In the foreign exchange department of the Bank of Britain, in the huge office area, all the employees were inspired by Fangs Trow, and they were determined to defend the pound to the death and fight Huo Wenyao until death.

But they overestimated themselves and even underestimated Huo Wenyao.

The war begins!

Fangs Tro and his men immediately got to work.

Their work can be said to be simple or difficult. The foreign exchange trading market is the same as the stock market.

Huo Wenyao and Soros shorted the pound and issued huge short selling orders for the pound. As long as someone can take it, the pound will not fall.

Otherwise, it will fall!

Fangs Tero and his team need to accurately judge how many people still have confidence in the pound and are willing to buy the bottom at this time.


Then there is no other way but to do it by themselves. This is what the national team takes action.

A more vivid metaphor is that Huo Wenyao and Soros are the big bankers who are short-selling, while the Bank of Britain, headed by Lemon and Fangs Trow, are the big bankers who are long-selling.

The rest are all retail investors!

Don't look down on retail investors, as too many ants can kill an elephant.

It is difficult for retail investors to become a big trend. That is because there is no leader and they are fighting on their own. Once they are united into a rope and measured, they can defeat everything!

Including Huo Wenyao!

So without a clear leader, what do retail investors look for in their operations?

Look at the wind direction!

Look at the general trend!

They will not provide help in times of need, they will only add icing on the cake.

To put it simply, it is a sentence: whoever wins, they will help!

Therefore, the fierce battle that just started today is mainly about the game between Huo Wenyao and Soros who are shorting the big bankers and the Bank of Britain!

This is indeed the case.

The market could quickly digest the first large short order of 5 million pounds, but now there is a second over-sold short order of 10 million pounds, and there is nothing that can be done.

It's the turn of the national team, Bank of England!



Fangs Tello is in charge, calm and composed

"Boss, what to do now?"

The subordinate asked.

Fangsi Tero said solemnly:"You can eat as much as you come!"

"yes, boss!"

Soon, the second short position of 10 million pounds was bought by the Bank of Britain.

The third huge short position of sterling was dumped again.

This time, it was still 10 million pounds!

Fangs Tero responded calmly, with no expression on his face Any change, just coldly said:"Eat it!"


Then, it was the fourth one.

This time it was doubled.

A huge short selling order worth 20 million pounds was thrown out!

Fangs Tero remained calm.

Because this was nothing at all. Several short selling orders for pounds added up to Together, it is less than 100 million pounds. Not to mention Huo Wenyao, even Soros has this kind of strength.

It is said that Soros has accumulated 4 billion pounds of short positions!

That damn guy also said that he must really do it , he is not 4 billion, and he can raise it to 10 billion.



In real history, Soros did exactly this.

The initial short-selling pound he invested was only 4 billion pounds, but both parties The fighting became more and more intense. He continued to withdraw funds from elsewhere and increased the bet, eventually raising it to 10 billion pounds.

The trend changed.

By this time, many people already believed that Soros had the ability to defeat the Bank of Britain, and sure enough, countless people followed suit! Financial giants followed up!

Countless retail investors followed up!

Soros took advantage of the general trend and overturned the elephant of the Bank of Britain.

And he himself was just a wolf at best.

The world is simpler, he There is an ally beside him, and this ally is much stronger than him. He is a real eye-catching white tiger!



The battle soon heated up, with the first huge sterling short being made.

Second stroke!

The third stroke!

The fourth stroke - countless strokes!

In the international foreign exchange market, a steady stream of sterling shorts were sold.

The number of strokes is no longer important, what matters is the magnitude!

£4 billion!

5 billion!

6 billion!

8 billion!

Until... 12 billion!

By this time, the Bank of Britain had invested a full 12 billion pounds in response to this sudden attack by international hot money led by Huo Wenyao and Soros!

If you add in the foreign exchange reserves used in the previous months, the foreign exchange reserves invested by the Bank of Britain have reached 23 billion pounds!

And what is the total amount of foreign exchange reserves they can use?

The answer is 27.5 billion!

Yes, they are bragging about their strength. It is not at least 30 billion pounds, only 27.5 billion pounds! this is all!

What's the scariest thing about being on the battlefield?

Our own ammunition is about to run out, but the opponent's arsenal is unfathomable and has no bottom at all!

This is what the Bank of Britain is facing now.

Huo Wenyao and Soros have sold 12 billion pounds short, but they seem to still have huge amounts of funds and have no tendency to stop!

God, is this the richest man in the world?

Is this the general trend?

Even the richest man in the world cannot possibly use such a huge amount of funds, right?

This is working capital, not fixed assets!!




In the huge office area of ​​the Bank of Britain's foreign exchange department, panic spread quickly like a virus.

Those financial elites who were confident before were all panicked!

Fangsi Tero was also panicked!


At this moment, he could no longer remain calm.

He looked at the transaction screen in disbelief. The number 12 billion was so dazzling that cold sweat covered his forehead and back, soaking through his white shirt.

The pressure to sell orders continues to increase, and there is no sign of stopping!


What is going on? Are they really going to lose?

"Boss, 12.15 billion!"

John was covered in cold sweat, confused, and reported the latest situation to Frances Tero:"Now the short selling order of sterling has reached 12.15 billion pounds. What should we do?"

Should, what should I do?

I want to know too!

Fangs Trot didn't just lose his cool.

At this moment, he also became a little confused.

Fangs Trot's head felt like it was going to explode. In a state of chaos, he temporarily lost his ability to think.


His eyes flashed, and he fell directly to the ground.

"Boss! Boss!!"

The staff around Fangs Tello had sharp eyes and quick hands. They hugged him before he fell.


After more than ten seconds, Fangs Tello returned to his body and finally recovered, but his face was haggard. , very pale, and said feebly:"Immediately...immediately notify Mr. Lemon"

"Tell them all about the current situation. It is up to Mr. Lemon and Mr. Major to decide everything."

"quick! quick!"

"Don't waste a second……"

The men responded and immediately carried out Fangs Tro's orders.

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