Ten minutes later, Huo Wenyao rushed to Mingguang Road, came to a corner, turned around and stood at the entrance of the alley.

I saw dozens of people including Airplane, Shaqiang and others crowded into the alley. I couldn't see clearly in front of me, and I didn't know what was going on. Then I heard a female voice as beautiful as an oriole:"Why, you want to bully the people with more people and the less people?""

"Others are afraid of you, but I am not afraid!"


"Let me tell you, my father is Le Mingzhen, the director of Asia Television! Do you know what the director means? What the station director means is that the entire TV station belongs to my father! Don't mess around!"

"Be careful that my father will take you all to jail, not to mention there are two sirs here, get out of the way quickly, I want to go home!"

"If I don't come home within two hours, my dad will call the police and you'll all be screwed! Did you hear that, you bad guys? Aren't your parents worried about you if you don't go home to sleep at night?"

"You are going home soon, everyone, please go home, okay?"

Huo Wenyao laughed dumbly. This female reporter is quite interesting. There are dozens of people, and no one else said a word. She just heard her voice.

Of course, this woman is also stupid.


The plane roared and said impatiently:"That's enough for you!" Were you mute in your last life, and you have to tell all the stories from both lives in this life? I'm so damn impressed with you!"

"I don’t care who your father is! Do you want to go home? No one's fucking stopping you! As long as you hand over the videotape, we will let you go home and no one will do anything to you!!"


After roaring, the plane took a breath and said with a gloomy face:"Miss, if I don't do this well, it will ruin my boss's affairs, then I must be responsible for this!" I say it one last time, don’t make it difficult for me!!"


Le Huizhen didn't wait for the threat from the plane, then screamed"Ah", hid behind the two policemen, pointed at the plane and said:"Sir, sir, you saw it too, this bad guy threatened me. , how dare he threaten me in front of you!"


You are paralyzed!

The two police officers had dark lines on their faces, and there were ten thousand mothers selling batches in their hearts.

In fact, they really don't want to care about this kind of bad thing. This woman, she is really stupid. What's wrong with you secretly filming someone else to plant a flag? Even if you secretly take photos, you are still discovered. You are really speechless.

Even if you take 10,000 steps back, even if you are not discovered and take the video tape back, so what? Isn’t it moldy and insect-infested at home?

"Miss Le."

A policeman named Aping persuaded earnestly,"Listen to my advice and return the videotape to others. Do you think this is a good thing? No, this is a life-threatening death warrant. The more seconds it is in your hands, the more seconds you will be in danger. Fatty Gu was covered in cold sweat, and he was almost suffocating from nervousness.

He also moved closer to Le Huizhen:"Miss, stop playing!" We can't leave with you like this! I am only thirty-eight years old and I don’t want to die yet. I don’t want to lose my arms or legs either."

"Even if you don't think about me, you still think about yourself and your father. Your father is just a daughter of yours. If something happens to you, your father will be very sad and sad. Don't you think so?"

"please. A look of hesitation flashed across Le Huizhen's face. She thought for two seconds and hummed:"Hey, big plane, you can ask me to hand over the videotape, but you must let your boss do it

, otherwise I won't be very embarrassed." ?"

Big plane?

The plane was furious and roared:"Fuck! Let me say it one last time, I call it a plane, not a big plane! Remember it clearly for me! Le

Huizhen waved her hand and said:"I know, I know, I can't tell you to fly, so why are you so fierce? Did you hear what I said?""

Cold sweat began to break out on the foreheads of the two policemen, and they kept wiping them.

They belong to O Ji, and they are all Lu Qichang's people. They are not in military uniforms patrolling the streets. They are involved simply because all the brothers are working overtime tonight. , the flag-raising was over, the other brothers retreated first, and they ended up finishing. Dong Xingzai was cut out of Tsim Sha Tsui East. I thought it would be a smooth ending, and I would spend the night peacefully, but I didn't expect Le Huizhen to be born.

I regret it.!

When Le Huizhen called them just now, she should have pretended to be deaf and pretended not to hear. Then nothing would have happened to them. Now this stupid girl who doesn’t know the heights of heaven and earth actually wants to meet the God-given boss. If you want to die, don’t hold us back. Yeah.

The endurance of Airplane, Shaqiang and others has almost reached its limit, and Le Huizhen's request has become the straw that breaks the camel's back.

They are all going to go crazy!

Just kidding, you still need to trouble the big boss for such a trivial matter, They were all regretting the news they sent to the big boss before. If they had to ask the big boss to come forward again, they would be completely embarrassed.


There was a slight cough, and Huo Wenyao said:"Okay, what's the point of a bunch of men surrounding a little girl at night? Plane, take everyone away with you"

"Brother Yao!"Brother Yao!"!"

Qi Qian, Sha Qiang and others turned around and saw Huo Wenyao, their faces full of shame.

"What are you still doing? Wait for me to treat you to midnight snacks, let’s go!"

The plane waved, and Shaqiang and others all left. He turned around and glared at Le Huizhen angrily and fiercely. Then he turned around and came to Huo Wenyao, lowered his head and said in shame:"Brother Yao, I am incompetent! I haven't even done this little thing yet, and I still have to trouble you."

"Don't take it to heart, it's not a trivial matter, there's no need to feel guilty, because you did the right thing."

Huo Wenyao patted the plane on the shoulder.

The plane looked at Huo Wenyao in confusion.

Huo Wenyao didn't explain:"I'll teach you a word, being knowledgeable is the best. Why do I say this is not a trivial matter, you think about it yourself. Before you think about it, you just need to know that you did nothing wrong"


The plane nodded, and then left with a thoughtful expression on his face. He was obviously thinking about Huo Wenyao's words. For the time being, he must not be able to understand.

Without him, the realm has not been reached. There are three levels of life. The lower level tramples on people, and the middle level squeezes people. , the best compliment!

This sentence can also be used in social classes.

The bottom class has to fight to the death in order to fight for a piece of food. Going up further, to get rid of food and clothing and enter the middle class, it also requires hard work, but it is It is a type of competition, not as cruel as the bottom.

When you get to the upper class, I will support you and you will support me. When doing business, you can fight to the death. But when we meet again, you will still be friendly, otherwise you will fall behind.

This is true. The world is not film and television.

Le Huizhen's identity is there, and she is Le Mingzhen's only daughter. If something happens to her, Le Mingzhen will definitely use all resources to retaliate. The plane and Shaqiang will not be able to escape. Wait. After everyone left, there were only two policemen left in the alley, plus Le Huizhen and Fatty Gu.

Le Huizhen and Fatty Gu all looked at Huo Wenyao in surprise.

Damn it!

Are you kidding me? This guy is the legendary one. A boss? Too young, right?

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