Just like Andrew knew Han Fei, Han Fei also knew his old friend very well.

Especially his perverted bad taste.

Oh, it’s not a perversion. What happened in the past taught Han Fei a wise saying: Truth only exists within the range of a cannon!

As long as you are strong enough, whatever you do is right.

Wrong is also right.

This is typical strongman thinking.

Han Fei was not such a strong man before, but the series of tragedies, in which his beloved could not protect him and could only watch helplessly, finally turned him into such a strong man.

Therefore, he doesn’t think there’s anything wrong with Andrew’s bad taste.

"You haven't changed at all."

Han Fei smiled.

Andrew shrugged and said casually:"How can people change so easily? You Yan Kingdom doesn't have a saying, it says that a country can be changed easily but a person's nature cannot be changed. What's the other sentence?"

"Dog...oh, I remembered, it’s dogs who can’t change their habit of eating shit!

Han Fei laughed loudly and said,"That's right, it's true that dogs can't change their eating shit!""

While laughing, he picked up the steaming teacup, blew on it, and took a big sip.

Andrew's eyes flashed and he said:"Old Han, how do you think about what I told you last time? ?"

"Let's cooperate!"

"You know how much I think highly of you. You also know what abilities you have. It’s just that you lack a stage to show your abilities. I can provide it."

"With your ability and my resources, we will be unstoppable and unstoppable throughout the Asia-Pacific region!"

"more importantly——"

There was a slight pause.

Andrew continued:"The Huo Group is now big enough, but they are still not satisfied and are still expanding crazily. Not to mention Yan Guo, not to mention Hong Kong and Ao, that is his base camp"

"However, his ambition is too great!"

"In addition to these areas, the White Bear Kingdom, Sang Kingdom, Goguryeo, Baodao, and Southeast Asian countries and regions all have the shadow of the Huo family. If this continues, God knows what will happen to the Huo family in the end! Han

Fei's expression remained unchanged and he said:"Huo Wenyao is capable, so he should get this. There's nothing to say about it.""

"Just like your Morgan consortium is in the lighthouse country, in Europe, and in the country of Sang"

"The strong stay strong, the winner takes all"

"This is how the world works, and you agree with it, don’t you?

Andrew said:"Oh, the damn laws of the world are indeed like this. I agree with it, but I only allow our Morgan consortium to do this, but I don't allow the Huo family to do the same.""

"That is absolutely not possible!"

"Besides, the market in the Asia-Pacific region is so big. No matter how good Huo Wenyao's appetite is, he can't swallow it all by himself. It's just competition. Now is your best chance to get out."

"Huo Wenyao created the Huanghuang Huo family, and of course you, Han Fei, can also create a Han family consortium!"

"What do you think?!"

This is the third time that Andrew has talked about cooperation with Han Fei. Many times he came in person and talked to Han Fei in person. He was very sincere.

Unfortunately, Han Fei never agreed and refused directly, but this time it seemed a little different. After Andrew finished speaking, Han Fei thought for a few seconds, suddenly smiled, and said:"Andrew, even if you and I join forces, it is impossible to shake Huo's dominance in the Asia-Pacific region.""

"I think you know better than me how capable Huo Wenyao is and how much he can make money."

"Yeah? Andrew shrugged and said:"Of course, I still admire his ability, but as I said just now, the market in the Asia-Pacific region is too big and no one can swallow it in one go.""

"Even if the ten major financial groups in the Lighthouse Country join forces, it will be impossible. If you want to eat meat, you have to let others eat soup."

"The same goes for Huo"

"But if you want to drink soup, you first have to serve it on the table. What we have to do now is to serve it on the table in the Asia-Pacific region, and then we just need to wait quietly.

Han Fei smiled and said,"What are you waiting for?" Andrew laughed loudly and said:"Then what can we wait for? Of course we are waiting for our opponents to make mistakes, waiting for the times to change, and waiting for a golden opportunity to turn drinking soup into eating meat.""

"Thousands of years of human civilization history have been silently saying one thing, that is, nothing remains unchanged."

"Our Morgan consortium will decline because of wrong policies, and it will rise because of the right direction. The same is true for Huo Corporation. As the same saying goes, we have to take the table before that.

Han Fei nodded and said,"That makes sense."

Andrew's eyes flashed with anticipation and he said,"Old Han, what is your answer this time?" Han

Fei smiled and said:"When Ajie was still here, she always grabbed my ears and said that I was a small rich man and had no ambitions. Then she would rub my hair and say that this was good, she liked it."

"I know she didn't lie, that's what she really thought, but as a man, you should do something good, otherwise you will be very sorry for yourself."

"Deep down in her heart, she may not have this idea"

"After she left, I kept thinking and thinking, thinking for a long time, and then I thought, well, since I want to have a career, I should do my best, and I may not be able to unseat Huo Wenyao."

"In this way, when I meet Ajie later, I can brag about it. How honorable it is."


Have a quick meal.

Han Fei extended his right hand to Andrew and said with a smile:"Old friend, I hope we can have a happy cooperation next time!"

"Ha ha ha ha! Needless to say, happy, happy, our cooperation will definitely be particularly pleasant!"

Andrew laughed, as happy as a child. He stretched out his hand and shook Han Fei's hand.

As soon as Jin Feng Yu Lu met, he defeated countless people in the world.

Cooperation is decided!

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