Wang Wei is very tall and has a big head.

The face is also big.

Of course, there was a lot of cold sweat on his young face now.

By the way, there was no movie"The Godfather" in this world originally, but Huo's entertainment industry has invaded Hollywood, and the first movie started was"The Godfather".

It was released half a year ago and was a hit.

The prototype of the entire movie is the Corleone family and the other four major Newyork mafia families, but the names have been completely changed.

Otherwise, many years later, Wang Wei would not have said that in an interview.

"do not worry. Huo

Wenyao looked at Wang Wei with a smile and said:"I called you here because I think you are very interesting. To put it more bluntly... I am very optimistic about you and think you are a piece of gold.""

"Sit down and let's talk slowly."

He was still frank and quick-talking, without beating around the bush, and directly stated his true purpose. But

Wang Wei was shocked.

He was dumbfounded!

He was completely confused, and his eyes suddenly widened. His breathing became rapid, and his heartbeat kept accelerating.

Faster and faster!

Faster and faster!

It was getting harder and harder for him to breathe, as if he was about to suffocate, and he was about to jump out of his chest!


What did I hear? What have you heard?

Mr. Huo!

This is the famous Mr. Huo. He actually said that he is a piece of gold and thinks highly of himself?

Wang Wei feels like he is going crazy!

Unlike those Internet tycoons in the mainland, Wang Wei was seven years old He followed his parents to Hong Kong Island. Although he is not an authentic Hong Kong Islander, he can be said to have grown up on Hong Kong Island.

Otherwise, he would not have such a keen business sense!

Growing up on Hong Kong Island also means that Look, he has known what the three words"Huo Wenyao" represent since several years ago!

It's unimaginable!

Because of Huo Wenyao's praise, Wang Wei couldn't react for a while, and stood there, staring blankly. Huo Wenyao


Although he could understand why Wang Wei was like this, Zhan Mi still frowned and shouted,"Brother Yao asked you to sit down. Why are you still standing there? You don't want Brother Yao to tell you again, right?""

"Oh, no, no need. Only then did Wang

Wei react. He pulled the wooden chair in front of him and sat down.

The chat began.

Huo Wenyao briefly asked about Wang Wei's background and what he was doing now. Wang Wei did not dare to hide it. Answer them all again, which is similar to what Zhan Mi investigated before.

There is not much difference.

Huo Wenyao's conversational style is still without any nonsense, and he goes straight to the point:"If I guess correctly, you are planning to set up a courier company recently, right?"


Huo Wenyao could guess it. Wang Wei was not surprised or concealed anything. He said frankly:"I have already thought of the name of the express company. It is called SF Express."

"Speaking of which, I should also thank Huo Wenyao. The word"speed" is the inspiration from Jida Express.

Huo Wenyao said:"Can you do it?""

"The Hong Kong and Ao express market has been monopolized by our Express Express, without huge financial support. If our Express Express lowers its price, will your SF Express still have room to survive?"

After a pause,

Huo Wenyao looked at Zhan Mi, who was sitting on the sofa nearby, and said,"When Zhan Mi reported this matter to me yesterday, he briefly mentioned that he had decided to launch Instant Express to reduce shipping costs."


Wang Wei's expression froze, a little ugly.

Huo Wenyao looked as usual and continued:"Don't think it is deliberately targeting you, but to defeat other express companies. Your SF Express still only exists in your mind."

"Don’t say you haven’t founded SF Express yet. Even if you have founded SF Express now, the scale is too small and not worth such a big fight."

This is the truth!

In this world, the express delivery industry has more catfishes like Jida Express, which has greatly advanced the development history of the domestic express delivery industry. Two years ago, many express delivery companies were added one after another.

As long as there is money to be made, everyone can I want to get a share of the pie.

This is the market economy.


This is the current situation of the express delivery industry on Hong Kong Island. There are no large-scale express delivery companies on the mainland. That is because the businessmen on the Hong Kong and Olympic side think that the mainland market It's not yet mature.

But starting from this year, JiTa Express has officially entered the mainland.

Wang Wei wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, with a little bitterness on his face, nodded, and said:"Mr. Huo is right, Hong Kong Island Express The current situation of the industry is indeed the same as what Mr. Huo said"

"Actually, I didn’t think too much about it, I just wanted to make a living.

Huo Wenyao sneered and said,"Eating for free?" I'm afraid it's not that simple."

"let me guess what you think"

"On Hong Kong Island, the express delivery industry is large-scale. Only we, Express Express, occupy 70% of the market share. The remaining 30% belongs to more than a dozen other express delivery companies. Competition is fierce."

"'s different over there in the mainland."


At this point, Wang Wei's face changed slightly.

Huo Wenyao continued:"There is indeed nothing good to do in the express delivery business in the mainland now, but that doesn't mean there won't be in the future. But those guys are short-sighted and can't see it."

"They would rather fight life and death here than be the first to eat crabs. They deserve to be left with scraps."

"you are different from them"

"If I'm not wrong, you just want to do a good job in the express delivery business in Handong based on Hong Kong Island and Handong. After accumulating the first pot of gold, you will stride into the mainland."

"Yes or no?"

"But don't tell me 'no', because then I'll be disappointed and feel like I've made a mistake."

Wang Wei smiled bitterly, and at the same time his eyes gleamed, and he nodded solemnly:"Mr. Huo, since you have guessed everything, I have nothing to deny."

"That's what I thought!"

A little while

Wang Wei looked at Huo Wenyao and said from the bottom of his heart:"Mr. Huo, you are just as powerful as the rumors say!" aside.

Zhan Mi, who was sitting on the sofa, burst out laughing instantly and said:"Boy, how awesome is this? You want to hide it from Brother Yao with your little thoughts?"

"Idiot's dream!"

"You can't even hide it from me"

"Let me tell you one more thing. Starting from this year, our Express Express will officially enter the mainland and has already begun to expand express delivery channels. You still have no chance!"

Wang Wei smiled awkwardly but politely, but he didn't show too much surprise.

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