Time flies, and a few days pass in the blink of an eye.

In the past few days, many major events have happened in Handong.

On the rivers and lakes.

The news that Hong Jiuzhi committed suicide by swallowing a gun quickly spread. What followed was a huge power vacuum left after Hong Jiuzhi's death, and a bloody fight at the bottom of the world began.

The one who survives to the end and survives to the end will eventually rise to the top and become another Hong Jiuzhi.

Then, start the next cycle.

But what those Jianghu people don't know is that this reincarnation will not last long because the opponent is different.

In another ten years, their opponent will be the economy!

When the economy gets better and better, the living space of these people will be greatly reduced, so that one generation will become worse than the other, until there will no longer be old kilns like Hong Jiuzhi.

This is the general environment of the times.

The Republic of China was able to produce big gangsters like Du Yuesheng and Huang Jinrong who were worthy of leaving their names in history. This was also created by the great era. They will never appear again in the following eras.

Of course, Hong Jiuzhi cannot be compared with Du Yuesheng and his like, but even at his level, there will never be another one in the future.

The environment does not allow it.

In a word: Times have changed!

Jianghu is just a small circle. In the larger world, several major events have also happened.

Huo Wenyao ignored it at all and continued to do his own thing, laying a solid foundation for Huo's development in the mainland. He worked non-stop and acquired several more plots of land to develop Huo's real estate.

Other things include cooperating with the government to build highways and hope primary schools.

The former is transportation and the latter is education.

In education, it is difficult to see results in a short period of time. It takes"ten years to grow a tree and a hundred years to cultivate people", but its importance is higher than anything else.

Huo Wenyao has always invested continuously.

There are many people like Huo Wenyao in Hong Kong and Olympics, including Lei Yingdong and Shao Liushu.

Take Liushu Shao as an example. Although he is not good at business, he has always invested heavily in education in the mainland. The most famous one is Yifu Building, which is located in junior high schools and high schools across the country.

Uncle Shao Liu started to do this in 1985. By 2014, in just 20 years, Uncle Shao Liu had donated more than 2.5 billion yuan in funds for science, education, culture and health in the mainland!

80% of the funds are for education projects, benefiting more than 1,000 schools.

In January 2014, a netizen had a whim and wanted to see how many Shaw buildings there were in the country. He didn’t know if he didn’t check them, but he was shocked when he checked them. He searched for Shaw buildings through an online map.

What is the result?

30,000 seats!

Densely packed all over the country.

Huo Wenyao is also doing this kind of thing. He has started it a long time ago. Many projects in education overlap with Shao Liushu's, and the teaching building he invested in is called Wenyao Building.

So far, no less than 300 buildings have been built. and.

This number continues to soar at an extremely exaggerated rate every year.

For Huo Wenyao, the value of building a Wenyao Building is far greater than that of Hong Wanxiang, and this is exactly what he has been busy with recently.

Another Wenyao Building was completed.

In terms of transportation, Huo Wenyao also attaches great importance to it.

In later generations, the construction of high-speed railways was basically undertaken by the government, because at that time the country was rich and had no shortage of money. But this era is different, the country is too short of money!

If the economy wants to take off, the first factor is developed transportation. Otherwise, even if you can produce things, it will be difficult to sell them.

But doing this kind of thing is thankless and not very profitable.

Li Chaoren would never do it.

How can it be a good idea to hoard land and resell it when the country's economy improves and land prices soar?

Lei Yingdong will do it.

Huo Wenyao can do it too.

Patriotism is a given, and more importantly, having reached this point, there is no shortage of money. Moreover, since he enjoys the development dividends of his motherland, he naturally has to contribute.

On Hong Wanxiang's side, Zhan Mi is fully responsible.

And just in the past few days, an explosive news was also circulated in the world. It was spread by Zhang Xuan's people, saying that since the Huo family was so disrespectful, then don't blame them.

During this period, they will rob the Huo family again!

Right in Handong!

Yes, not anywhere else, but here in Handong, confronting the Huo family head-on, with arrogance and arrogance to the extreme.

When the news came out, it instantly caused a sensation in the Handong world.

Far worse than the death of Hong Jiuzhi!

This is not to say that Zhang Xuan's status is higher than Hong Jiuzhi. One of the two is a super gangster who kills people without blinking an eye, and the other is an old kiln entrenched in Handong, and he sticks to his word in selling stolen goods.

The fields are different and there is no distinction between them.

But the problem is... the Eagle Gang has just gotten into a relationship with the famous Huo family. This is so exciting and really talented.

Just two words: exciting!

The attitude of Jianghu people towards this matter is one of expectation, and the people of the Huo family are also looking forward to it.

Especially those who participated in the operation that night.

Whether it is Feng Yuxiu or the four brothers Tianyangsheng, Tianyangyi, Tianyangzhi and Tianyanghui, they all want to avenge their previous shame.

Therefore, Zhan Mi personally took charge and exerted efforts in two places.

First, major industries in Handong have worked hard to raise the security level to the highest level.

The second is to mobilize the Huo family's intelligence team to scrape as much information as possible on the Eagle Gang and others. If they can succeed before they attack the Huo family, it will naturally be the most ideal situation.

"The name"Hong Wanxiang" also appeared in this news.

There were rumors in the world that the Huo family wanted to take Zhang Falcon, but Hong Wanxiang's attitude was to protect it.

Of course, it was just a rumor without any evidence. But for Zhan Mi, As for the rest of the Huo family, this is the fact. Even if there is no such gossip, they have made corresponding preparations based on this.

In an instant, the world of Handong is turbulent.

The police?

Of course the police have heard about it..Zhong

Cheng was very excited and was eyeing the Huo family's huge property in Handong. He wanted Zhang Falcon to take action so that he could catch all the Eagle Gang. In his eyes, the Huo family was the perfect bait. But

Xu Guoqing and the higher-ups were frightened and suffered from heart disease. I'm about to make a mistake. I haven't slept well for several days.

Damn it!

What kind of lunacy are these guys from the Eagle Gang? Are they really going to fight with Huo?

Okay, you fight.

Let's take ten thousand steps back. Even if you really want to fight, okay, then don't just deal with Handong. Why don't you go deal with Huo's other industries, so you have to put the blame on us?

Different levels, different butts.

Different butts, The way to think about the problem is different.

This is a major event that caused a stir in society, but before the big event, there was another small matter, that is, the unexpected foursome headed by He Guohui.

The ups and downs in the world have nothing to do with them.

They are very pure and just want to Quietly create a small accident and kill a person.

Tomorrow is the agreed deadline.

If it fails to be completed, it will be them who are responsible.

In the past few days, they have been tracking the target and designing a way to die. Although time is tight, fortunately, all preparations such as the method and location of death have been put in place.

From 10 to 12 o'clock tonight, they will start!

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