On the flat ground not far away, the fight between Wei Jiuyang and Pan Deng continued.

The two men struggled with each other.

As for Su Ruixue's choking, both of them heard it, but no one paid any attention to it.


Pan Deng kicked Wei Jiuyang in the chest, breaking several of Wei Jiuyang's ribs. The latter was already dripping with blood, but now it was even worse. He fell backward and vomited blood in his mouth.


Andrew exclaimed, whistled, and clapped:"It's wonderful, wonderful... Of course, I don't mean to fight, but you two have special status."

"If you put this in medieval Europe, it would be considered a duel between nobles."

"You have not let me down, I applaud you, cheer for you, come on, come on, Mr. Wei Jiu, stand up and keep fighting!"

"Life goes on and the fight goes on!"


This pervert!

Whether it's Jason Bourne or Brian's lips twitching, they are both yelling and cursing in their hearts.

Although their mission is to protect Andrew and be responsible for his personal safety, this does not mean They can't hate this guy, well, from the bottom of their hearts...disgust!

"come! Wei Jiuyang, is this all you have?!"

Pan Deng stared angrily, like a lion baring its teeth and claws. He provoked, holding a saber and pounced on Wei Jiuyang on the ground.


Just when Pan Deng rushed down and was about to kill Wei Jiuyang, Wei Jiuyang suddenly felt depressed. He snorted, rolled on the ground, and flicked the saber!

This was just his instinctive reaction, not a trained contingency move.

A blind cat encounters a dead mouse.

Very useful.

In other words, he is very lucky.


Cold Light In a flash, Wei Jiuyang's instinctive flirtation turned out to be extremely clever. The saber in his hand severely cut open the main artery in Panden's neck, and blood spurted out like a fountain in an instant.

One blow would kill!

In terms of overall strength, Wei Jiuyang Far inferior to Pan Deng. Pan Deng had the upper hand in most of the previous fights, and this is proof.

Pan Deng was about to kill Wei Jiuyang, but was killed by the latter's on-the-spot response.

The final winner -

Wei Jiuyang!

Pan! Pan Deng's throat was slit by Wei Jiuyang. A look of surprise flashed across his face at first, but it only passed away for a moment. Soon he was completely relieved. There was no trace of resentment in his eyes, and he even smiled at Wei Jiuyang.


Pan Deng covered himself. He turned over with difficulty on his neck, facing Su Ruixue, with a smile on his lips, and said something silently.

At this moment, he only had Su Ruixue in his eyes. When

Su Ruixue read it, he completely collapsed and burst into tears, thinking Breaking free from Han Fei's hands, he went to Wei Jiuyang and Pan Deng.

Unfortunately, he failed to do so.

Han Fei's expression was cold, and his right hand was like a steel pliers, strangling Su Ruixue's neck. She had no power to fight back. How could she break free?

"I don't regret it, really."

It's not just Su Ruixue who can read lips, but also Andrew, a pervert.

He immediately started to translate and continued:"It's only in my life that I can know you, well, this life, forget it, it's not important. , all the same... it is the honor of my life"

"It's great to meet you"


"Even if he can do this even before he dies, this guy is truly a true lover. Su

Ruixue burst into tears and shouted:"Let me go, you beast, let me go!"!"


Wei Jiuyang coughed violently and vomited several mouthfuls of blood.

Although he relied on his survival instinct to complete this extreme counterattack, Wei Jiuyang's condition was not much better, with several broken ribs and stab wounds all over his body.

He only had one breath left.

Not to mention surviving, he didn't faint immediately because he relied on his strong willpower to hold on.

Not to mention, he stood up!

"Two, two things……"

"Ahem! Wei

Jiuyang's body and face were covered with blood. Only his left eye could be opened. He looked at Han Fei and said,"Han, Han Fei, we have done as you asked.""

"Please be kind and let her go. She is innocent and has nothing to do with this matter."

"She, she was also trained by you, wasn't she?"


Before Wei Jiuyang could say anything more, Han Fei interrupted:"Well, what you said makes sense, but... Ajie also begged you like this back then, but what did you do?"

"Don’t you think it’s too late to regret it now?"

"Of course, none of this is important. The most important thing is... I trained her just for now. She calls me a devil. What good things do you expect a devil to do?"

As he spoke, Han Fei's arms were already wrapped around Su Ruixue's fair and slender neck.

There was no need to say more about what he was going to do.

Wei Jiuyang's pupils dilated in vain, his whole body trembled with fear, and he shouted hoarsely:"No, don't.——"


Han Fei's hands suddenly exerted force and broke Su Ruixue's neck. let go.

Su Ruixue fell to the ground like a rootless duckweed

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"


"You damn bastard!!"

"Kill you!!"

"I must kill you bastard!!"

Wei Jiuyang went completely crazy and roared like a wild beast. His potential was stimulated and he became as fast as flying. He rushed towards Han Fei with his saber in hand.

"Wow! Andrew exclaimed and clicked his tongue:"Human beings are human beings. They are indeed the most amazing species in the world. They only have one breath left, and they can actually explode!""

Wei Jiuyang ran towards Han Fei, getting closer and closer.

The sniper did not fire.

Han Fei had already given them orders before the operation started.

And the order they got was, no matter what happens, no matter what happens Under such circumstances, no one is allowed to touch Wei Jiuyang and Pan Deng.

This is Han Fei's dish!

10 meters!

5 meters!

2 meters!!

At this moment, a sudden change occurred.

When Wei Jiuyang exploded out of the small universe in his body due to the death of Su Ruixue , when running towards Han Fei, Han Fei did nothing, just watched indifferently.

Until now, he started instantly.


A black shadow suddenly swept forward, really fast, as fast as lightning.

Almost there No one else could see Han Fei's movements clearly!

Before Wei Jiuyang could react at all, the two of them had already passed each other.

Wei Jiuyang still kept moving forward, and his posture of waving the saber did not change at all, but his eyes widened. He looked down in disbelief.

He looked down -


I don't know when, let alone how Han Fei did it, a long and narrow wound was cut on his neck by a sharp blade, and blood spurted out instantly, splashing on the On the ground.

The next moment


Hearing just a muffled sound, Wei Jiuyang fell heavily to the ground. His eyes widened as he died, refusing to close. He would not close his eyes until he died!

This drama has come to an end.

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