Jingzhou City, also known as Pengcheng. city ​​center.

On the bustling Sanyang Avenue, there is a 48-story building called Xingyao Building.

Xingyao means shining starlight.

At the same time, it also implies the word"Yao" in Huo Wenyao's name. Just by listening to the name, you can tell that the relationship between this building and Huo's is an industry under the Huo's Group.

This 48-story modern building is a standard commercial office building.

Huo's headquarters is here.

But Huo only occupies three floors, and the rest are rented out.

As the general person in charge of Huo's Mainland Investment, Zhan Mi's office is of course here.

By the way, the word"Star" is not only the name of this building, but also has more important meanings: Star Department Store, Star Electric, Star Mall, Star Plaza, etc.

Xingyao Department Store mainly sells shoes and clothes.

Xingyao Electrical Appliances, as the name suggests, sells a variety of household appliances with functions equivalent to those of Gome and Suning.

As for Jewel Mall and Jewel Plaza.

Well, Huo Wenyao has already come up with Wanda’s style of play.

From the beginning, he wanted to build a complex of commercial consumption, leisure and entertainment.

Of course, there are still big differences when it comes to implementation.

The meal must be eaten one bite at a time and the road must be walked step by step. If the steps are too big, it will be rattling and it is easy to pull the eggs.

After all, times are different, and some ideas that are too advanced cannot be brought out yet.

There is a saying that is very good.

Those who are half a step ahead of an era are called geniuses, and those who are one step ahead of an era are madmen.

The end of a madman is often extremely miserable.

In later generations, when people evaluate these people, most of them will use a regretful and tragic tone such as being born at the wrong time and being a true genius. But what's the use?

Huo Wenyao would never do such a stupid thing.

There are many details to improve the Jewel Mall, such as the cinema, which is not available now.

Because people in this era have not developed the habit of spending money in movie theaters, they will definitely lose money, and it is not even an ordinary loss, but a huge loss.

In later generations, before Lao Wang stopped messing around, the most profitable thing in the entire Wanda shopping mall system was not Wanda Department Store, but Wanda Movies!

Cinemas are the big killer of Wanda Mall!

In this era, Xingyao also has its own killer weapon, and that is -

Xingyao Electrical Appliances!

In the past few years, Zhan Mi has been expanding his territory in the mainland.

Guoke Industrial Park is just one of them.

Another more exciting project is the Shining Mall and Shining Electric Appliances!

So far, Huo's has opened 12 chain shopping malls across the country, all in four future first-tier cities.

Yanjing: Capital, Magic City, 3!

Binhai: Great Magic City, Demon City, 3!

Jingzhou City: Pengcheng, 2 stores!

Tiandu City: the capital of Seoul Province, 4!

Every Shining Mall must have Shining Electric, but Shining Electric is not only open in Shining Malls, but is a completely independent brand.

People who have not experienced this era simply cannot understand people's desire for various household appliances.

It’s not that many people don’t have money, but there are some things that even if you have money, you can’t buy them.

Radios, televisions, air conditioners, refrigerators... all domestic electrical appliance industries are in their infancy. Not only are the technologies immature, but more importantly, they have not yet been mass-produced.

Whether it is large or small items, everything must be imported, and the price is extremely high!

A country without its own complete industrial chain will end up like this.

Huo Wenyao still remembers an incident from his previous life.

It was already 2014, but many African countries still could not make even a small embroidery needle, and in those countries, an embroidery needle could be sold for 3 yuan.

Just an embroidery needle!

The memory is still fresh.

This is also the case in the domestic household appliance market now.



When it comes to the domestic household appliance retail market, there is one person who cannot be bypassed no matter what, and that is

Huang Guangyu, the founder of Gome Electric Appliances and the legendary entrepreneur who has been the richest man in the country three times!

On January 1, 1987, four brothers and sisters from the Huang family joined forces and Gome was officially born!

At that time, the supply of imported electrical appliances exceeded the demand, which was a seller's market. Many businesses adopted the business method of"raising the price in order to make huge profits", but the Huang brothers did the opposite.

Although there is no need to worry about selling the goods, they still adhere to the business strategy of"retailing, small profits but quick turnover".

It was this business strategy that quickly accumulated the first pot of gold for the four Huang brothers and sisters.

In 1991, Huang Guangyu was the first person to use the middle of the Yanjing Evening News to advertise. The promotional language was concise and comprehensive, just six words - buy electrical appliances, go to Gome!

Under the slogan, the prices of various electrical appliances are published every week.

Advertising may seem like a common operation in later generations, but in this era, it is a trend-setting operation that creates an era.

Because many businesses at this time stubbornly believed that only those products that could not be sold needed advertising.

As one can imagine, Gome Electrical Appliances became an instant hit and quickly gained popularity.

Later, merchants in Yanjing also wanted to learn from Gome's publicity strategy and advertised in the"Yanjing Evening News". However, after contacting them, they discovered that Huang Guangyu had already paid 800 yuan each time for two years.

The story that followed became widely known.

In 2004, Huang Guangyu aspired to be the richest man in the country for the first time, and won the title again in 2005. Then, in 2008, he aspired to be the richest man in the country for the third time. He can be said to be a trend-setter of that era.

Huang Guangyu dropped out of junior high school and has no background. He belongs to the absolute grassroots.

His ability to achieve this kind of achievement is no longer a question of whether it is rare or not, but an absolute miracle. What is even more exciting is that there are many such miracles in this era.

This is a barbaric era, but it is also an era full of gold!

However, he had no background, insufficient funds, and had not read a book. In the end, Huang Guangyu was still constrained because it was not until 1992 that he thought of starting a chain operation.

Before 1992, Huang Guangyu already owned several stores with various names, such as Guohao, Yahua and Henderson.

Gome is just one of them.

This is very detrimental to brand building.

After realizing this problem, Huang Guangyu renamed all his stores Gome and concentrated his efforts on only one brand. This laid the prototype of Gome chain operation.

At this time, Huang Guangyu was just a 23-year-old young man.

Yes, just 23!

In 1993, due to different business philosophies, the Huang brothers separated and developed their own businesses. Huang Guangyu got the"Gome" brand and hundreds of thousands in cash.

In 1995, the number of Gome Electrical Appliances Stores increased from one to 10, but at this time the base was still in Yanjing.

In 1999, Gome moved from Yanjing to the whole country. Due to the large amount of capital accumulated in the early stage, it no longer had to worry about food and grass, and it grew rapidly, opening 330 stores in 88 cities across the country.

Subsequently, Gome Electrical Appliances went to Hong Kong Island, went abroad, and came to major cities in Southeast Asia, with more than 30 branches.

After that, in 2004, Huang Guangyu reached the first peak of his life and became the richest man in Yan Kingdom for the first time!

The above is the legendary yellow jade of a generation.

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