Sometimes, things just happen.

Huo Wenyao just came to Handong, just to eat at the food stalls. He never expected that he would meet Liu Huaqiang and Zhang Xun in this small place.

To others, these two people are just products of a special era, and there are not many people like them.

But for Huo Wenyao, there is a kind of feeling in it.

This is not a coincidence, because at this time, the social security in Handong was extremely chaotic, dragons and snakes were mixed, and all kinds of monsters and monsters appeared, especially in Jingzhou, where the economy was soaring.

In addition to Liu Huaqiang and Zhang Xun, there are at least four groups of gangsters on this snack street.

The reputations of some of them are not comparable to those of super gangsters like Zhang Xun who have traveled across several provinces, but they are better than those of gangsters like Liu Huaqiang.

No matter how ruthless Liu Huaqiang is, he is still a rising star.

These guys debuted earlier, but those who have become famous are considered Liu Huaqiang's seniors. Some forces are quite impressive, and Liu Huaqiang will show courtesy to them when he sees them.

For example, a guy named Song Yun, nicknamed Song Tiger.

The two also interacted.

The cause was a dispute between Liu Huaqiang and a certain guy. The guy came into Song Huaqiang's network and persuaded the big boss to intercede on his behalf, so Song Huaqiang hosted a banquet for Liu Huaqiang.

Liu Huaqiang had to give Song Laohu this face and had to go.

This is the way of life in Jianghu.

When you come out to live in the world, you only do it to save face. Because you have face, you will have money. This is true whether it is Hong Kong Island or the Mainland.



Closer to home, although Huo Wenyao, Zhan Mi and others were vigilant at this time, in fact, they did not pay attention to what was going on around them or who they were.

Because it's not needed.

After everyone sat down, they began to chat while drinking and eating.

All in a good mood.

Without saying a word, each of them poured half a glass. Zhanmi took the lead and raised his glass to Huo Wenyao, with a smile on his face and said happily:"Brother Yao, this glass of wine will help you catch the wind and wash away the dust!"

Everyone raised their glasses.

Huo Wenyao smiled and said:"Don't be so polite, let's all drink together."

As he spoke, he raised his wine glass, touched it lightly with everyone, made a dinging sound, and then drank it all in one gulp.

After drinking this glass of wine, we started chatting officially.

Huo Wenyao asked about the sales of Guoke VCD in the past two days.

Zhan Mi shook his head and said:"The situation is not as good as I thought. I sold 35,000 units on the first day. I thought I could sell at least 15,000 units every day. I was too optimistic.""

"Only 8,500 units were sold yesterday. The data is not out today, but it should not exceed 10,000 units."

"This is not a certain Xingyao Electric Co., Ltd., or a certain province, but the whole country."

After a pause,

Zhan Mi couldn't help but smile and said:"I was tricked by Brother Yao again. The sales were so good on the first day. That's because I had accumulated orders for 21,000 units before the VCD was launched. I want to maintain such an explosive situation. Sales volume is simply impossible."

Yesterday, when Zhan Mi called Huo Wenyao and reported the good news, Huo Wenyao reminded him.

Therefore, it is not so difficult for him to accept the sharp drop in sales in the past two days.

Huo Wenyao did not take this matter to heart at all, and VCD only It has just started, and the golden age has not yet begun.

In his memory, VCD in the previous life only appeared in 1992, and then reached its peak in the late 1990s. Every year, all brands in the mainland sell more than 10 million units!

In this world , because VCD appeared earlier, the golden age will come earlier.

According to Huo Wenyao's estimate, a qualitative change will occur starting in 1994, with the total annual market reaching 10 million units, which will last until at least 2000. Gradually declining.

As long as Guoke VCD can occupy 30% of the market share, that is 3 million units!

The profit of each VCD is controlled at 500 yuan, which can bring Huo a net profit of 1.5 billion yuan every year, and this is only It's just the income from the production and sale of VCDs!

You know, Huo Wenyao has registered all the various VCD patents in advance.

Whoever wants to produce and sell VCDs must pay him!

Don't pay?

Simple, just file a lawsuit.

You don't have the scale In practice, it is just a small family-style workshop with an annual income of tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands. Huo Wenyao will not care at all. But once you become big, then we have to be reasonable.

This also means that as long as you want to become big, A strong VCD company must hand over a part of its profits.

Every VCD they produce is to make money for Guoke.

This is how Qualcomm in later generations made money while lying down. That is called comfort.

It started with the development of VCDs. , Huo Wenyao wants to do this

"Don't think so much. Huo

Wenyao comforted him casually and said with a smile:"Do you still remember what I told you before? VCD has just started now. It will take another two or three years to usher in its golden age.""

"By then, the annual sales volume will be at least 10 million units. Now it is pretty good to be able to sell so many units."

Tian Yangsheng interjected:"Yes, brother Zhan Mi"

"After following you for so long, I already know that in the VCD market, the mainland is the largest, but the markets in Hong Kong, Baodao, Goguryeo, and Sangguo are also not small."

"With such a large market combined, what is the annual sales volume?"

Among the four Tianyang brothers, Tianyangsheng is ruthless. Of course, he also has a tender side, but his warmth is always only for his own people.

Tianyangyi is the most optimistic and cheerful.

Tianyangzhi is similar to him, but more He is funny and likes to joke.

After hearing Tian Yangsheng’s words, Tian Yangzhi winked and said,"What I didn’t say is just two words – exaggeration!"

Everyone laughed.

After briefly chatting about work, the topic quickly turned to anecdotes about the martial arts world. There was no other reason than that Huo Wenyao was very interested in the mainland martial arts world of this era.

When Zhan Mi saw this, he Talking about the anecdotes that have happened in Handong and even the entire Southern Jianghu in recent years.

Liu Huaqiang and Zhang Xun were also among them.

After chatting like this for about ten minutes, Zhan Mi mentioned at least a dozen people in the Jianghu, all of whom were very famous. Big, big people, the most powerful ones are Liu Huaqiang and Zhang Xun.

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