Just after Guoke VCD announced price reductions for all products, the entire VCD circle exploded! crazy!

The first to bear the brunt are Aido, BBK, Xinke, and Wanlida, the four VCD giants second only to Guoke. They have received the most direct and violent impact.

As Hu Zhibiao said, Guoke VCD is the strongest in terms of brand, technology, scale and funds.


This is not a question of being strong or not, but an invincible existence.

No other VCD manufacturer can compare with Huo's strong capital alone.

And if Huo Wenyao is really like those giants who launched a money-burning war in the Internet era in later generations, then all the brands in the VCD market will be dead and there will be no fun at all.

Huo Wenyao can afford to suffer, but they can't!

What was the previous pattern of the VCD market?

Guoke VCD is undoubtedly the first echelon, followed by the four giants Aido, BBK, Xinke, and Malida, and then again, the regional copycat brands.

Everyone also has a tacit understanding, and the VCD prices are clearly differentiated.

Even within the VCD industry, Guoke is recognized as the number one in quality.

This is the technical barrier! have nothing to say.

Both insiders and ordinary people believe that Guoke VCD is indeed worth the price.

But now, has Guoke suddenly fallen ill, or has he suddenly turned into a price butcher and bloodbathed the entire market? Is he really planning to drive out all VCD merchants?

The entire VCD circle was in a frenzy and started to inquire, wondering why Huo Wenyao suddenly did this.

A rumor quickly spread.

That is: this is just the first round of price reductions for Guoke VCD. Soon, Guoke VCD will start the second round, and even the third round!

The second round of comprehensive price cuts lowers the price, which is also 1,000 yuan!

The third round will cost less, but will also reduce the price by 500.


Who the hell cares about how much the third round of price cuts is? It doesn’t matter at all. If there is a second round of price cuts, all domestic VCD manufacturers will be beaten to death by Guoke VCD! despair!

When this rumor spread, the entire VCD industry fell into unspeakable despair.

For a moment, people were panicked!

At the same time, another piece of news spread.

It is said that the reason why Guoke Group suddenly went crazy is because major merchants infringed upon the infringement. The infringement was ignored, but they still refused to pay the due patent fees to Guoke Group!

How did the people of Yan country react?

What other reaction could there be.

They don't care at all about these business disputes, and indeed they have nothing to do with them.

The only thing they care about is that the Guoke VCD is on sale at a reduced price. If you buy it, you will make money. After passing this village, there is no such store, and the original price will definitely be restored in the future!

According to common sense, if a luxury product sells for a cabbage price, it will definitely have an unimaginable impact on the brand.

But just because of these things, people instinctively think that Guoke VCD just wants to compete with other merchants, so that's why it is like this. Otherwise, it is impossible to reduce the price based on the quality of Guoke VCD.

Moreover, they instinctively believe that the price of VCD will definitely go back up after the incident!

By chance, due to various reasons, the huge price reduction of Guoke VCD not only did not have much impact on the brand, but also led to crazy sales of Guoke VCD and a sharp increase in sales!

Other VCD brands were in dire straits, and their stores were suddenly deserted. Even if they adopted a price reduction strategy and sold Guoke VCDs for one or two hundred yuan less, no one was interested.

200 yuan is definitely not a small amount in this era.

But since they can afford a VCD, they don’t need to pay more than 200 yuan, and with an extra 200 yuan, they can buy a Nutshell VCD!

The"Guoke" brand alone is hundreds of dollars higher than other brands, okay!

This day is absolutely dark for the entire VCD industry.

It is natural that the four giants Aiduo, BBK, Xinke and Wanlida have suffered huge impacts, and those regional no-names and small and medium-sized VCD companies are in danger of extinction!

Their costs are higher than those of these large manufacturers, and their profits are lower than those of these large manufacturers.

The biggest advantage is originally the price.

Now that these super brands suddenly start a price war, they are in a dead end because the prices are already low and cannot be lowered!

Dark clouds are threatening to destroy the city!



Such a tragic situation has prompted the entire VCD industry to take action eagerly.

Some contacted Guoke Group directly.

Some used their own connections to seek help from the government.

They hoped to use the power of the government, but they never thought of forcing Huo's company to prevent Guoke VCD from lowering its price.

Because the government has no right to do this.

What's more, this matter was originally their fault.

The entire VCD industry just hopes to communicate with Guoke Group, sit down and have friendly negotiations, and discuss a mutually acceptable plan.

Furthermore, Huo Wenyao is not an ordinary person and cannot be suppressed at all!

Well, actually this is the most important reason.

If you want to be able to suppress it, then there is no negotiation. I will kill you with a killing stick and three axes, and I will kill you directly!

Facts have proved that those rumors are true, because it was Huo Wenyao who originally released them.

Facts also proved that although Guoke suddenly made such a shocking move, he had no intention of destroying the world.

At 12 noon that day, 24 large and medium-sized VCD companies, including Aido, BBK, Xinke, and Wanlida, all received the documents faxed by Guoke Group.

The content of the document is very simple. Guoke Group gave its own guarantee and also raised its own requirements.

6% patent tax, this is a requirement.

As for the guarantee, it is much simpler. It is nothing more than Guoke Group’s promise that as long as major VCD companies are willing to sign contracts, Guoke VCD will no longer adopt a crazy price reduction strategy.

In fact, Guoke Group also guarantees that the price of Guoke VCD will never be the lowest price for VCD products nationwide.

In fact, the meaning is very simple.

Price war is unavoidable. After all, it is normal business behavior. However, Guoke VCD will not take the lead in launching a price war at any time, as long as you are willing to pay the patent fees.

At this point, Huo Wenyao finally showed his fangs!

The senior executives of the major VCD companies looked at each other in disbelief. They were all shocked into a cold sweat by Huo Wenyao. Their hearts palpitated for no reason, and they secretly sighed: Huo's advantage is really not so easy to take advantage of! at the same time.

They were also relieved. At least Huo's did not intend to wipe out the entire VCD market, leaving one company alone.

As for the 6% patent fee that needs to be paid, just pay it. You are not responsible and you can still make some money. It is better than being beaten to death by others.

This can be considered a blessing in misfortune.

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