Unlike Huo Wenyao, Zhan Mi didn't have that many wives, and he was not in a hurry to have children. His eldest daughter was born in 1992, and he waited for several years before having his second child.

Except for Zhan Mi, the other core members of the Huo family have also reached their age and have entered another stage of life one after another.

The only thing these people have in common is that they are closely surrounded by the Huo family.

Of course, it's just this generation.

Take Jimi as an example. Now his net worth has exceeded 30 billion Hong Kong dollars. He is the richest man in the mainland. Even in Hong Kong Island where rich people gather, he is still very capable and can be ranked in the top ten.

No one knows what will happen in the next generation.

The next generation?

Then there is no need to think about it. Huo Wenyao is no longer worried about it. At the end of the day, it is just planning in advance.

In the eyes of outsiders, the Huo family has become stronger and stronger, and it is no longer the beginning of their fortune.

Now it is - flourishing!



January 4, 1997 in the Gregorian calendar is just the New Year.

Hong Kong Island, Tsim Sha Tsui.

Starlight Building.

Morning, 10:00!

Huo Group Headquarters, Chairman's Office, Huo Wenyao is working

"Boom, boom, boom!"

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

Huo Wenyao said.

Zhan Mi held a stack of information and pushed the door open. After entering, he closed the door and quickly came to Huo Wenyao's desk. He handed the already sorted information to Huo Wenyao.

This information is nothing else. , compiled are the funds that Huo can now call upon.

Huo Wenyao took the information and did not read it immediately, but asked with a smile:"Zhan Mi, how was Yingyi's pregnancy test?"

Zhan Mi's wife is called Chen Yingyi

"Very good, all indicators are very healthy. Zhan

Mi smiled happily and said happily:"This brat is so good at eating. Yingyi has always been hungry during these few months of pregnancy. She wants to eat six meals a day, but this brat absorbs it all."

Huo Wenyao smiled and said:"It's not good to be able to eat. It's not like you can't afford it.""

Zhan Mi laughed.

Huo Wenyao asked:"By the way, when is the due date?"

Zhan Mi said:"March, we have to wait a few more months."

"Um. Huo

Wenyao nodded, stopped chatting, and turned to talk about work, saying:"We secretly transferred funds, has there been any reaction from the outside world?""

"How could there be no reaction?"

Zhan Mi laughed dumbly, shook his head, and said:"In order to mobilize as much funds as possible, in the Lighthouse Country, we followed Brother Yao's instructions and sold all the stocks that could be sold."

"The financial market of the lighthouse country has already reacted and has a relatively large impact on stock prices."

"For example... Coca-Cola"

"The place had already become lively, and everyone was speculating on Brother Yao's purpose for doing this."

Huo Wenyao chuckled and didn't take it to heart.

Of course it would be best if the sniper attack could start quietly, but now that Huo's body is too big, it's simply impossible to make a fortune quietly. It's not realistic either.

Zhan Mi thought of something and said,"Oh Brother Yao, there is news from the Corleone family over there in the Lighthouse Country.

Huo Wenyao said:"What news?""

Forbes" said:"Forbes was the first to realize our actions. It has been investigating and collecting evidence for more than half a year. According to the news there, they are ready to fully report it.

Huo Wenyao couldn't help but laugh, shook his head, and said:"It's really a dog's nose, and his sense of smell is very keen. Let them go and don't worry about it.""

"I wasn't prepared to take care of it at first."

Zhan Mi shrugged and said with a smile:"They can report it if they want to. Ever since you became the richest man in the world, Brother Yao, they have not stopped reporting on you. It has almost become their repertoire. Huo

Wenyao opened the information and quickly browsed it. While reading, he asked:"Where's A Yao?""

Ding Yao is not on Hong Kong Island, but on Treasure


In the past two years, Ding Yao, the female gambling king of Austria, has become more and more stable. No one can challenge her anymore. Her daily work is done in Hong Kong. Island until 1994.

Since then, Ding Yao’s focus has been on Treasure Island and he has been running it with all his strength.

There is not much to say about Hong Kong Island and Omen. Huo Wenyao’s birthplace is now also his base camp.

There is nothing to say about the mainland. , has also become the base camp of the Huo family.

But on the Baodao side, it's still not that interesting. This is what Ding Yao wants to do.

Seeing Huo Wenyao asking about this matter, Zhan Mi looked straight and replied:"Ms. Ding We are doing very well in Baodao, but recently there has been friction with the Zhou Dynasty, and the contradiction is not small."

Huo Wenyao frowned.

"Brother Yao, this is what happened……"

Immediately afterwards, Zhan Mi quickly told what happened on Treasure Island.

In fact, there is nothing to say. To put it bluntly, it is profit!

When the Huo family entered Baodao, Zhou Dynasty's first strategy was to avoid its sharp edges. If they could avoid conflict with the Huo family, they would not have any conflicts. But the problem is... the Baodao market is so big, they will always encounter each other.

If it's a scrap business, forget it, but when it comes to the core business, I'm sorry, but I can't let it go.

Such as government infrastructure projects!

The Zhou Dynasty first made its fortune through electronic gambling, which accumulated the first pot of gold for him.

What really made it rise later was the construction industry!

This"construction" includes a wide range of things, including real estate, and contracting government projects. The profit of the latter is far greater than that of doing real estate yourself.

Best of all, there are almost no risks!

Soon, Zhan Mi finished speaking.

Huo Wenyao nodded, and did not take Zhou Chao to heart first. He only said:"What did Ayao say?"

Zhan Mi said:"Miss Ding said that she can solve it. Let Brother Yao do his own thing and don't need to worry about it.""

"Um. Huo

Wenyao nodded, continued to read the information, and said:"Tell Ayao, if Zhou Chao is obedient, let him live. If he is disobedient, let him disappear from this world."……"

"never mind.

After a slight pause, Huo Wenyao shook his head and said,"Needless to say, Ayao will figure it out herself.""

"Anything else?"

Zhan Mi's eyes lit up and he said:"Yes, Soros has arrived at Hong Kong Island this morning. As the host, do we have to support him in the evening? Huo

Wenyao smiled and said:"If you really need it, just book it at the Peninsula Hotel and let Paris arrange it.""


Zhan Mi nodded.

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