countries.

To put it simply, his attitude is in nine words - no admission, no denial, no responsibility!



Finally, there are international investment institutions such as Soros and Andrew, who are preparing for the third attack.

For more than a month, there has been no apparent offensive at all.

Of course, the secret attack preparations are already in full planning, just waiting for an excellent opportunity to attack!

They have increased their presence in offshore banks and purchased huge amounts of 3-month or 6-month Thai baht contracts from local banks in Taipei through offshore banks, waiting for short selling!

This is the ammunition they use to fight the war!

The more ammunition there is, the more tragic Taiguo's death will be, and the sooner this war will end.

Oh, I forgot to mention it.

Huo Wenyao did nothing. Like Soros, Andrew, Han Fei and others, he secretly ordered Zhan Mi and Ding Yao to purchase a huge amount of long-term Thai baht contracts.

It is important to plunder those high-quality assets, but it is also important to make a fortune by shorting the Thai baht.



At this stage, there are three main players in this sniper defense game.

1. Taiguo government.

2. International investment institutions headed by Soros, Andrew, Han Fei and others.

3. Headed by Huo Wenyao,The financial giants who were still observing in secret.

The above is the layout of the three parties during these 34 days.

The Taiguo government is now the most powerful and morale-boosting, but the real situation is that it is exhausted and is just hanging on for dear life.

The operations of Soros, Andrew and others are quite satisfactory.

The other people waiting, mainly Hong Kong's financial giants, were just looking at Huo Wenyao's face and had nothing to say.

However, Huo Wenyao's layout is based on the overall situation, and the plan is not for the present, but for the future!

In this invisible confrontation, it has already been clear who wins and who loses.

It's just waiting for an opportunity to explode.

This time has come!

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