The next afternoon, 16:00!

Star Mall.

First floor.

Xingyao Electric is here.

As the news of the comprehensive price reduction of Guoke VCD spread, it was even more exaggerated today than yesterday. Countless Jingzhou citizens flocked to Xingyao Electric to buy Guoke VCD and take a look at other household appliances.

This is a good thing.

The traffic volume and popularity are large, which means that the probability of converting potential customers into customers is also increased. Many people who originally had no intention of buying may buy it due to the coaxing of people around them.

Later generations had a professional term to describe this phenomenon, called: impulsive consumption!

The most obvious one is live streaming.

Many people didn't plan to buy things originally, and those things really didn't have much effect on their lives, but when they watched popular anchors promoting products, they unconsciously placed orders.

Although this era has not yet evolved to the level of live streaming, the principle is the same.

Xingyao Electrical Appliances was overcrowded.

I kept hearing various voices selling and introducing products.

For example, what was the price of Ruoke VCD before, and what is the price now? More importantly, things have not changed, they are the same products as before, and the quality is absolutely guaranteed.

As long as it is not man-made damage, after inspection, there is no reason to return it within seven days!

Yes, Huo Wenyao took over the sales concept from later generations.

In this age where no one is responsible for the goods once they are ordered, being the first to implement seven-day no-reason returns is undoubtedly a sign of absolute confidence in one's own products.

How is a brand formed?

Price? marketing?


Of course, price and marketing are also important, but the most important thing is quality, technology, and various details like seven-day no-reason returns, which are jointly created.

Amidst the hustle and bustle, the five-member Eagle Gang, headed by Zhang Xun, entered the interior of Xingyao Electric.

Shaggy didn’t come.

He was staying on top of a building opposite the Jewel Mall, acting as the eye of the operation and monitoring the surrounding area.

This is also Zhang Falcon's standard procedure for robbery.

As long as conditions permit, there will always be a lookout, instead of panicking like many petty thieves.

They are well trained!

Just like the many details of the Guoke VCD, these details combined greatly improved the success rate of their robbery.

This is called professionalism

"Wow, it’s really lively."

The monk couldn't help but laugh. He was very happy.

The more lively it was, the greater their gains were.

Zhang Xuan also laughed.

Then, with a calm voice, he slowly uttered two words:"Do it!"

After giving the order, the five people decisively took a linen hood from their handbag and put it on their heads.

The next second - the monk touched his waist with his hands and took out two black and shiny black stars, which were pointed at the top of his head. Two shots, bang bang.

The scene was instantly in chaos!


Screams rang out.

This was expected by them, and it was also their favorite.

The Eagle Gang does things in an eclectic way. The more innocent people there are, the more they like it, because even if they are blocked by the police, they will Don't dare to shoot indiscriminately

"Everyone squatted down with their heads in their hands! The monk's eyes flashed fiercely, and he roared angrily:"If you don't want to die, just do as I say!" Also, stop fucking barking! If you scream again, you will die!"


Another shot hit a man's thigh, and the scene was immediately shaken.

Except for the man who screamed instinctively due to severe pain, the others were frightened and trembling all over. They followed the monk's instructions. He held his head with both hands and squatted down.

In just a few seconds, the scene was under control.

Glasses and the old dog ignored the messy scene, but each took out a thick rope from their handbags and pointed their guns at the lobby manager's Head, ordered him to take them to the vault of Xingyao Electric Co., Ltd.

It's in the back room! When he returned to his residence yesterday, Zhang Xuan had given them the method of tying knots to create a pulley effect.

The glasses and the old dog entered the vault and immediately Let's do it.


Zhang Xuan, Monk, and Monkey completely controlled the scene.

The man who was shot in the thigh was still screaming.

The monk held the gun in both hands and strode towards the man who was shot.

The man who was shot was full of fear. , keep shrinking back!

"Don't be afraid, as long as you obey, I won't do anything to you. The monk grinned and said:"You are very noisy. I just said that whoever screams again will die. Didn't you hear it?""

The man who was shot was shaking all over and was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

The monk shouted dissatisfied:"Hey, hey, I'm talking to you. What's going on if you don't answer? Are you looking down on me, or something?" Do you know this is very impolite behavior?

The man who was shot trembled and said:"Yes, I'm sorry, I, I... I was wrong, please let me go.""

"This is the right thing to do. Just admit it when you are wrong."


As he spoke, the monk raised his hand and shot the man in the head. One shot to the head!

Killed instantly.

The man was stunned and fell backwards. He didn't understand why the monk wanted to kill him until his death..

In the entire electrical appliance hall, everyone was stunned.

The monk explained slowly:"Oh, I forgot to mention that the warning was given a minute ago. You are only apologizing now. It is too late. Apologizing is useful. Then What else are you sending people for?"

The scene was filled with dead silence!

There were originally other people making other moves, but when they saw the monk was so moody, killing people like mowing grass, he stopped his thoughts instantly and did not dare to do anything.

This is what the monk wanted to achieve.

Zhang Falcon He looked at a staff member of Guoke VCD Electrical Appliances. That was the manager of Guoke VCD, who was also the top person in charge of this store. He waved to him and said with a smile:"Come here! The manager was a local. His legs were almost weak from fear. He walked towards Zhang Xuan tremblingly. Zhang

Xun smiled and said,"Don't be afraid. We brothers are here. We only want money, not our lives.""

"Of course, the premise is that you cooperate a little bit"


The manager kept nodding.

Falcon asked:"Have you met Mr. Huo in person?"

"No, no."The manager trembled,"I, my level is not enough."

Zhang Xuan nodded, repeated the manager's words, and said to himself:"The level is not enough, well, it is indeed not enough.……"

But then he remembered what happened that night. He had already met Huo Wenyao by chance, but he had never been able to see Huo Wenyao's face. Now that he thought about it, he was not of a high level.

"It doesn't matter. Zhang

Xuan smiled slightly and said:"After today, you may be qualified. No, you can't...forget it, you need to do me a favor.""

"W-what? Zhang

Xun smiled and said:"Give me a few words for Mr. Huo, saying that I didn't target him deliberately. On the contrary, I respect him very much. It just happened that he had enough money.""

"Let's forget it this time"

"I can guarantee that I will not rob the Huo family again in the future, but if he dares to pursue it, I'm sorry, then the Huo family will never be able to live in peace in this life."

"Anyway, Huo's industry is spread all over the country. If I change places, he will never be able to find me."

"Did you hear that clearly?

The manager couldn't help but nodded:"Listen, listen clearly.""

Zhang Falcon said:"Then repeat what I said."

"OK, OK……"

The manager trembled and repeated Zhang Xuan's words.

He was afraid that Zhang Shuan would be like the moody gangster before. When he repeated Zhang Shuan's words, he not only meant what he meant, but also recalled Zhang Shun's original words as much as possible.

"Thanks. Zhang

Shun smiled and patted the manager on the shoulder and said:"I have a habit. Every time I rob someone, I have to listen to a joke. If it is funny, you can live, otherwise you will die.""

"But today, I am willing to make an exception for Mr. Huo, which also represents my sincerity."

"Let's go back."

The manager hurriedly ran back as if he had been granted amnesty, and squatted down again with his head in his hands.



Eight minutes later, Zhang Xun and others walked away with 8.5 million in cash!

Jianghu, big earthquake.

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