The two stopped talking about this matter and started talking about Zhao Ruilong.

Talking about Zhao Ruilong, a look of disdain suddenly appeared on Zhan Mi's face and asked:"Brother Yao, what did that bastard say?"

"Nothing was said.

Huo Wenyao smiled and said:"Just like usual, you should talk and smile. Of course, that guy is greedy. He asked me insinuatingly how to calculate his losses in the Aido Group.""

"What else can I say, of course I am responsible"

"Other than that, it’s just some bullshit"

"He said that he would definitely stand by our side in business this time, and it was not convenient for him to interfere in the affairs of the world. In addition, he also has some friendship with Hong Wanxiang, so the two of them are not helping each other. I hope I don't mind."

Zhan Mi sneered coldly:"In terms of business, even if he is not on our side, so what?"

"This bastard just wants to take advantage and doesn't want to contribute!"

"Sooner or later we have to kill him! Huo

Wenyao said:"Okay, that's all for the future. You can go back and rest.""


Zhan Mi responded, turned around and left.



After Zhan Mi left, Huo Wenyao read in the study for more than an hour. It was already half past eleven, then he got up and left the study, returned to his bedroom, and prepared to rest.

Not long after, there was a knock on the door.


Huo Wenyao reached out and touched the left side, turned on the bed light, and thought to himself: Ah Sheng and the others didn't respond, which means there is no danger and they are one of their own.

Without thinking too much, he sat up and asked,"Who?"

"Brother Huo, it’s me."

A voice full of shame, but extremely gentle, came in.

Gao Xiaoqin.

Huo Wenyao said:"Xiaoqin, what's the matter so late? Forget it, come in and talk"

"Okay, Brother Huo."

Gao Xiaoqin responded happily, pushed open the door of Huo Wenyao's bedroom, walked in with a light step, and closed the door smoothly.

She didn't dress up deliberately, just wearing ordinary silk pajamas.

But her delicate body was uneven, even if Just ordinary silk pajamas, it also showed vividly.

Huo Wenyao did not get up, leaned on the back of the bed and said:"Xiaoqin, what's the matter?"

Gao Xiaoqin walked slowly towards Huo Wenyao, until she reached the bedside, and then stopped. Her eye circles were still red, and she had obviously cried. I'm afraid it wasn't just her who cried, but her sister Gao Xiaofeng as well.

It's not hard to imagine.

Since The Gao sisters were taken in by Huo Wenyao, and they had no worries about food and clothing. Not only did Gao Xiaofeng not need to work, but she could go back to school, which was the life they had dreamed of before.

Gao Xiaoqin was highly valued and had an unlimited future.

But they repaid their kindness with hatred.

No matter what the reason is, wrong is wrong and right is right.

Even if Huo Wenyao has said he forgives them, accusations and guilt are still inevitable.

No, before she said a few words, Gao Xiaoqin's beautiful eyes filled with tears again, like pearls After washing up,

Huo Wenyao didn't want to see their sisters like this, but he was also very relieved. Being like this showed that their quality was not bad, so he comforted them:"Why are you crying again?""

"Didn’t I already tell you that those things are in the past?"

"As for your mother and uncle's family, as long as you do as I say, nothing will happen to them. It won't be long before they can regain their freedom and meet your sisters.

Gao Xiaoqin shook his head and said firmly:"Brother Huo, it goes without saying.""

"I trust you!"

"Not only do I believe it, but Feng also believes it. Since you said that my mother and uncle’s family will be fine, then they will definitely be fine. Don’t worry, I will definitely do what you say.

Huo Wenyao said:"In this case, why are you crying?" Stop crying, silly girl"


Gao Xiaoqin raised her hand, wiped away her tears, smiled brightly at Huo Wenyao, and said:"Brother Huo, you are so smart, you must have guessed why I feel uncomfortable, so I won't tell you."

"I, I...I……"

Gao Xiaoqin's face was flushed and she could no longer speak. She reached out and started to unbutton her pajamas.

Soon, two of them were solved

"etc! Huo

Wenyao laughed dumbly and said angrily:"What are you doing, because you are too guilty, or you are grateful to me, but you don't know how to repay me, so you just want to commit yourself to me?""

"What are you thinking about?"

"Stop thinking about it and go back to sleep."

Gao Xiaoqin's face turned redder, but she bravely raised her head, looked at Huo Wenyao, and said firmly:"No, that's not the case, Brother Huo!"

"Although I do want to repay you, that's not the point."

"Most importantly, I like you!"


"I know who I am and who you are, and I don’t long for anything. I just hope to be closer to Brother Huo, and even closer. I just want to be Brother Huo’s woman."

"That's what I really think."

She mustered up her courage and finished speaking as quickly as possible.


Gao Xiaoqin looked at Huo Wenyao shyly and expectantly, and said,"Brother Huo, are you willing to have me?"

"You... want Xiaoqin, okay?"

The beauty fell in love with her and mustered up the courage to do this. If she had to do it all over again, Gao Xiaoqin would probably die of shame.

What else could Huo Wenyao say?

He didn't say anything. He just smiled at Gao Xiaoqin and leaned forward. , stretched out his right hand, grabbed her slender waist, and pulled her towards him.

Huo Wenyao held Gao Xiaoqin in his arms and joked:"Silly girl, what are you talking about? Of course I want you."

"I'm afraid you don't know yet. From the moment we met, I have already thought so. Even if Zhao Ruilong doesn't give it away, I will take you away from him."

"From then on, you have been my woman." ah!

"Brother Huo!"

Gao Xiaoqin was overjoyed and could no longer suppress her emotions. Her tears burst instantly. She stretched out her arms and hugged Huo Wenyao's neck tightly. She was choked and speechless.

After a while, she recovered a little.

Gao Xiaoqin was tender and sweet, and her heart was full of power. Huo Wenyao leaned into Huo Wenyao's ear and murmured affectionately:"Brother Huo...want me, kill me soon!"


The bed light went out.

It was a matter of course.

On this night, Huo Wenyao turned Gao Xiaoqin into his woman.

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